. . "(sainte) Anne" . "Ann" . "Anne" . "Mother of the Virgin Mary, Saint Anne" . "(Mother of the Virgin Mary), Saint" . . "Anne, sainte" . "Anne (sainte) - culte" . "Anne (Mère de la Sainte Vierge), sainte" . . "Anne, Saint" . "sainte Anne" . "Anne (sainte)" . "Anne, Saint, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary" . "(sainte) - culte Anne" . "(Mother of the Virgin Mary), Saint Anne" . "Anne, Mother of the Virgin Mary" . "Anne" . "Saint Anne" . "Anne, Saint, Mother of the Blessed Virgin" . "Saint, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary Anne" . "Anne" . "(Mère de la Sainte Vierge), sainte" . . "Anne"@en-CA . "Saint, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Anne" . "(Saint) Anne" . "Saint, Mother of the Virgin Mary Anne" . "Anne, Mother of the Virgin Mary, Saint" . "Anne (Mother of the Virgin Mary), Saint" . "Anne, Saint, Mother of the Virgin Mary" . "Anne (Saint)" . . "Anne, (sainte)" . "Mother of the Virgin Mary Anne" . "(Mère de la Sainte Vierge), sainte Anne" .