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Joyeux Noël (Motion picture)

The Western Front, December 1914. War is raging and heavy casualties have been sustained to both sides. A bloody battle of one of the most savage wars, but out of the chaos and slaughter, a miracle takes form; on Christmas Day, the soldiers of both sides meet in No Man's Land and celebrate festivities with a game of football.

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  • "Joyeux Noel"
  • "DVDR 5409 Joyeux Noel (Merry Christmas)"@en
  • "Joyeux Noël"
  • "Noche de paz"
  • "聖誕快樂"
  • "Merry Christman"
  • "Merry Christmas ="
  • "Merry christmas"
  • "Sheng dan kuai le"
  • "Vesel božič"
  • "Joyeux noël"
  • "Merry Christmas"@en
  • "Merry Christmas"@it
  • "Merry Christmas"

  • "In 1914, World War I, the bloodiest war ever at that time in human history, was well under way. However on Christmas Eve, numerous sections of the Western Front called an informal, and unauthorized, truce where the various front-line soldiers of the conflict peacefully met each other in No Man's Land to share a precious pause in the carnage with a fleeting brotherhood. This film dramatizes one such section as the French, British and German sides partake in the unique event, even though they are aware that their superiors will not tolerate its occurrence."
  • "At the end of 1914, World War I was well under way. However on Christmas Eve, numerous sections of the Western Front called an informal, and unauthorized, truce where the various front-line soldiers peacefully met each other in No Man's Land to share a precious pause in the carnage with a fleeting brotherhood. Based on a true story, this film dramatizes one such section as the French, British, and German sides partake in the unique event, even though they are aware that their superiors will not tolerate its occurrence."
  • "The Western Front, December 1914. War is raging and heavy casualties have been sustained to both sides. A bloody battle of one of the most savage wars, but out of the chaos and slaughter, a miracle takes form; on Christmas Day, the soldiers of both sides meet in No Man's Land and celebrate festivities with a game of football."@en
  • "The Western Front, December 1914. War is raging and heavy casualties have been sustained to both sides. A bloody battle of one of the most savage wars, but out of the chaos and slaughter, a miracle takes form; on Christmas Day, the soldiers of both sides meet in No Man's Land and celebrate festivities with a game of football."
  • ""... Joyeux Noël raconte l'histoire authentique d'une trêve déclarée par les soldats allemands, français et anglais, la veille de Noël, sur les lignes de front de la première guerre mondiale. Les soldats laisseront leurs fusils au fond de la tranchée pour aller saluer celui d'en face, lui serrer la main, échanger une cigarette et du chocolat, et lui souhaiter Joyeux Noël!"--Conteneur."
  • "An account of the spontaneous Christmas Eve truce declared by British, French, and German troops in the trenches of World War I, when enemies put down their weapons for one night and banded together in brotherhood."@en
  • "An account of the spontaneous Christmas Eve truce declared by British, French, and German troops in the trenches of World War I, when enemies put down their weapons for one night and banded together in brotherhood."
  • "Wenn der Krieg mal Pause macht: Es ist Weihnachten im Jahr 1914. An der Westfront stehen sich Deutsche, Franzosen und Briten auf dem Schlachtfeld gegenüber. Doch an diesem einen Abend halten die Soldaten füreinander keine Gewehrkugeln bereit - sondern Champagner. Regisseur Cristian Carion erzählt in seinem faszinierenden Streifen <<Merry Christmas>> von einem aussergewöhnlichen Weihnachtsfest: Deutsche, Franzosen und Briten versuchen sich während des ersten Weltkrieges gegenseitig wegzupusten. Normalerweise. Doch ein einziges Mal kehrt für einen kurzen Moment Ruhe ein und die verfeindeten Soldaten stossen plötzlich miteinander an und knabbern zusammen Schokolade. Wenn da nur nicht der tragische Hintergrund wäre."
  • "Un fatto realmente accaduto durante la Prima Guerra Mondiale, racconta la storia di due cantanti lirici che si recano sul fronte tedesco la vigilia di Natale per allietare con il loro canto le truppe. Ma dopo la prima strofa di Stille Nacht, il "nemico" scozzese risponde accompagnando la canzone con la cornamusa. Basta poco perché i soldati escano dalle trincee per incontrarsi su quello che, fino ad allora, era il terreno di guerra. Anche il reggimento francese si unisce per festeggiare. Champagne, sigarette, cioccolato, foto e ricordi vengono condivisi fra abbracci e sorrisi. Il prete scozzese che aveva suonato la cornamusa celebra la messa. All'Ave Maria intonato dalla cantante, i soldati non riescono a trattenere le lacrime. Ma la guerra è una macchina inarrestabile, che non può perdonare la "disobbedienza"... (Mymovies)."@it
  • "Un fatto realmente accaduto durante la Prima Guerra Mondiale, racconta la storia di due cantanti lirici che si recano sul fronte tedesco la vigilia di Natale per allietare con il loro canto le truppe. Ma dopo la prima strofa di Stille Nacht, il "nemico" scozzese risponde accompagnando la canzone con la cornamusa. Basta poco perché i soldati escano dalle trincee per incontrarsi su quello che, fino ad allora, era il terreno di guerra. Anche il reggimento francese si unisce per festeggiare. Champagne, sigarette, cioccolato, foto e ricordi vengono condivisi fra abbracci e sorrisi. Il prete scozzese che aveva suonato la cornamusa celebra la messa. All'Ave Maria intonato dalla cantante, i soldati non riescono a trattenere le lacrime. Ma la guerra è una macchina inarrestabile, che non può perdonare la "disobbedienza"... (Mymovies)."
  • "Basada en un hecho real, narra cómo durante una Navidad de la Primera Guerra Mundial, concretamente en diciembre de 1914, soldados alemanes, franceses y escoceses entierran sus diferencias y sus muertos y se ponen a jugar al fútbol."
  • "Loosely based on true episodes, this film tells the story of German, French, and Scottish soldiers in the bloody trenches of World War I and the miraculous Christmas Eve truce they unexpectedly forge. Follows a French lieutenant, a Scottish priest, and a German tenor and his beloved Danish soprano as music and the spirit of Christmas create bonds between enemies."
  • "Loosely based on true episodes, this film tells the story of German, French, and Scottish soldiers in the bloody trenches of World War I and the miraculous Christmas Eve truce they unexpectedly forge. Follows a French lieutenant, a Scottish priest, and a German tenor and his beloved Danish soprano as music and the spirit of Christmas create bonds between enemies."@en
  • "Ispirato ad un fatto realmente accaduto, il film narra una vera e propria 'favola di Natale'. Sul fronte della I Guerra Mondiale nella notte di Natale del 1914, i soldati accampati dietro le trincee francesi, scozzesi e tedesche, improvvisamente decidono di deporre le armi e di scambiarsi auguri, sigarette, cioccolata e calorose strette di mano. Questo avvenimento sconvolgerà le vite di quattro personaggi : un pastore scozzese, un tenente francese, un tenore tedesco e una soprano danese..."
  • ""L'annonce du début de la Première Guerre mondiale à l'été 1914 bouleverse la vie de millions de gens. À Berlin, le célèbre ténor Nikolaus Sprink doit s'enrôler et laisser sa compagne, la soprano danoise Anna Sorensen. En Écosse, le pasteur anglican Palmer devient brancardier dans un régiment composé de certains de ses paroissiens. À regret, le lieutenant français Audebert abandonne son épouse, alitée et enceinte de leur premier enfant. À la veille de Noël, l'armée allemande occupe un village du nord de la France et les troupes françaises et écossaises lui font face. Mais alors qu'Anna réussit à rejoindre Nikolaus sur le front, celui-ci décide de remonter le moral des troupes en chantant pour eux. Épuisés et nostalgiques, les trois régiments décrètent une trêve et fraternisent, un événement exceptionnel qui ne sera pas sans conséquences." [(c) Médiafilm]."
  • "This movie is inspired by a true story, which happened during the World War I, for Christmas Eve 1914, in many different places of the battlefront."
  • "Tijdens de kerstavond in 1914 ten tijde van de Eerste Wereldoorlog ontstaat een verbroedering tussen de vijanden in de loopgraven."
  • "Based on the true story of three armies in the bloody trenches of World War I and the miraculous Christmas Eve truce they unexpectedly forge."
  • "On Christmas Eve during world War I, the Germans, French, and Scottish are trying to make peace, so they bury their dead and play football."@en
  • "Lorsque la guerre surgit pendant lété 1914, elle surprend et emporte dans son tourbillon des millions dhommes. Et puis arrive Noël, ce soir-là, un événement considérable bouleverse à jamais le destin de quatre personnages qui, à la faveur de la nuit de Noël 1914, se retrouvent au coeur d'une fraternissation sans précédent entre les soldats allemands, français et britanniques."
  • "L'histoire d'un cessez-le feu improbable dans les tranchées de la Première Guerre mondiale... Un sujet fort, inspiré de faits réels, racontée avec toute la fougue et la générosité du cinéma populaire..."
  • "Weihnachten 1914, an der Westfront in Nordfrankreich: Französische, britische und deutsche Truppen hoffen nach monatelanger Kriegsführung auf ein Ende des Tötens. Schliesslich verständigen sich die einfachen Soldaten auf beiden Seiten der Schützengräben auf einen inoffiziellen Waffenstillstand am Weihnachtsabend. Die Verbrüderung mit dem Feind alarmiert schliesslich die Heeresleitungen."
  • ""Inspired by a true story which occurred in the trenches of the World War I battlefield on Christmas Eve in 1914, "Joyeux Noel" is a moving story of dignity and human kindness set against the savagery of war. That night, a momentous event changed the lives of four characters: an Anglican priest, a French lieutenant, an exceptional German tenor and the one he loves, his singing partner. During this Christmas Eve, the unthinkable happened: calling a brief but meaningful ceasefire, soldiers emerged from their trenches to exchange gifts, play football and celebrate Christmas together, as well as being allowed to bury their respective dead who had fallen between opposing lines in No Man's Land..." -- Container."
  • ""On Christmas Eve 1914 in Northern France, officers and soldiers from Scotland, Germany and France, who fought each other from trenches barely 100 metres apart on a daily basis, put down their weapons to share wine and food, exchange photographs and memories and play a game of soccer in the snow. It was an extraordinary act of human generosity and humility - and a true event."--Hopscotch Entertainment website."
  • "" ... Joyeux Noël raconte l'histoire authentique d'une trêve déclarée par les soldats allemands, français et anglais, la veille de Noël, sur les lignes de front de la première guerre mondiale. Les soldats laisseront leurs fusils au fond de la tranchée pour aller saluer celui d'en face, lui serrer la main, échanger une cigarette et du chocolat et lui souhaiter Joyeux Noël! ..."--Conteneur."
  • "Joyeux Noël raconte l'histoire authentique d'une trêve déclarée par les soldats allemands, français et anglais, la veille de Noël, sur les lignes de front de la première guerre mondiale. Les soldats laisseront leurs fusils au fond de la tranchée pour aller saluer celui d'en face, lui serrer la main, échanger une cigarette et du chocolat et lui souhaiter Joyeux Noël."

  • "Videodiscos DVD"
  • "French language films"
  • "Speelfilm"
  • "Fiction films"
  • "Films historiques"
  • "Longs métrages"@en
  • "Video recordings"@en
  • "Historical films"
  • "Drammatico (Genere)"@it
  • "Drammatico (Genere)"
  • "DVDs"@en
  • "DVDs"
  • "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"
  • "Drames (cinéma)"
  • "Drama"@en
  • "Drama"
  • "fiction dramatique (fiction)"
  • "Films de Noël"@en
  • "Feature films"@en
  • "Feature films"
  • "Christmas films"@en
  • "Christmas films"
  • "Drames (Films)"
  • "Films de guerre"@en
  • "Fiction"@en
  • "War"
  • "DVD-Video discs"
  • "War films"@en
  • "War films"
  • "Motion pictures"
  • "Foreign films"@en
  • "Film historique/Reconstitution"

  • "Joyeux Noël (Motion picture)"
  • "Joyeux Noël (Motion picture)"@en
  • "Joyeux Noël una verità dimenticata dalla storia"
  • "Merry Christmas"
  • "Joyeux Noel (Merry Christmas)"
  • "Joyeux Noel (Merry Christmas)"@en
  • "Joyeux noël"
  • "Joyeux noel = Merry Christmas"@en
  • "Joyeux Noël Merry Christmas"@en
  • "Joyeux Noël Merry Christmas"@it
  • "Joyeux Noël Merry Christmas"
  • "Joyeux Noël = Merry Christmas"
  • "Joyeux Noel = Merry christmas"
  • "Joyeux Noël : una verità dimenticata dalla storia"@it
  • "Joyeux Noël : una verità dimenticata dalla storia"
  • "Vesel božič Joyeux Noel = Merry Christmas"
  • "Joyeux Noël Noche de paz = Merry Christmas"
  • "Joyeux noël (Motion picture) Merry Christmas"
  • "Joyeux Noel"
  • "Joyeux Noel"@en
  • "Joyeux Noel Vesel božič = Merry Christmas"
  • "Joyeux Noel merry Christmas"@en
  • "Joyeux noel Merry Christmas"@en
  • "Joyeux Noel Merry Christmas"@en
  • "Joyeux Noel Merry Christmas"
  • "Joyeux Noël"@it
  • "Joyeux Noël"
  • "Joyeux noel"
  • "Joyeux Noël (Film)"
  • "En dag uden krig"
  • "Joyeux noël Merry Christmas"
  • "Joyeux Noël (Film cinématographique)"
  • "Joyeux Noël (film)"