"Sociologia comunicării." . . "Médias." . . "Kommunikationsforschung." . . "Informationsformidling" . . "informationsformidling." . "Kommunikation 0 Gesamtdarstellung." . . "Kommunikationswissenschaft." . . "Communication theory" . . "communication theory." . "kommunikationsteori." . . "Medien Semiotik." . . "Massacommunicatie." . . "Presse." . . "THEORY, MEDIA" . . "Theorie." . . "Szemiotika." . . "Communication Introduction." . . "Communication Programmes d'études." . . "Simbologia." . . "Komunikacja." . . "Semiologia." . . "Méthodologie." . . "Ideologia." . . "Mitjans de comunicació de massa Investigació." . . "Sémiotique." . . "Communication." . . "communication." . "Communication" . "Semiotyka." . . "Télévision." . . "LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES Communication Studies." . . "Teoría de la información." . . "Teoria De La Informacion." . "Semiotics." . . "Semiotics" . "Communications." . . "Medios de comunicación de masas." . . "Komunikacja społeczna teoria." . . "Kommunikáció." . . "communicatiewetenschappen." . . . . "Introduction to communication studies : $hJohn Fiske. With a new introductory essay on Why Fiske still matters by Henry Jenkins" . . . . . . . . . . "傳播符號學理論" . . . . . "传播符号学理论" . . "Introducción al estudio de la comunicaciń"@es . . . . . . . "İletişim çalışmalarına giriş = Introduction to communication studies" . . . . . "Fiske's essential text aims to equip the reader with a range of methods of analysing examples of communication in our society, together with a critical awareness of the theories underpinning them."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "This series of books on different aspects of communication is designed to meet the needs of the growing number of students coming to study this subject for the first time. The authors are experienced teachers or lecturers who are committed to bridging the gap between the huge body of research available to the more advanced student, and what the new student actually needs to get him started on his studies." . . . . . . . . "Einführung" . . . . . . . . . . . . . "An introduction to communication studies" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Leermiddelen (vorm)" . . "Leermiddelen (vorm)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Llibres electrònics" . . . . . . . "Electronic resource"@en . "Why Fiske still matters" . . . "This revised edition of a now classic text includes a new overview by Henry Jenkins, explaining \"Why Fiske Still Matters\" for today's students, followed by a discussion between former Fiske students Ron Becker, Elana Levine, Darrell Newton, and Pamela Wilson on the theme of \"Structuralism and Semiotics, Fiske-Style.\" Both underline the continuing relevance of this foundational text in communication studies. --" . . "Introduction to Communication Studies"@en . "Introduction to Communication Studies" . . . . . . . . "Introducción al estudio de la comunicación" . "Introducción al estudio de la comunicación"@es . . . . . . . "Introduction to communication studies" . "Introduction to communication studies"@tr . "Introduction to communication studies"@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . "In the second edition of this introductory text John Fiske draws upon the main authorities in the field, from Shannon and Weaver's Communication Theory to Saussure's structural linguistics and Peirce's Semiotics. He examines the two main schools: seeing communication as the encoding, transmission, and decoding of messages; and viewing communication as the generation of meanings. --From publisher's description." . . . "This revised edition of a now classic text includes a new introduction by Henry Jenkins, explaining 'Why Fiske Still Matters' for today's students, followed by a discussion between former Fiske students Ron Becker, Elana Levine, Darrell Newton and Pamela Wilson on the theme of 'Structuralism and Semiotics, Fiske-Style'. Both underline the continuing relevance of this foundational text in communication studies. <STRONG>How can we study communication? What are the main theories and methods of approach?</STRONG> This classic text provides a lucid, accessible introduction to the main authorities in the field of communication studies, aimed at students coming to the subject for the first time. It outlines a range of methods of analysing examples of communication, and describes the theories underpinning them. Thus armed, the reader will be able to tease out the latent cultural meanings in such apparently simple communications as news photos or popular TV programmes, and to see them with new eyes."@en . . . . "Ressource Internet (Descripteur de forme)" . "Ressources Internet" . . . . . . . . . "Electronic books"@en . . . . "Chuan bo fu hao xue li lun" . . . . . . . . . . . . "Livre électronique (Descripteur de forme)" . . . . . . . . . "This revised edition of a now classic text includes a new introduction by Henry Jenkins, explaining 'Why Fiske Still Matters' for today's students, followed by a discussion between former Fiske students Ron Becker, Elana Levine, Darrell Newton and Pamela Wilson on the theme of 'Structuralism and Semiotics, Fiske-Style'. Both underline the continuing relevance of this foundational text in communication studies."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Eisagōgē stēn epikoinōnia" . . "İletişim çalışmalarına giriş"@tr . "İletişim çalışmalarına giriş" . . . . . . . . . "This classic text provides a lucid, accessible introduction to the main authorities in the field of communication studies, aimed at students coming to the subject for the first time. It outlines a range of methods of analysing examples of communication, and describes the theories underpinning them. Thus armed, the reader will be able to tease out the latent cultural meaning in such apparently simple communications as news photos or popular TV programmes, and to see them with new eyes. --Book Jacket." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Wprowadzenie do badań nad komunikowaniem"@pl . . . . . . . . . "Introduction to communication studies"@en . "Introduction to communication studies" . . "Semiotik Medien." . . "İletişim." . . "Massenkommunikation." . . "Kommunikationsforschung Einführung." . . "Kommunikation" . . "Kommunikation." . "kommunikation" . "kommunikation." . "Sémiotique Enseignement supérieur." . . "Massenmedien." . . "lingvistik" . . "Informació, Teoria de la." . . "Mass communication" . . . . "Structuralisme." . . "Información, Teoría de la." . . "Semiótica." . . "Semiòtica." . "Semiotică." . "Illustrations, images, etc." . . "Signes et symboles." . . "Comunicació." . . "Sociologija komunikacij." . . "Teoria da comunicação." . . "Communicatiewetenschap." . . "SEMIOLOGY, MEDIA" . . "Communicatie." . . "Einführung." . . "Semiotik." . . "Mass Media." . . "Sociology of communication." . . "Komunikacja interpersonalna." . . "Massekommunikation" . . "massekommunikation." . "Comunicación." . . "Comunicacion." . "Komunikologija." . . "Comunicazione." . . "EBSCOhost." . . "Chuan bo zhe xue, yuan li." . . "傳播 哲學, 原理" . "Chuan bo zhe xue,yuan li." . "傳播 哲學,原理" . "SEMIOLOGY, TV" . . "Göstergebilim." . . "THEORY, TV" . . "Fiske, John." . . "communicatietheorieën." . . "Semiotiek." . . "Communication Dictionnaires." . . "Communication sciences." . . "Kommunikációelmélet." . . "massemedier." . . "Radio." . . "sociologija komunikacij komuniciranje." . . "Application." . .