"Sawa" . "George Conway" . "1903-10-15" . "CONWAY" . "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q6581097" . "George Sava" . "Milkomen" . "Borodin" . "George Braddon" . "1996-03-15" . . . . "George Alexis Bankoff"@nl-NL . "SAVA" . "Sava" . "Džordž Aleksis Milkomanovič Milkomen" . . . "Conway" . "Braddon" . "George Bankoff"@de-DE . . "George Alexis Bankoff" . "George SAVA" . "Alec Redwood" . "Peter" . "Sava, George, pseud. van George Alexis Bankoff" . "George Alexis Milkomanovich Milkomane" . "Bankoff" . "George Bankoff" . "George Conway" . "Sava, George, pseud. [i.e. George Alexis Bankoff.]" . "Milkomane" . "George Borodin" . . "Sava, George, seud" . "CONWAY, George, M.A., Master of the Free-School at Blandford" . . "Alec" . "Alexis Milkomanovich" . "pseud. van George Alexis Bankoff George Sava" . . "Sava, George, pseud" . . "George Alexis Milkomanov Milkomane" . . "George Alexis Milkomanovič Milkomane George Sava" . "George Alexis Milkomanovich Milkomane" . . "Peter Conway" . "George Alexis" . "George" . . "Redwood" . . "Georges Sawa" . . "George Sava"@cs-CZ . "Georges" . "pseud George Sava" . "Alexis" . "seud George Sava" . "Sava, George, George Alexis Milkomanovič Milkomane" . "Sava, George pseud" . "pseud. [i.e. George Alexis Bankoff.] George Sava" . "M.A., Master of the Free-School at Blandford George CONWAY" . . . .