. . "marchioness of Louisa Anne Stuart Waterford" . "Louisa Anne Waterford" . "Louisa Anne née Stuart" . "Louisa Anne Stuart" . "1818-04-14" . "Louisa Anne Waterford"@en . . "Poer" . . . "Louisa Marchioness Waterford Stuart" . "Miss Louisa" . "Marchioness of Waterford ; Louisa Anne" . "Marchioness of Waterford" . "Waterford, Louisa Anne Stuart de la Poer, Marchioness of" . "Princess, Daughter of George II, King of Great Britain Louisa Anne" . "Louisa Waterford"@de-DE . "Marchioness of Louisa Waterford" . "Waterford" . "Louisa Anne, Princess, Daughter of George II, King of Great Britain" . "Anne"@en . "Louisa Anne Marchioness of Waterford" . "marchioness of Louisa Anne Stuart De la Poer Waterford" . "Anne (Stuart) De La Poer" . "Anne Stuart de la Poer" . "Louisa Anne Beresford" . . "Marchioness Of Waterford" . "Louisa Anne" . "Louisa, Marchioness Waterford Stuart" . "Louisa Stuart, Marchioness Waterford" . "Miss Louisa Stuart" . "Anne Stuart De la Poer" . "Waterford, Louisa Anne Stuart De la Poer, marchioness of" . "Louisa Anne Marchioness of Waterford ;" . "Louisa"@en . "née Stuart" . "Waterford, Louisa Anne Stuart De la Poer, Marchioness of" . "Marchioness of Louisa Anne (Stuart) De La Poer Waterford" . "Anne Stuart" . "Louisa Anne de la Poer" . . "Waterford, Louisa, Marchioness of" . "Louisa Stuart Marchioness Waterford" . "Stuart" . "Waterford, Louisa Anne Stuart, marchioness of" . "Marchioness of Louisa Anne Stuart De la Poer Waterford" . . "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q6581072" . "Louisa Anne Stuart Waterford"@nl-NL . "Louisa, Marchioness of Waterford" . "marchioness of" . . . "Marchioness Of" . "Anne, Louisa" . "Waterford, Louisa Anne (Stuart) De La Poer, Marchioness of" . "Louisa Anne, Marchioness of Waterford" . "1891-05-12" . "Marchioness of Waterford Louisa Anne"@en . . "Louisa Waterford" . "Beresford" . . "Louisa Anne"@en-US . "Louisa Marchioness of Waterford" . . "watercolourist and philanthropist" . "Louisa Anne Stuart" . "Louisa Anne" . "Marchioness of Louisa Anne Stuart de la Poer Waterford" .