"Popular culture Former Soviet republics." . . "Identité collective Russie." . . "Identität." . . "GUS." . . "Rusland." . . "Nationalisme Russie." . . "HISTORY Europe Former Soviet Republics." . . "Culture populaire Russie." . . "Social psychology." . . . . "Culturele identiteit." . . "Russia." . . "Russland." . . "Soviet Union" . . "Sovjet-Unie." . . "Sowjetunion." . . "Caractère national Russie." . . "HISTORY Europe Russia & the Former Soviet Union." . . "Russie" . . "HISTORY Europe Eastern." . . "Group identity." . . "Geschichte." . . "Nationale identiteit." . . "Pop-Kultur." . . "Kultur." . . "History." . . "Nationalbewusstsein." . . "Group identity Russia." . . "Identidad de grupo Rusia (Federación)" . . "Social psychology Former Soviet republics." . . "Group identity Former Soviet republics." . . "Nachfolgestaaten." . . "Nationalism Former Soviet republics." . . "GOS." . . "LITERARY CRITICISM / European / General." . . "LITERARY CRITICISM / European / General" . "LITERARY CRITICISM European General." . "Social psychology Russia." . . "Popular culture." . . "Nationalismus." . . "Nationalism Russia." . . "Gruppenidentität." . . . . . . "Since the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, questions of identity have dominated the culture not only of Russia, but of all the countries of the former Soviet bloc. This timely collection examines the ways in which cultural activities such as fiction, TV, cinema, architecture and exhibitions have addressed these questions and also describes other cultural flashpoints, from attitudes to language to the use of passports. It discusses definitions of political and cultural nationalism, as well as the myths, institutions and practices that moulded and expressed national identity. From post-Soviet recollections of food shortages to the attempts by officials to control popular religion, it analyses a variety of unexpected and compelling topics to offer fresh insights about this key area of world culture. Illustrated with numerous photographs, it presents the results of recent research in an accessible and lively way\"" . . . . "A fresh look at post-Soviet Russia and Eurasia and at the Soviet historical background that shaped the present."@en . . . . . . "Online-Publikation" . . . . . . . "\"Since the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, questions of identity have dominated the culture not only of Russia, but of all the countries of the former Soviet bloc. This timely collection examines the ways in which cultural activities such as fiction, TV, cinema, architecture and exhibitions have addressed these questions and also describes other cultural flashpoints, from attitudes to language to the use of passports. It discusses definitions of political and cultural nationalism, as well as the myths, institutions and practices that moulded and expressed national identity. From post-Soviet recollections of food shortages to the attempts by officials to control popular religion, it analyses a variety of unexpected and compelling topics to offer fresh insights about this key area of world culture. Illustrated with numerous photographs, it presents the results of recent research in an accessible and lively way\"--" . . . . . . . . . . . "Soviet and Post-Soviet Identities" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Aufsatzsammlung" . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Soviet and post-Soviet identities" . . "Electronic books"@en . "Soviet and post-Soviet identities"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Nationalism." . . "Popular culture Russia." . . "Nacionalismo Rusia (Federación)" . . "Cultura popular Rusia (Federación)" . . "Russia (Federation)" . .