"Manners and customs." . . "Sukzession." . . "Maori." . . "identitet" . . "Balıklar." . . "Gençlik." . . "Ballenas Teatro." . . "Channel 7 (Television network : Australia)" . . "Maori (New Zealand people) Drama." . . "Alliance Films (Firm)" . . "Rawiri Paratene" . . "Maoris Nouvelle-Zélande Whangarei." . . "San Francisco International Film Festival 47o. 2003." . . . "Whales. Fiction." . . "Baleines." . . "Chiefdoms." . . "Golden Village (Firm)" . . "Short films Australia." . . "Grandparent and child New Zealand." . . "South Pacific Pictures." . . "South Pacific Pictures (Firm)" . . "New Zealand." . . "maorier" . . "Igrani filmi Drame Video DVD." . . "Wale." . . "Family traditions. Fiction." . . "Relations homme-animal." . . "New Market Films." . . "Cine dramático Películas cinematográficas DVD." . . "drama" . . "Buena Vista Home Entertainment (Firm)" . . "Maoris Romans." . . "New Zealand" . . "New Zealand." . "Grandparent and child." . . "Maori (New Zealand people)" . . "Fate and fatalism." . . "Abuelos Deberes y derechos Nueva Zelandia Teatro." . . "International Film Festival Rotterdam 32o. 2003." . . . "New Zealand Film Production Fund." . . "Apollomedia." . . "Youth." . . "Film." . . "Children's films New Zealand." . . "Chiefdoms New Zealand Whangarei Drama." . . "Grandparent and child Drama New Zealand." . . "Apollomedia Pandora Film (Firm)" . . "Keisha Castle-Hughes" . . "Movies on DVD." . . "Uzun metrajlı filmler." . . "traditioner" . . "Tochter." . . "Whale rider (Film cinématographique)" . . "Whales Drama." . . "ApolloMedia (Firme)" . . "Apollomedia (Firme)" . "DVD." . . "Feature films." . . "DVD collection" . . "Grandparent and child New Zealand Whangarei Drama." . . "Longs métrages." . . "Rangatira." . . "Heritage Drama." . . "Kiriata" . . "Whales." . . "Fishes." . . "South Pacific Pictures (Firme)" . . "Exit Films." . . "Diskriminierung." . . "Literatur Verfilmung." . . "Nieuw-Zeeland." . . "Chefferie (Anthropologie) Nouvelle-Zélande Whangarei." . . "Schöpfungsmythos." . . "NZ On Air." . . "Maori." . . "Newmarket Films (Firm)" . . "Sundance Film Festival 2003 Salt Lake City." . . . "Neuseeland." . . "Indigenes Volk." . . . . "Vicky Haughton" . . "Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment (Firm)" . . "Whale rider." . . "Cliff Curtis" . . "Grandparent and child New Zealand Drama." . . "Vater." . . . . . . . . . . "Maori (New Zealand people) -- Drama" . . . . . . "Juvenile works"@en . "Juvenile works" . . "\"Un petit village maori traverse une crise sans précédent lorsque le fils héritier de la tribu Ngati Konohi meurt à la naissance, laissant comme seule survivante, sa soeur jumelle Paï. Méprisée par son grand-père et ignorée par les villageois, la jeune fille de vingt-deux ans demeure convaincue de son appel et prépare sa formation, selon les moeurs et coutumes ancestrales de la tribu, afin de devenir la première femme chef de la communauté. Avec une confiance remarquable, Paï trouve la force de braver sa famille et de défier les milliers d'années de tradition afin d'accomplir sa destinée.\"--Back of container."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\"A contemporary story of love, rejection and triumph as a young Maori girl fights to fulfill a destiny her grandfather refuses to recognize\"--Internet movie database, as viewed October 18, 2005."@en . . "Das Leben beginnt für die kleine Pai dramatisch: Bei der Geburt sterben ihr Zwillingsbruder und ihre Mutter. Der verzweifelte Vater nennt das Kind in der Tradition seines Maori-Stammes Paikea - ein Name, der bisher den männlichen Anführern vorbehalten war. In der Obhut ihrer Grosseltern wächst Pai(kea) auf. Sie bewundert ihren Grossvater Koro, der als weises Stammesoberhaupt von allen respektiert wird. Und sie wird vorbehaltlos geliebt und unterstützt von ihrer Grossmutter Flowers, einer selbstbewussten, starken und klugen Frau. Während der Grossvater unter den Jungen des Stammes den zukünftigen Anführer sucht, lernt Pai die traditionellen Maori-Riten. Wäre sie ein Junge, wäre sie der kommende Häuptling, doch als Mädchen muss sie hart um ihre Anerkennung kämpfen. (Quelle: www.top-videonews.de)." . . . . . . "As her beloved grandfather, chief of the Maori tribe of Whangara, New Zealand, struggles to lead in difficult times and to find a male successor, young Kahu, his grand-daughter, has to fight his authority and a thousand years of tradition to fill her destiny and save the tribe." . . "Whale rider [DVD]"@en . "A small Maori village faces a crisis when the heir to the leadership of the Ngati Konohi dies at birth and is survived only by his twin sister, Pai." . . . . "Un petit village maori traverse une crise sans précédent lorsque le fils héritier de la tribu Ngati Konohi meurt à la naissance, laissant comme seule survivante, sa soeur jumelle Paï. Méprisée par son grand-père et ignorée par les villageois, la jeune fille de douze ans demeure convaincue de son appel. Paï prépare sa formation, selon les moeurs et coutumes ancestrales de la tribu, afin de devenir la première femme chef de la communauté. Avec une confiance remarquable, la jeune fille trouve la force de braver sa famille et de défier des milliers d'années de tradition afin d'accomplir sa destinée." . . . "Whale rider = La légende des baleines" . . . . "In a small New Zealand coastal village, Maori claim descent from Paikea, the Whale Rider. In every generation, a male heir has succeeded to the chiefly title. When twins are born and the boy twin dies, Koro, the chief is unable to accept his grand-daughter Pai as a future leader. Koro is convinced that the tribe's misfortunes began at Pai's birth and calls for his people to bring their sons to him, sure a new leader will be revealed. Pai loves Koro more than anyone in the world, but she must fight him and a thousand years of tradition to fulfil her destiny. When whales become stranded on the beach, Koro is sure this signals an apocalyptic end to his tribe. Until one person prepares to make the ultimate sacrifice to save the people. The Whale Rider.--Container." . . . . . . . . . . . "Whale rider [Blu-ray]" . "Whale rider (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica)" . . . . . . . . . "Paï l'élue d'un peuple nouveau"@en . "In the ways of the ancients she found a hope for the future."@en . . . . . . . "General"@en . . "As her beloved grandfather, chief of the Maori tribe of Whangara, New Zealand, struggles to lead in difficult times and to find a male successor, young Kahu is developing a mysterious relationship with whales, particularly the ancient bull whale whose legendary rider was their ancestor."@en . . "Whalerider (Motion picture)"@en . "Documentaire de tournage (Descripteur de forme)" . . . "A contemporary story of love, rejection and triumph as a young Maori girl fights to fulfill a destiny her grandfather refuses to recognize. DVD." . . . . . . . . "new zealandske film" . . . . . . . . . . "Whale rider (videorecording)" . . "Whale rider Legenda o jezdecu kitov" . . . . . "A small Maori village faces a crisis when the heir to the leadership of the Ngati Konohi dies at birth and is survived only by his twin sister, Pai. Although disregarded by her grandfather and shunned by the village people, twelve-year-old Pai remains certain of her calling and trains herself in the ways and customs of her people. With remarkable grace, Pai finds the strength to challenge her family and embraces a thousand years of tradition in order to fulfill her destiny."@en . "A small Maori village faces a crisis when the heir to the leadership of the Ngati Konohi dies at birth and is survived only by his twin sister, Pai. Although disregarded by her grandfather and shunned by the village people, twelve-year-old Pai remains certain of her calling and trains herself in the ways and customs of her people. With remarkable grace, Pai finds the strength to challenge her family and embraces a thousand years of tradition in order to fulfill her destiny." . . . . . . "In New Zealand, the Maori people claim descent from Paikea, the Whale Rider. In every generation, a male heir has succeeded to the chiefly title. The time is now. When twins are born, and the boy twin dies, Koro, the chief, is unable to accept his granddaughter Pai (Keisha Castle-Hughes) as a future leader. Koro is convinced that the tribes̉ misfortunes began at the time of Pais̉ birth and calls for his people to bring their sons to him, in the hope that the new leader is among them."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "New Zealand films"@en . "tyske film" . . . . "Fiction films"@en . . . . . "Die Maori-Bewohner eines kleinen neuseeländischen Küstenorts führten ihre Herkunft auf Paikea, den Walreiter, zurück. Als der Stammeshäuptling stirbt, hofften alle auf die Geburt des neuen Stammesführer. Als jedoch der Hoffnungsträger bei der Geburt stirbt und nur dessen Zwillingsschwester überlebt, sieht sich Stammesoberhaupt Koro nicht im Stande, seine Enkelin Pai als zukünftige Anführerin zu akzeptieren. Die 12-jährige Pai, die ihren Grossvater Koro mehr als jeden Anderen auf der Welt liebt, muss sich nun gegen diesen und eine tausendjährige Tradition auflehnen, um ihre Bestimmung zu erfüllen." . . . . . . . "Cracker Bag"@en . . "A young girl fights against the age-old tradition that the first-born son will become chief of her tribe, an idea stemming from the boy who supposedly populated New Zealand by riding there on the back of a whale." . "A young girl fights against the age-old tradition that the first-born son will become chief of her tribe, an idea stemming from the boy who supposedly populated New Zealand by riding there on the back of a whale."@en . "A small Maori village faces a crisis when the heir to the leadership of the Ngati Konohi dies at birth and is survived only by his twin sister, Pai. Although disregrded by her grandfather and shunned by the village people, twelve-year-old Pai remains certain of her calling and trains herself in the ways and customs of her people. With remarkable grace, Pai finds the strength to challenge her family and embraces a thousand years of tradition in orderto fulfill her destiny." . . "The Whangara people believe that only the first-born male descendent of a chief should be granted leadership positions. When the pregnant daughter-in-law of the current chief dies in childbirth along with her newborn son, the distraught father leaves his surviving child -- a twin girl -- with his parents to raise. The child, Pai, never loses sight of her destiny despite her grandfather's disappointment and challenges a thousand years of tradition as she comes of age."@en . . . . . . "Whale rider La légende des baleines" . "Whale rider La légende des baleines"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Film adaptations"@en . "Film adaptations" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ta kaeike tohora" . "In a small New Zealand coastal village, the Maori people claim descent from Paikea, the Whale Rider. In every generation, a male heir has succeeded to the chiefly title. The time is now. When twins are born, and the boy twin dies, Koro, the chief, is unable to accept his granddaughter Pai (Keisha Castle-Hughes) as a future leader. Koro is convinced that the tribe s misfortunes began at the time of Pai s birth and calls for his people to bring their sons to him, in the hope that the new leader is among them. Pai loves Koro more than anyone in the world but she must fight him and a thousand years of tradition to fulfil her destiny..." . . . "In New Zealand, the Maori people claim descent from Paikea, the Whale Rider. In every generation, a male heir has succeeded to the chiefly title. The time is now. When twins are born, and the boy twin dies, Koro, the chief, is unable to accept his granddaughter Pai (Keisha Castle-Hughes) as a future leader. Koro is convinced that the tribes' misfortunes began at the time of Pai's birth and calls for his people to bring their sons to him, in the hope that the new leader is among them." . . . . . . "In dem bisher erfolgreichsten neuseeländischen Film aller Zeiten wirft Regisseurin Niki Caro einen bewegenden Blick auf den Kampf eines mutigen Mädchens gegen überkommene Traditionen und um Liebe und Anerkennung." . "Melodramas (Motion pictures)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Een twaalfjarig meisje moet zich als de enige stamopvolger van een Maori-volk in Nieuw-Zeeland bewijzen." . . . . . . . . . . . . "Whale rider (family)" . . . . "Die Bewohner eines kleinen neuseeländischen Küstenorts führen ihre Herkunft auf Paikea, den Walreiter zurück. Seit über tausend Jahren trägt ein männlicher Nachfahre aus jeder Generation diesen Titel. Nun ist die Zeit für einen neuen Erben gekommen. Als jedoch der Hoffnungsträger bei der Geburt stirbt und nur dessen Zwillingsschwester überlebt, sieht sich Stammesoberhaupt Koro nicht imstande, seine Enkelin Pai als zukünftige Anführerin zu akzeptieren. - Regisseurin Niki Caro wirft einen bewegenden Blick auf eine zeitlose Geschichte um Liebe, Anerkennung und den Kampf gegen überkommene Traditionen. Neuentdeckung Keisha Castle-Hughes brilliert als Pai, unterstützt von Cliff Curtis als ihren Vater, und Rawiri Paratene als ebenso engstirnigen wie liebevollen Grossvater." . "Features"@en . . . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired" . "Whalerider is a contemporary story of love, rejection and triumph as a young Maori girl fights to fulfill a destiny her grandfather refuses to recognize. The second disc is of the Australian short film, Cracker bag, which is set in the 1980's and is a gentle suburban observation."@en . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"@en . . . "Cracker bag" . "Cracker bag"@en . "Légende des baleines"@en . "Légende des baleines" . . . . . . . . . . . "Paï" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Feature films" . "Feature films"@en . . . . . . "DVD-Video" . . . . . . . "Māori" . "Whale rider Balinanın sırtında" . . . "Domestic fiction" . "Television adaptations" . . . . . . "The whale rider"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Neuseelands Ureinwohner, die Maori, glauben, dass ihre Vorfahren in Kanus über das Meer kamen. Die Einwohner von Whangara und der Ostküste hingegen glauben, dass ihr Urahne Paikea das Land auf dem Rücken eines Wales, der ihn nach dem Kentern seines Kanus gerettet hatte, erreichte. Seither trägt in jeder Generation ein männlicher Nachfahre des Walreiters diesen Titel und ist Oberhaupt des Stammes. Nun ist die Zeit für einen neuen Erben gekommen." . . . . . . . . "Whale rider"@es . . "Whale rider" . "Whale rider"@en . . "Drama" . "Drama"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Legenda o jezdecu kitov" . . . "Balinanın sırtında" . . . . . . . . . . . "Fiction"@en . . . "La legende des baleines"@en . . . . . . . "Whale rider"@en . . . . . . "Die Maori-Bewohner eines kleinen neuseeländischen Küstenorts führen ihre Herkunft auf Paikea, den Walreiter zurück. Als der Stammeshäuptling stirbt hoffen alle auf die Geburt eines neuen Stammesführer. Als jedoch der Hoffnungsträger bei der Geburt stirbt und nur dessen Zwillingsschwester überlebt, sieht sich Stammesoberhaupt Koro (Rawiri Paratene) nicht imstande, seine Enkelin Pai(kea) (Keisha Castle-Hughes) als zukünftige Anführerin zu akzeptieren. Die 12-jährige Pai, die ihren Grossvater Koro mehr als jeden Anderen auf der Welt liebt, muss sich gegen diesen und eine tausendjährige Tradition auflehnen, um ihre Bestimmung zu erfüllen. (Quelle: Umschlag)." . . . "Die Maori-Bewohner eines kleinen neuseeländischen Küstenorts führten ihre Herkunft auf Paikea, den Walreiter zurück. Als der Stammeshäuptling stirbt, hofften alle auf die Geburt des neuen Stammesführer. Als jedoch der Hoffnungsträger bei der Geburt stirbt und nur dessen Zwillingsschwester überlebt, sieht sich Stammesoberhaupt Koro nicht imstande, seine Enkelin Pai als zukünftige Anführerin zu akzeptieren. Die 12-jährige Pai, die ihren Grossvater Koro mehr als jeden Anderen auf der Welt liebt, muss sich nun gegen diesen und eine tausendjährige Tradition auflehnen, um ihre Bestimmung zu erfüllen." . . "DVD-Video discs"@en . . . . . . . . . "\"In New Zealand, the Maori people claim descent from Paikea, the Whale Rider. In every generation, a male heir has succeeded to the chiefly title. The time is now. When twins are born, and the boy twin dies, Koro, the chief, is unable to accept his granddaughter Pai (Keisha Castle-Hughes) as a future leader. Koro is convinced that the tribes̉ misfortunes began at the time of Pais̉ birth and calls for his people to bring their sons to him, in the hope that the new leader is among them\"--Cataloguer." . . . "DVD collection"@en . . . "The Whangara people believe their ancestor Paikea was saved from drowning by riding home on the back of a whale. The tribal group has since granted leadership positions to the first-born males, believing them to be descendants of Paikea. But then a young mother dies in childbirth along with her newborn male son. His twin sister survives and the little girl, Pai, is brought up by her grandparents. Learning the skills of chiefdom from her uncle, Pai shows that she possess a natural leadership ability." . "The Whangara people believe their ancestor Paikea was saved from drowning by riding home on the back of a whale. The tribal group has since granted leadership positions to the first-born males, believing them to be descendants of Paikea. But then a young mother dies in childbirth along with her newborn male son. His twin sister survives and the little girl, Pai, is brought up by her grandparents. Learning the skills of chiefdom from her uncle, Pai shows that she possess a natural leadership ability."@en . . . . . . . . "A contemporary story of love, rejection and triumph as a young Maori girl fights to fulfill a destiny her grandfather refuses to recognize." . "A contemporary story of love, rejection and triumph as a young Maori girl fights to fulfill a destiny her grandfather refuses to recognize."@en . . . . . . "The Whangara people believe their ancestor Paikea was saved from drowning by riding home on the back of a whale. The tribal group has since granted leadership positions to the first-born males, believing them to be descendants of Paikea. But then a young mother dies in childbirth along with her newborn male son. His twin sister survives and the little girl, Pai, is brought up by her grandparents. Learning the skills of chiefdom from her uncle, Pai shows that she possesses a natural leadership ability." . "The Whangara people believe their ancestor Paikea was saved from drowning by riding home on the back of a whale. The tribal group has since granted leadership positions to the first-born males, believing them to be descendants of Paikea. But then a young mother dies in childbirth along with her newborn male son. His twin sister survives and the little girl, Pai, is brought up by her grandparents. Learning the skills of chiefdom from her uncle, Pai shows that she possesses a natural leadership ability."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Whale Rider"@en . "Whale Rider" . . . . . . . . . . . . "Videocassettes"@en . . "Whalerider" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Motion pictures" . "Baleines Romans." . . "Nova Zelanda Condicions socials Ficció." . . "Comstar Home Entertainment (Firm)" . . "Destiny Drama." . . "Feature films--New Zealand" . . "Feature films New Zealand." . "Pandora Film (Firm)" . . "ApolloMedia (Firm)" . . "Festival des Festivals 27o. 2002 Toronto, Canadá." . . . "New Zealand Film Commission." . . "Apollomedia Pandora Film." . . "Abuelos Teatro." . . "Human-animal relationships Drama." . . "Children's films." . . "South Pacific Pictures Ltd." . . "Germany." . . "Grands-parents et enfants Nouvelle-Zélande Whangarei." . . "Fate and fatalism Drama." . . "Pandora Film (Firme)" . . "Ngati Konohi." . . "Feature films Germany." . . "Sociologia en el cinema Ficció." . . "Newmarket Films (Firme)" . . "Human-animal relationships." . . "Ballenas Nueva Zelandia Teatro." . . "Drama films." . . "Nouvelle-Zélande" . . "Destiny. Fiction." . . "Vidéos pour handicapés auditifs." . .