"Changement économique." . . "Post-communism Former Soviet republics." . . "Condition économique." . . "GUS." . . "BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Government & Business." . . . . "Capitalisme." . . "post-communisme transition 1990 / 1998 [études diverses]" . . "Postcommunisme Ex-URSS." . . "POLITICAL SCIENCE Public Policy Economic Policy." . . "BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Development General." . . "Etat socialiste transition 1990 / 1998 [études diverses]" . . "Europe de l'Est" . . "Europe de l'Est." . "økonomiske reformer." . . "Europa oriental" . . "Kraje Wspólnoty Niepodległych Państw" . . "Politična ekonomija Transformacija Postkomunistične države Gospodarski položaj Družbene spremembe Vzhodna Evropa Projekti." . . "Europe centrale." . . "Former Soviet republics" . . "Pickles, John" . . "Social change Europe, Eastern." . . "Postcommunisme." . . "Social change Former Soviet republics." . . "Changement social Europe de l'Est." . . "Tranzicija Teorija in praksa Industrijska podjetja Hibridizacija Prestrukturiranje Mrežna organizacija Zborniki." . . "Postcomunismo Europa oriental." . . "Condition sociale." . . "Wirtschaftsreform." . . "Postkomunizm Europa Wschodnia." . . "Social change." . . "Sociale verandering." . . "Changement politique." . . "Ex-URSS" . . "Ex-URSS." . "Post-communism Europe, Eastern." . . "Soviet Union" . . "Europa Wschodnia" . . "Changement social Ex-URSS." . . "Postkomunizm Kraje Wspólnoty Niepodległych Państw." . . . . . . . . . . . . "Aufsatzsammlung" . . . . . . . "Examining transformations using a variety of perspectives Theorizing Transition provides both a rich empirical map of the dimensions of post-Communism and raises important theoretical issues about how we interpret these changes."@en . "Electronic books"@en . "Electronic books" . . . . . . . . . . "Theorising transition : the political economy of post-Communist transformations" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Theorising transition the political economy of post-Communist transformations" . . "Theorising transition the political economy of post-Communist transformations"@en . . . "Theorising transition : the political economy of-communist transformations" . . . "Ressources Internet" . "Theorising transition : the political economy of post communist transformations" . . . . . . "Theorising transition : the political economy of post-communist transformations" . . . . . . . . . . . "Theorising Transition The Political Economy of Post-Communist Transformations" . . . . . "How do we understand the dramatic changes that are transforming the societies of Eastern and Central Europe and those 'peripheral' countries witnessing a shift to the market? Theorizing Transition tries to answer this important question through a variety of studies of the complex political, economic and social transformations occurring in eastern Europe and parts of the periphery that have moved away from strong state direction of their societies. The transformations underway in post-Communist societies, far from leading in a straightforward manner to a single model of economic and political life seven years after the events of 1989, now seem to have generated complex and highly differentiated regional systems of adjustment.; Theorizing Transition includes contributions by geographers, economists, sociologists, feminists, planners and scholars of international studies who attempt to unravel the complexity of change in post-communism through examining: theoretical perspectives on transition, industrial and regional restructuring, agrarian change, de-collectivisation and rural struggles, and ethically and gendered transformations in a variety of Eastern and Central European contexts. The authors also examine the comparative experiences of de-collectivisation, and economic and state restructuring in 'peripheral' societies undergoing transformation. Examining transformations using a variety of perspectives from critical political economy and cultural theory, Theorizing Transition provides both a rich empirical map of the dimensions of post-Communism and raises important theoretical issues about how we interpret these changes." . . . . . "Since 1989" . . "BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Structural Adjustment." . . "Osteuropa." . . "Post-communisme (Période)" . . "Post-communism." . . "Economische ontwikkeling." . . "BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Development Business Development." . . "Europe, Eastern" . . "Europe, Eastern." . "Changement social." . . "Postcommunisme Europe de l'Est." . . "Sozioökonomischer Wandel." . . "BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Development Economic Development." . .