. . "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q6581097" . "Gottfried Of Admont" . "Gottfried"@en-US . . "Godefroy de Weingarten" . "Godefridus" . . . "Gottfried"@en . . . "Godefridus abbas" . "Geoffridus" . . "Admontensis Godefridus" . "Gottfried von Admont"@en . "abate di Admont" . "Abbot of Admont Gottfried"@en . . "1100-01-01" . "Gottfried of Admont" . . . "Godefridus Admontensis"@pl-PL . . "Abbot of Admont Godefridus" . "Godefridus, abbas Admontensis" . "(O.S.B.) Godefridus Admontensis" . "Goffridus" . "Theofridus" . "Godefroy d'Admont" . "1165-01-01" . "Gottfried von Admont" . "Admontensis" . "Godefridus, Ven., abbas Admontensis" . "Godefridus, Abbot of Admont" . "Goverus Abbas" . "Godefroy d'Admont"@en . "d'Admont" . "Gaufridus" . "Galfredus Admontensis" . "Gottfried, abbé d'Admont" . "Gottfried, Abbot of Admont" . . . "Ven., abbas Admontensis" . "abbot of Vendome Gottfried" . "Gottfried von Admont. " . "abbé d'Admont Gottfried" . "Galfredus Venerabilis" . "abbas Admontensis Godefridus" . "Godfridus" . "Godefroy" . "Galfridus" . "abbot of Admont Gottfried" . "Godefridus Admontensis (O.S.B.)" . "Godefridus. " . "Godefroy" . "Godefridus Admontensis" . "Galfredus abbas venerabilis" . . "Gottfried, abbot of Vendome" . "Godefridus Admontensis" . "Godefredo de Admont" . "Godefridus Weingartensis" . "Gothofredus" . "Ven., abbas Admontensis Godefridus" . "Godefridus, Admontensis" . "Goverus" . "abad de Admont Gottfried" . "Godefridus abbas venerabilis" . . "Abbot of Admont" . "Godefridus" . "Gottfried, abad de Admont" . "Godefridus" . "Galfredus" . "Admontensis" . . . "Gottfried, abbot of Admont" . "Godefridus"@it-VA . "Abt des Klosters Admont (1138–1165)" . "Gottfried" . "Galfredus venerabilis" . "Gottfried de Admont" .