. . . "William Lloyd"@en . . "successively Bishop of Saint Asaph, of Lichfield and Coventry, and of Worcester William Lloyd" . . . "LLOYD" . "William"@en . "William ˜ofœ Saint Asaph" . "LLOYD, William, successively Bishop of Saint Asaph, of Lichfield and Coventry and of Worcester" . "W. Lloyd" . . "bishop of Worcester William Lloyd" . "Lloyd"@fr-FR . "Gulielmus" . "William ˜ofœ Worcester" . . "William Almoner" . . . "St. Asaph" . "Almoner" . "Lloyd, William Bishop of Worcester" . "Author of the late Seasonable discourse" . . "LLoyd" . "Seasonable discourse" . "William of Saint Asaph" . "LLOYD, William, successively Bishop of Saint Asaph, of Lichfield and Coventry, and of Worcester" . . "Lloyd, William, Bishop of Saint Asaph, of Lichfield and Coventry, and of Worcester" . "Lloyd"@en . . "William ˜ofœ St. Asaph" . "Wilhelmus" . "William of" . "William ˜ofœ" . "St. Asaph" . "bishop William Lloyd" . "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q6581097" . "Saint Asaph" . "Bishop of Saint Asaph, of Lichfield and Coventry, and of Worcester William Lloyd" . "William" . "William of St. Asaph" . . "Worcester" . "William LLoyd" . . "1717-08-30" . "successively Bishop of Saint Asaph, of Lichfield and Coventry and of Worcester William LLOYD" . "Gulielmus Lloyd" . . "Lloyd, William, bishop" . "Bishop of Worcester William Lloyd" . "1627-01-01" . "W." . . "Lloyd, William, successively Bishop of Saint Asaph, of Lichfield and Coventry, and of Worcester" . "Person of quality" . "William Lloyd" . . "Lloyd, William, bishop of Worcester" . "Gulielmus Lloyd" . "Bishop of St. Asaph" . "William of Worcester" . "Lloyd, William, Bishop of Worcester" . "successively Bishop of Saint Asaph, of Lichfield and Coventry, and of Worcester William LLOYD" .