. "Video recordings for the hearing impaired" . . "ZaiEdison shi,di fang chan ye long tou . zheng tan da lao . di jian shu gao ceng,yi ji jing fang zuo jing rui de fan kong te jing juF.R.A.T, jin qian yu quan li hu xiang gou jie,cheng wei tan wu fu dai de hei jin ji tuan,qi zhong hei mu zhong zhong,wu ren gan tiao zhan e shi li ,zhi dao yi ming ji zhe fa xian zhu si ma ji...cai niao ji zhe bo la ke jiang jie fa zhe qi bi an shi wei ji ren,dan ta de qiong zhui bu she que zhao lai zhong zhong sha ji,zhi qing ren shi yi zao dao mie kou . cuo gu qing shi de ta yi wei fa wang hui hui,que wei liao dao jin qian yu quan li de gou jie yi ceng gao guo yi ceng,yuan ben ying gai bao hu cheng shi an ning de te jing ju qi shi shi zui xiong can de mo gui,bo la ke zi ji geng zhi shen bei zhui sha de xian jing . ta shi fou neng gou sha chu zhong wei . zhan sheng e shi li ,jiu chu chou wen de mu hou hei shou?." . . . "Edison"@en . "Edison" . . . . "Police" . . . . "A young journalist uncovers police corruption in Edison and joins forces with his cynical mentor and an investigator for the district attorney to bring the criminals to justice." . . . . "Thriller (film)" . "Dokumenty audiowizualne" . "Suspense films" . . "Thrillers (Motion pictures, television, etc.)" . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Crime" . . . "Film kryminalny" . . . "Thriller" . . . . "Police films" . . . . . . . . "Thrillers (Motion pictures)" . . . . "Thriller starring Morgan Freeman and Kevin Spacey. Corruption is the law of the land in the American every-town of Edison, and the only soul brave enough to peer into the fire and face the wrath of an entire squad of corrupt cops is a fresh-faced journalist, Joshua Pollack (Justin Timberlake). However, when Pollack misjudges the depth of the authoritative decay and his girlfriend is hospitalised following a brutal attack by the alliance of crooked cops known as F.R.A.T., he soon decides to take action and prove that even those who believe themselves to be above the law still aren't beyond its reach." . . . . "Drama" . . . . "Drama films" . . "Upon his discovery of a den of corrupt policemen, a fresh-faced journalist relies on his mentor, a jaded reporter, and an investigator for a powerful district attorney to expose the truth behind the cops that rule the streets of Edison." . "在Edison市,地方產業龍頭,政壇大老,地檢署高層,以及警方作精銳的反孔特警局F.R.A.T,金錢與權力互相勾結,成為貪污腐代的黑金集團,其中黑幕重重,無人敢挑戰惡勢力,直到一名記者發現蛛絲馬跡...菜鳥記者波拉克將揭發這起弊案視為己任,但他的窮追不捨卻招來重重殺機,知情人士一遭到滅口.錯估情勢的他以為法網恢恢,卻未了到金錢與權力的勾結一層高過一層,原本應該保護城市安寧的特警局其實是最兇殘的魔鬼,波拉克自己更置身被追殺的險境.他是否能夠殺出重圍,戰勝惡勢力,揪出醜聞的幕後黑手?" . . . . . "Film fabularny" . . . "Policier / Thriller" . . . "Feature films" . . . "Police corruption Drama." . . "Reporters and reporting Drama." . . . . "Machine Head (groupe)" . . "Feature films." . . "Millennium Films." . .