"Dang dai Zhongguo wen yi li lun yan jiu (1949-2009) = A study of the literary and artistic theory in contemporary China" . . "Dang dai zhong guo wen yi li lun yan jiu(1949-2009) = A study of the literary and artistic theory in contemporary China" . "Dang dai zhong guo wen yi li lun yan jiu(1949-2009)" . . . "Summary in vernacular field only." . "Criticism, interpretation, etc" . . . . . "Study of the literary and artistic theory in contemporary China" . . . "当代中国文艺理论研究(1949-2009)" . "本书对新中国成立以来的文艺理论研究思潮和学人思想及著述进行了深入的研究, 即以\"绪论\"勾勒整个当代中国文艺理论研究的演进脉络与分章论述不同时期的各自特点." . . "當代中國文藝理論研究(1949-2009) = A study of the literary and artistic theory in contemporary China" . . . "当代中国文艺理论研究 (1949-2009) = A study of the literary and artistic theory in contemporary China" . "Wen xue li lun." . . "文學理論" . "Zhong guo dang dai wen xue." . . "中國當代文學" . . . "Zhong guo wen xue." . . "中國文學" .