. . "Dorotea" . "Dorota z Mątowów" . "Dorothea av Montau" . "Dorothea, Montoviensis" . "von Montau, Heilige" . "von" . "bł. ; Dorota z Mątowów" . "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q6581072" . . "Mątowów" . "Dorothée de Montau" . "Dorothea, von Montau" . "Dorothée"@fr-FR . . "de" . "Dorothea Montoviensis, s." . . "Dorothea Heilige" . "Montaui Szent Dorottya" . "von Montau" . "Dorothea von Montau" . "Dorotea av Montau"@en . . "Dorothée de Montau Sainte ;" . "Dorothy" . "Dorothea, helgen" . "Saint Dorothea" . "Dorothée sainte" . "Sainte ; Dorothée de Montau" . "Dorothée, sainte" . "av" . "Dorota" . "1394-06-25" . "Dorota z Mątów" . "Dorothea Montoriensis" . "Dorothea ˜vonœ Montau" . "Montau" . "Mątów" . "Dorothea von Marienwerder" . . . "Dorothea von Preussen" . "sainte Dorothée" . "z" . . "Dorotea de Montau" . "Dorota z Mątowów"@pl-PL . "Saint, . 311 Dorothea" . "sainte ; Dorothée" . . "Dorothea Swarte" . "Dorota" . "Dorothea Montoviensis, helgon" . "Heilige Dorothea" . "von Montau Dorothea"@en . . "Dorota z Montau" . "helgen Dorothea" . . "(bł. ;" . "Dorothea Montoviensis helgon" . "Montoviensis" . "bł. ; Dorota z Mątów" . "Schwartze" . "1347-02-06" . "Dorothea Montoviensis" . "Dorothea" . "Dorothea Pruthena" . "helgon Dorothea Montoviensis" . "Dorothea"@en . "Dorothea of Montau" . "Dorotea el Mątowy" . "Dorota z Mątowów bł. ;" . "von Flüe Dorothea" . "Dorothea of Montau" . "s. Dorothea Montoviensis" . "Magna Beata Dorothea" . "Pruthena Dorothea" . "Dorothée de Montau" . "Swarte" . . "Dorothée sainte ;" . . "Montoviensis Dorothea" . . "Dorothée" . . "Dorothea von" . "Dorothea (von Montau)" . "Dorothea Schwartze" . "von Dorothea (von Montau)" . "Dorothy of Montau" . "Dorothea, Saint" . "Dorothea Of Montau" . "sainte" . . "Dorothea Montoviensis" . "Dorothea von Montau"@cs-CZ . "Dorota z Mątów bł. ;" . "Dorota z Mątów Wielkich" . "Dorothea"@de-DE . . "Dorothea" . "Dorothea av Montau" . . "Montau" . "Dorothea ˜vonœ" . . "Dorothea, Saint, . 311" . "Dorothea von Flüe" .