"successively Bishop of Rochester and of Winchester Anthony Wilson THOROLD" . . . "Thorold, Anthony Wilson, successively, Bishop of Rochester, and of Winchester" . "Thorold, Anthony W., Rev." . "Bishop of Winchester Anthony Wilson Thorold" . . "Thorold, Anthony W. Bishop of Winchester" . "Thorold, Anthony W., Bp" . . "W" . "A. W. Thorold" . "Rev. Anthony W. Thorold" . "Anthony Wilson Thorold"@en . "1825-06-13" . "Anthony W Thorold" . "Anthony"@en . "THOROLD, Anthony Wilson, successively Bishop of Rochester and of Winchester" . "Thorold, Anthony Wilson bp. of Winchester" . "Thorold"@en . "THOROLD" . "Wilson"@en . "1895-07-25" . "successively, Bishop of Rochester, and of Winchester Anthony Wilson Thorold" . "Bp Anthony W. Thorold" . "Thorold, Anthony W. (Anthony Wilson)" . "A. W." . "Anthony Thorold"@en . "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q6581097" . "bp. of Winchester Anthony Wilson Thorold" . "Bp. of Winchester Anthony Wilson Thorold" . "Thorold, Anthony Wilson, Bishop of Rochester" . . "Bishop Anthony Wilson Thorold" . "Bishop of Rochester Anthony Wilson Thorold" . . "Thorold, Anthony Wilson, Bp. of Winchester" . "Thorold, Anthony Wilson, Bishop of Winchester" . "successively Bishop of Rochester and of Winchester Anthony Wilson Thorold" . "Anthony W. Thorold"@de-DE . . "Thorold, Anthony Wilson, bp. of Winchester" . "Thorold, Anthony Wilson, successively Bishop of Rochester and of Winchester" . "Thorold, Anthony Wilson, Bishop" . . "W." . . .