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An INCONVENIENT truth a global warning

You mei guo qian ren fu zong tong ai er gao er xian shen yan jiang,chang da qi nian mi ji de yan jiu gong zuo,ta heng kua shi jie ge guo ji ji cai zheng,tou guo jing mi shu ju yu huan deng pian de fu zhu xia,shou yao zhi quan qiu ge di zhen dui quan qiu wen shi nuan hua xiao ying, ji yu zhen han er zhen shi de jing shi jiao yu . zai ta de you mo you bu shi yan su de yan jiu bao gao zhong,yi shu ju zheng ming hai yang wen du heng sheng er zao cheng tai feng de guan xi,ji bing ba rong hua xian xiang dao zhi huan liu ting zhi de wei xian xiao ying,er mei nian quan qiu qi hou yue xian ju bian,ji jie wei chang gai bian cu shi di qiu sheng tai ji su jue ji . ta yan qian yi shen de jiang yan,hu ying ren lei ying jiu mu qian di qiu suo zao shou dao de po huai,li ji cai qu jin ji ying bian cuo shi .

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  • "An inconvenient truth"
  • "願面對的真相"
  • "Verdad incómoda"
  • "Global warning"
  • "Global warning"@en
  • "Uygunsuz gerçek"
  • "An Inconvenient truth"
  • "Inconvenient truth"@en
  • "Yuan mian dui de zhen xiang"@en
  • "Inconvenient truth"
  • "Inconvenient truth : a global warning"
  • "Une vérité qui dérange"
  • "Attention, planète en détresse"
  • "Neprijetna resnica"
  • "Unbequeme Wahrheit"
  • "Vérité qui dérange"
  • "Vérité qui dérange"@en

  • "由美國前任副總統艾爾高爾現身演講,長達七年密集的研究工作,他橫跨世界各國積極採証,透過精密數據與幻燈片的輔助下,受邀至全球各地針對全球溫室暖化效應,給予震撼而真實的警示教育.在他的幽默又不失嚴肅的研究報告中,以數據證明海洋溫度恆生而造成颱風的關係,及冰壩融化現象導致環流停滯的危險效應,而每年全球氣候越顯遽變,季節違常改變促使地球生態極速絶跡.他言淺意深的講演,呼應人類應就目前地球所遭受到的破壞,立即採取緊急應變措施."
  • "SUMMARY: "Director Davis Guggenheim eloquently weaves the science of global warming with Mr. Gore's personal history and lifelong commitment to reversing the effects of global climate change. A longtime advocate for the environment, Gore presents a wide array of facts and information in a thoughtful and compelling way. "Al Gore strips his presentations of politics, laying out the facts for the audience to draw their own conclusions in a charming, funny and engaging style, and by the end has everyone on the edge of their seats, gripped by his haunting message," said Guggenheim. An Inconvenient Truth is not a story of despair but rather a rallying cry to protect the one earth we all share. "It is now clear that we face a deepening global climate crisis that requires us to act boldly, quickly, and wisely," said Gore." IMDB"
  • "You mei guo qian ren fu zong tong ai er gao er xian shen yan jiang,chang da qi nian mi ji de yan jiu gong zuo,ta heng kua shi jie ge guo ji ji cai zheng,tou guo jing mi shu ju yu huan deng pian de fu zhu xia,shou yao zhi quan qiu ge di zhen dui quan qiu wen shi nuan hua xiao ying, ji yu zhen han er zhen shi de jing shi jiao yu . zai ta de you mo you bu shi yan su de yan jiu bao gao zhong,yi shu ju zheng ming hai yang wen du heng sheng er zao cheng tai feng de guan xi,ji bing ba rong hua xian xiang dao zhi huan liu ting zhi de wei xian xiao ying,er mei nian quan qiu qi hou yue xian ju bian,ji jie wei chang gai bian cu shi di qiu sheng tai ji su jue ji . ta yan qian yi shen de jiang yan,hu ying ren lei ying jiu mu qian di qiu suo zao shou dao de po huai,li ji cai qu jin ji ying bian cuo shi ."@en
  • "L'ancient vice-président des États-Unis Al Gore présente sa vision de l'avenir de notre planète. Il livre le message que le réchauffement de la planète constitue un danger réel et actuel et qu'il faut changer certains aspects de notre mode de vie si l'on veut sauver la Terre."
  • "Former American Vice President Al Gore explains the facts of global warming, presents arguments that the dangers of global warning have reached the level of crisis, and addresses the efforts of certain interests to discredit the anti-global warming cause. Between lecture segments, Gore discusses his personal commitment to the environment, sharing anecdotes from his experiences."@en
  • "Documentary following former 'next president of the United States' Al Gore as he attempts to make the world aware that global warming is a very real threat to mankind. An impassioned Al Gore tirelessly trots the globe giving talks to anyone who'll listen on the only topic he's interested in - the environmental consequences of global warming. Footage from the hundreds of speeches Gore delivers on this matter in a year are interspersed with candid interviews with himself and many other authorities on the subject. Steering clear of judgment of any of the responsible powers, Gore simply puts forward reams of irrefutable fact - combining to form the truth about how we are harming the environment."
  • "Former Vice President Al Gore presents an eye-opening and compelling view of our planet and the dangers of global warming."@en
  • "Former US Vice President Al Gore argues for urgent international action to stop global warming."
  • "Una apasionada e inspiradora."@en
  • "Director Davis Guggenheim eloquently weaves the science of global warming with Mr. Gore's personal history and lifelong commitment to reversing the effects of global climate change. A longtime advocate for the environment, Gore presents a wide array of facts and information in a thoughtful and compelling way. "Al Gore strips his presentations of politics, laying out the facts for the audience to draw their own conclusions in a charming, funny and engaging style, and by the end has everyone on the edge of their seats, gripped by his haunting message," said Guggenheim. An inconvenient truth is not a story of despair but rather a rallying cry to protect the one earth we all share. "It is now clear that we face a deepening global climate crisis that requires us to act boldly, quickly, and wisely," said Gore."@en
  • "Documentaire. Depuis plusieurs années, Al Gore donne dans les universités du monde entier des conférences passionnées sur le développement durable. Avec force images et graphiques, le candidat démocrate à l'élection présidentielle américaine de 2000 y démontre les conséquences de la pollution et de la surconsommation de combustibles fossiles sur le climat et le réchauffement des glaciers, et conséquemment sur la faune et la flore mondiale. Cinq ans après avoir été débouté par la Cour suprême des États-Unis, qui a concédé la victoire contestée de l'élection au républicain George W. Bush, Gore tente de faire prendre conscience au monde de l'état de santé de la planète et se demande tout haut: "Le temps n'est-il pas venu de se préoccuper d'autres menaces que celle du terrorisme?". [(c) Médiafilm]. Les SUPPLÉMENTS contiennent, entre autres, une mise à jour d'Al Gore, un documentaire sur le tournage, les commentaires audio du réalisateur et de ses principaux assistants et un guide d'accompagnement éducatif gratuit offert à l'adresse [SDM]."
  • "Former Vice President Al Gore presents an eye-opening and compelling view of the future of our planet - and our civilizaion."@en
  • "El realizador Davis Guggenheim dirige este filme, que cuenta la historia de la apasionada entrega de un hombre decidido a exponer los mitos e ideas equivocadas acerca del calentamiento global y de su prevención. Este hombre es el ex vicepresidente Al Gore, que después de perder las elecciones de 2000 decidió cambiar de rumbo y dedicarse a ayudar a salvar el planeta. Este conmovedor retrato de Al Gore y de su "espectáculo itinerante de calentamiento global" muestra a un hombre divertido, abierto y dispuesto a todo para hacer llegar a la mayor cantidad de gente posible la sorprendente verdad acerca de lo que él llama "la emergencia planetaria" antes de que sea demasiado tarde."
  • "Director eloquently weaves the science of global warming with Mr. Gore's personal history and lifelong commitment to reversing the effects of global climate change. A longtime advocate for the environment, Gore presents a wide array of facts and information in a thoughtful and compelling way. "Al Gore strips his presentations of politics, laying out the facts for the audience to draw their own conclusions in a charming, funny and engaging style, and by the end has everyone on the edge of their seats, gripped by his haunting message, " said Guggenheim. An Inconvenient Truth is not a story of despair but rather a rallying cry to protect the one earth we all share. "It is now clear that we face a deepening global climate crisis that requires us to act boldly, quickly, and wisely, " said Gore."@en
  • "Director Davis Guggenheim eloquently weaves the science of global warming with Mr. Gore's personal history and lifelong commitment to reversing the effects of global climate change. A longtime advocate for the environment, Gore presents a wide array of facts and information in a thoughtful and compelling way."
  • "Former US Vice President Al Gore explains the facts of global warming, presents arguments that the dangers of global warning have reached the level of crisis, and addresses the efforts of certain interests to discredit the anti-global warming cause. Between lecture segments, Gore discusses his personal commitment to the environment, sharing anecdotes from his experiences."
  • "Former US Vice President Al Gore explains the facts of global warming, presents arguments that the dangers of global warning have reached the level of crisis, and addresses the efforts of certain interests to discredit the anti-global warming cause. Between lecture segments, Gore discusses his personal commitment to the environment, sharing anecdotes from his experiences."@en
  • "Depuis plusieurs années, Al Gore donne dans les universités du monde entier des conférences passionnées sur le développement durable. Avec force images et graphiques, le candidat démocrate à l'élection présidentielle américaine de 2000 y démontre les conséquences de la pollution et de la surconsommation de combustibles fossiles sur le climat et le réchauffement des glaciers, et conséquemment sur la faune et la flore mondiale. Cinq ans après avoir été débouté par la Cour suprême des États-Unis, qui a concédé la victoire contestée de l'élection au républicain George W. Bush, Gore tente de faire prendre conscience au monde de l'état de santé de la planète et se demande tout haut: "Le temps n'est-il pas venu de se préoccuper d'autres menaces que celle du terrorisme?"."
  • "Una apasionada e inspiradora perspectiva del ex vice-presidente Al Gore en su campaña para exponer los mitos y las malas interpretaciones acerca del calentamiento global y para crear conciencia al respecto."
  • "Former Vice President Al Gore explains the facts of global warming, presents arguments that the dangers of global warning have reached the level of crisis, and addresses the efforts of certain interests to discredit the anti-global warming cause. Between lecture segments, Gore discusses his personal commitment to the environment, sharing anecdotes from his experiences. A documentary on Al Goreś campaign to make the issue of global warming a recognized problem worldwide."
  • "Former Vice President Al Gore explains global warming, presents arguments that the dangers of global warming have reached crisis level, and addresses the efforts of certain interests to discredit the anti-global warming cause. Between lecture segments, Gore discusses his personal commitment to the environment and shares anecdoctes."
  • "Former Vice President Al Gore explains global warming, presents arguments that the dangers of global warming have reached crisis level, and addresses the efforts of certain interests to discredit the anti-global warming cause. Between lecture segments, Gore discusses his personal commitment to the environment and shares anecdoctes."@en
  • "Director Davis Guggenheim eloquently weaves the science of global warming with Mr Gore's personal history and lifelong commitment to reversing the effects of global climate change - A longtime advocate for the environment, Gore presents a wide array of facts and information in a thoughtful and compelling way - "Al Gore strips his presentations of politics, laying out the facts for the audience to draw their own conclusions in a charming, funny and engaging style, and by the end has everyone on the edge of their seats, gripped by his haunting message," said Guggenheim - An Inconvenient Truth is not a story of despair but rather a rallying cry to protect the one earth we all share - "It is now clear that we face a deepening global climate crisis that requires us to act boldly, quickly, and wisely," said Gore."@en
  • "Eski Başkan Yardımcısı Al Gore, gezegenimizin ve medeniyetimizin şaşırtıcı ve ürkütücü geleceğini gözler önüne seren ve MUTLAKA İZLENMESİ GEREKEN bir belgeselle karşımızda. Bu, yanlış anlamalara ve spekülasyonlara son verecek olan, küresel ısınmanın gerçek bir tehlike olduğunu anlatan bir uyanma çağrısı. An Inconvenient Truth, Gore'un şimdi harekete geçmemizi ve dünyayı kurtarmamızı söylediği düşündürücü tezi şimdi bu DVD ile evlerinize geliyor. Her birimiz yaşadığımız koşullar içerisinde değişiklikler yaparak çözümün bir parçası olmaya başlayabiliriz."
  • ""El antiguo vicepresidente Al Gore presenta un impresionante y convincente vistazo al futuro de nuestro planeta en el imprescindible documental del año. Es una llamada de atención que divide los mitos y las ideas equivocadas para traernos el mensaje que el calentamiento del planeta es un peligro real y presente"--Contenedor."@en
  • "Former Vice President Al Gore explains the facts of global warming, presents arguments that the dangers of global warning have reached the level of crisis, and addresses the efforts of certain interests to discredit the anti-global warming cause. Between lecture segments, Gore discusses his personal commitment to the environment, sharing anecdotes from his experiences."@en
  • "Former Vice President Al Gore explains the facts of global warming, presents arguments that the dangers of global warning have reached the level of crisis, and addresses the efforts of certain interests to discredit the anti-global warming cause. Between lecture segments, Gore discusses his personal commitment to the environment, sharing anecdotes from his experiences."
  • "Former Vice President Al Gore presents an eye-opening and compelling view of the future of our planet and our civilization. This is a wake-up call that cuts through myths and misconceptions to deliver the message that global warming is a real and present danger."@en
  • "Former US Vice-President Al Gore presents an impassioned and inspiring campaign to expose the myths and misconceptions of global warming, and to create public awareness on the subject."@en
  • "Former Vice President Al Gore explains the fact of global warming, presents arguments that the dangers of global warming have reached the level of crisis, and addresses the efforts of certain interests to discredit the anti-global warming cause. Between lecture segments, Gore discusses his personal committment to the environment, sharing anecdotes from his experiences."
  • "Former Vice President Al Gore presents an eye-opening and compelling view of the future of our planet - and our civilization. He explains the facts of global warming, presents arguments that the dangers of global warming have reached crisis level, and addresses the efforts of certain interests to discredit the anti-global warming cause."
  • ""Depuis plusieurs années, Al Gore donne dans les universités du monde entier des conférences passionnées sur le développement durable. Avec force images et graphiques, le candidat démocrate à l'élection présidentielle américaine de 2000 y démontre les conséquences de la pollution et de la surconsommation de combustibles fossiles sur le climat et le réchauffement des glaciers, et conséquemment sur la faune et la flore mondiale. Cinq ans après avoir été débouté par la Cour suprême des États-Unis, qui a concédé la victoire contestée de l'élection au républicain George W. Bush, Gore tente de faire prendre conscience au monde de l'état de santé de la planète et se demande tout haut: "Le temps n'est-il pas venu de se préoccuper d'autres menaces que celle du terrorisme?". [(c) Médiafilm]. Les SUPPLÉMENTS contiennent, entre autres, une mise à jour d'Al Gore, un documentaire sur le tournage, les commentaires audio du réalisateur et de ses principaux assistants et un guide d'accompagnement éducatif gratuit offert à l'adresse"--[SDM]."
  • "A passionate and inspiring look at former Vice President Al Gore's campaign to expose the myths and misconceptions of global warming, and to create public awareness on the subject."@en
  • "A passionate and inspiring look at former Vice President Al Gore's campaign to expose the myths and misconceptions of global warming, and to create public awareness on the subject."
  • "Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore explains the facts of global warming, presents arguments that the dangers of global warning have reached the level of crisis, and addresses the efforts of certain interests to discredit the anti-global warming cause. Between lecture segments, Gore discusses his personal commitment to the environment, sharing anecdotes from his experiences."@en

  • "Videodiscs"
  • "Videodiscs"@en
  • "Climate friendly living"
  • "Educational"
  • "Educational"@en
  • "Environment Collection"
  • "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"@en
  • "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"
  • "DVD-Video"
  • "Documentary films"@en
  • "Documentary films"
  • "Educational films"@en
  • "Educational films"
  • "Film documentaire (Descripteur de forme)"
  • "Environmental films"@en
  • "Nonfiction films"@en
  • "Nonfiction films"
  • "Documentaire de tournage (Descripteur de forme)"
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  • "DVD collection"
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  • "History"@en
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  • "DVD-Video discs"
  • "DVD-Video discs"@en
  • "Bibliography"@en

  • "Uma verdade inconveniente um aviso global = An inconvenient truth"
  • "An INCONVENIENT truth a global warning"@en
  • "An inconvenient truth a global warning = Une vérité qui dérange"
  • "An inconvenient truth Une vérité qui dérange"
  • "An Inconvenient Truth a Global Warning"@en
  • "An inconvenient truth [DVD] a global warning"@en
  • "An inconvenient truth[DVD videorecording]"
  • "Global warming bundle"@en
  • "An Inconvenient truth (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica)"
  • "An Inconvenient Truth"
  • "An Inconvenient Truth"@en
  • "An inconvenient truth 不願面對的真相"
  • "En ubekvem sandhed"
  • "An inconvenient truth Une véritéqui dérange"@en
  • "An inconvenient truth La verdad incómoda"
  • "An inconvenient truth : a global warning [DVD]"
  • "An inconvenient truth bu yuan mian dui de zhen xiang"@en
  • "En ubekvem sandhed en global advarsel"
  • "An inconvenient truth : a global warning [videorecording]"@en
  • "An inconvenient truth"
  • "An inconvenient truth"@en
  • "Inconvenient truth (Motion picture)"
  • "Inconvenient truth (Motion picture)"@en
  • "Inconvenient truth"
  • "An inconvenient truth - A global warning"
  • "An inconvenient truth [videorecording]"@en
  • "Une Vérité qui dérange = An Inconvenient truth"
  • "An inconvenient truth. A global warning"@en
  • "An Inconvenient truth"
  • "Aninconvenient truth : a global warning"
  • "An Inconvenient truth : a global warning"
  • "An inconvenient truth : a global warning"@en
  • "An inconvenient truth : a global warning"
  • "An inconvenient truth a global warning"
  • "An inconvenient truth a global warning"@en