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Laurence Olivier's presentation of Henry V

Henry V is Shakespeare's dramatic depiction of England's Henry as he strives to claim the crown of France. Henry finally establishes an alliance with France when he meets and marries Catherine of Valois after his army is victorious.

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  • "histoire du roi Henry V et de la bataille d'Azincourt en France"
  • "Heinrich der Fünfte"
  • "Henry Fifth"
  • "Life of Henry the Fifth"
  • "Life of Henry the Fifth"@en
  • "Henry V"
  • "Henry V"@en
  • "Chronicle history of King Henry the Fift with his battell fought at Agincourt in France"@en
  • "Chronicle history of King Henry the Fift with his battell fought at Agincourt in France"
  • "Laurence Olivier in Shakespeare's Henry V"@en
  • "Olivier's Henry V"
  • "Olivier's Henry V"@en
  • "King Henry V"
  • "Henri cinq"
  • "Henry the fifth"@en
  • "Henry the fifth"
  • "Laurence Olivier double bill"@en
  • "chronicle history of King Henry the Fift with his battell fougt at Agincourt in France"
  • "Chronicle history of King Henry the Fifth with his battell fought at Agincourt in France"
  • "Chronicle history of King Henry the Fifth with his battell fought at Agincourt in France"@en
  • "Henry the Fifth"
  • "Henry the Fifth"@en
  • "DVDR 5054"@en
  • "Henry V [1990 : Pennington]"@en
  • "William Shakespeare's Henry V"@en
  • "Chronical history of King Henry the fift with his battell fought at Agincourt in France"
  • "Henri V"
  • "Chronicle history of King Henry the Fifth"@en
  • "King Henry V [1990 : Pennington]"@en
  • "Henry five"
  • "Henry five"@en
  • "Henry the 5th"
  • "Henry the 5th"@en
  • "Henry V de Laurence Olivier"
  • "King Henry the Fifth"
  • "King Henry the Fifth"@en
  • "Laurence Olivier's presentation of Henry V"@en
  • "Laurence Olivier's presentation of Henry V"
  • "King Henry the fifth"
  • "King Henry the fifth"@en
  • "Henry V [Enregistrement vidéo]"
  • "Henry 5"@en
  • "Henry 5"
  • "Laurence Olivier's Henry V"
  • "Laurence Olivier's Henry V"@en

  • "1415. Henri V, roi d'Angleterre, convaincu qu'il a des droits légitimes au trône de France, débarque avec ses hommes à Honfleur. Malgré la fatigue de ses soldats et leur petit nombre, il inflige une humiliante défaite aux seigneurs de Charles II. La cour de France se réunit à Rouen pour rendre hommage au vainqueur qui a vite fait de s'éprendre de la princesse Catherine qu'il épousera."
  • "Henry V is Shakespeare's dramatic depiction of England's Henry as he strives to claim the crown of France. Henry finally establishes an alliance with France when he meets and marries Catherine of Valois after his army is victorious."@en
  • "Laurence Olivier's innovative movie production of Henry V, Shakespeare's stirring historical play about the English king who defeated the French at Agincourt."@en
  • "Basé sur la pièce historique la plus populaire de Shakespeare, ce film évoque la campagne militaire du roi Henry V en France en 1415."
  • "One of a sequence of seven history plays by William Shakespeare."@en
  • "The opening of Sir Laurence Olivier's production of Shakespeare's Henry V, showing a reconstruction of Shakespeare's London and the Globe Theatre, and a free treatment of the first scenes of the play as they may have been originally played."
  • "Historical epic of the English king who defeated the French at Agincourt."
  • "Historical epic of the English king who defeated the French at Agincourt."@en
  • "Enrique V, el joven rey de Inglaterra, no es más que un muñeco entre las manos de la Iglesia: convencido por los clérigos de invadir Francia, se decide a entrar en guerra para reivindicar el trono del país vecino. La guerra culmina en la sangrienta batalla de Agincourt y, poco a poco, el rey debe luchar contra la moral cada vez más hundida de su tropas y contra sus propias dudas."
  • "Dramma storico nel quale si rievocano le gesta del re che, nel 1415, durante la guerra dei Cent'anni, sconfisse l'esercito francese, numericamente superiore, nella battaglia di Azincourt ..."
  • "Young King Henry of England asserts a hereditary claim to the throne of France, gathering an army and embarking on a course that will lead to one of England's greatest battlefield triumphs and forever change the face of Europe."@en
  • "Young King Henry of England asserts a hereditary claim to the throne of France, gathering an army and embarking on a course that will lead to one of England's greatest battlefield triumphs and forever change the face of Europe."
  • "King of England leads an army to win at Agincourt."@en
  • "De Engelse koning Henry V maakt aanspraak op de Franse troon en wordt hierin gesteund door de aartsbisschop van Canterbury. Als de onderhandelingen mislukken, besluit Henry aan te vallen."
  • "The story of an English king who defeated the French at Agincourt."
  • "Shakespeare's historical play is seen in performance at the Globe Theatre in 1603; as it develops the scenery becomes more realistic."@en
  • "Évocation de la campagne entreprise par le roi d'Angleterre Henry V pour appuyer ses prétentions à la couronne de France."
  • "Screen version of William Shakespeare's play entitled King Henry V. Henry is portrayed as an inspired and courageous leader who leads his vastly outnumbered forces to victory against the French at Agincourt."@en
  • "Presents a performance of Shakespeare's Henry V. with Laurence Olivier in the title role. Includes scenes of London's Globe Theatre where the play is performed."
  • ""Adaptation of Shakespeare's patriotic historical drama that celebrates the English nation and the greatness of its King. Includes medieval battle sequences with a recreation of the Battle of Agincourt.""@en
  • "Two entire generations were introduced to Shakespeare by this expansive production, which is as fresh and dramatic and deeply touching today as when it first ushered in the contemporary style of Shakespearean production and taught us to see the vast and rich panoply beyond the line of Shakespeare's Henry V."
  • "Sir Laurence Olivier, as producer, director, and in the title role, perceives Henry as a bold adventurer with something of the likeable madcap about him. Olivier's interpretation tends towards broad outlines and strokes of bravado rather than subtlety or complexity of theme, and the film becomes a celebration of the English nation and the greatness of its king. Considered the first Shakespearean film to be both an artistic and a popular success."
  • "Presents a dramatization of William Shakespeare's play entitled Henry."@en
  • "Presents Shakespeare's play about King Henry V and how he unites his people as he embarks on an invasion of France. Shows how he deals justly with traitors and ensures future peace by his marriage to the princess of France."@en
  • "Young King Henry of England asserts a hereditary claim to the throne of France, gathering an army and embarking on a course that will lead to one of England's greatest battlefield triumphs and forever change the face of Europe. Follows King Henry V as he unites his people, deals justly with traitors, leads his soldiers to victory, and ensures peace by marrying a French princess."@en
  • "A telling of one of Shakespeare's classic plays, made to boost morale of British soldiers during World War II."@en
  • "England's most admired hero, Henry V unites his people, invades France, deals with traitors and cements the peace by marrying the Princess of France. Examines the qualities that make a successful ruler and show also the isolation and responsibility that leadership entails."
  • "The preparations for and actual fighting of the Battle of Agincourt from Henry V by William Shakespeare. An extract from Sir Lawrence Olivier's production."
  • "England's most admired hero, Henry V unites his people, invades France, deals with traitors and cements the peace by marrying the Princess of France. Examines the qualities that make a successful ruler and show also the isolation and responsibility that leadership entails."@en
  • "Olivier's play-within-a-film is a production of "The chronicle history of King Henry the Fift with his battel fought at Agincourt in France" in the Globe Theatre: "Prince Hal" has ascended to the throne of England. He proceeds to assert his hereditary claim to the throne of France, gathers an army and embarks on a course that will lead to one of England's greatest battlefield triumphs--the bloody Battle of Agincourt--and forever change the face of Europe. King Henry V unites his people, deals justly with traitors, leads his soldiers to victory, and in the end ensures the peace by marrying the French princess Katherine."
  • "Recreates a performance of Henry V in 16th century style which features a small stage and painted cloth scenery."
  • "Adaptation of Shakespeare's patriotic historical drama that celebrates the English nation and the greatness of its King. Includes medieval battle sequences with a recreation of the Battle of Agincourt."
  • "Adaptation of Shakespeare's patriotic historical drama that celebrates the English nation and the greatness of its King. Includes medieval battle sequences with a recreation of the Battle of Agincourt."@en
  • "Presents a dramatization of William Shakespeare's play entitled King Henry V."@en
  • "The film begins as a stage presentation of the Elizabethan era and gradually opens up to full cinematic glory. The play tells the story of the English king who defeated the French at Agincourt."
  • ""Henry sets out to press his claim to the Crown of France. His small expedition encounters vastly superior French forces at Agincourt, and there Henry delivers his famous exhortation to the soldiers. His army victorious, the King visits the French Court where he meets and marries Catherine of Valois, thereby establishing the beginning of a promising alliance with France." - DVD case."@en
  • "An adaptation of Shakespeare's patriotic historical drama that celebrates the English nation, as produced in the Globe Theater in Southwark."@en
  • "Olivier's brilliant adaptation dissolves from a play-within-a-play from the Globe Theatre to the wide vistas of the battlefield at Agincurt - with the talents of Krasker's magnificent color photography and a superlative cast, led by Olivier in the title role. Shakespeare scholars will find little to fault: any cuts in dialogue are trivial or covered by visual interpretations of the same scene."@en
  • "Henry V, the arrogant young King of England who, insulted by the French court, declares war on France. But when the English troops suffer devastating casualties, young King Harry realizes that there is more to leadship than royal pride. Calling his men to arms with the stirring St. Crispin's speech, Harry leads his soldiers into battle. Outnumbered by five-to-one, they turn England's near defeat into its greatest glory."@en
  • "The first movie version of Shakespeare's stirring historical play about the English king who defeated the French at Agincourt."@en
  • "Drame shakespearien produit, realise et interprete par Laurence Olivier. 1415, Henri V, roi d'Angleterre, convaincu qu'il a des droits legitimes au trone de France, debarque avec ses hommes a Honfleur. Malgre la fatigue de ses soldats et leur petit nombre, il inflige une humiliante defaite aux seigneurs de Charles II. La cour de France se reunit a Rouen pour rendre hommage au vainqueur qui a vite fait de s'eprendre de la princesse Catherine qu'il epousera."
  • "Shakespeare's dramatic depiction of England's Henry V as he strives to claim the throne of France. Henry finally establishes an alliance with France when he meets and marries Catherine of Valois after his army is victorious."@en
  • "Shakespeare's historical play is seen in performance at the Globe Playhouse in 1600; as it developes the scenery becomes more realistic."@en
  • "Presents a dramatization of William Shakespeare's play entitled Henry V."
  • "Presents a dramatization of William Shakespeare's play entitled Henry V."@en
  • "Le jeune roi Henri V d'Angleterre veut faire valoir des droits ancestraux sur les territoires du royaume de France. Ses prétentions sont repoussées avec dédain par le dauphin Charles, sur quoi Henri traverse la Manche avec ses troupes, un ramassis de soldats mal disciplinés. Il remporte pourtant la bataille d'Azincourt face à un ennemi fortement supérieur en nombre et en expérience guerrière. Henri entame donc avec le vieux roi de France une négociation, qui comprend un mariage avec la princesse Catherine, pour éteindre le contentieux entre les deux couronnes."
  • "Adaptation of Shakespeare's patriotic historical drama that celebrates the English nation and the greatness of its King."@en
  • "Kenneth Branagh's star-studded version of Shakespeare's play has a more intimate and equivocal approach to war than Laurence Olivier's 1944 classic. The young King (Branagh), his days of carousing behind him, is advised of his legal claim to the throne of France. He decides to invade with his small and somewhat rag-tag army, taking on the massed might of the King of France's (Paul Scofield) forces."
  • "Drame shakespearien produit, réalisé et interprété par Laurence Olivier. 1415, Henri V, roi d'Angleterre, convaincu qu'il a des droits légitimes au trône de France, débarque avec ses hommesà Honfleur. Malgré la fatigue de ses soldats et leur petit nombre, il inflige une humiliante défaite aux seigneurs de Charles II. La cour de France se réunit à Rouen pour rendre hommage au vainqueur qui a vite fait de s'éprendre de la princesse Catherine qu'il épousera."
  • "Henry V, one of Shakespeares greatest historical plays on British monarchs centres on a new young king facing a country on the brink of war with France. He must build his army, prove to himself and his countrymen that he has the courage and fortitude to defy an arrogant and powerful French army. Amidst plots of assassination he must lead his country to military conquest in mediaeval western Europe, building to the legendary British victory in 1514 over the French at Agincourt."
  • "Laurence Olivier presents a dramatization of William Shakespeare's play entitled Henry V."
  • "Historical drama detailing the reign of England's King Henry V with pomp and poetry. Includes the Battle of Agincourt and Henry's wooing of Princess Katharine of France."@en
  • "Durch einen Eklat und sein eingefordertes Erbrecht sieht sich Heinrich V. von England berufen, den Thron Frankreichs einzunehmen. Angestachelt durch ihren mächtigen und tapferen König ziehen die Truppen durch Frankreich. Bei der Stadt Agincourt soll es zur entscheidenden Schlacht kommen. Doch als die englischen Truppen vorwärts ziehen, lässt der französische Dauphin die im Lager Heinrichs zurückgebliebenen Soldaten hinterrücks ermorden. Diese schmähliche Tat kann Heinrich nicht auf sich beruhen lassen, er stellt sich persönlich dem französischen Truppenkommandeur zum Kampf. (Quelle: Umschlag)."

  • "Llargmetratges"
  • "Historical films"@en
  • "Historical films"
  • "Plays"@en
  • "Plays"
  • "DVD"
  • "DVDs"
  • "DVD-Video"
  • "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"
  • "Biographical films"@en
  • "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"@en
  • "Biographical television programs"@en
  • "Adaptations"
  • "Drama"
  • "Drama"@en
  • "Historical television programs"@en
  • "Features"@en
  • "Features"
  • "Historical"@en
  • "British films"@en
  • "War films"@en
  • "Speelfilm"
  • "Videodiscs"
  • "Criticism, interpretation, etc"@en
  • "Biographies"@en
  • "Historical drama"
  • "Historical drama"@en
  • "Video recordings"@en
  • "fiction historique (fiction)"
  • "DVD-Video discs"@en
  • "Television programs"@en
  • "Motion pictures"
  • "Feature films"
  • "Feature films"@en
  • "Film adaptations"
  • "Film adaptations"@en
  • "Historical re-creations"
  • "Closed captioning"@en
  • "Videorecording"@en
  • "Fiction films"@en
  • "Nonfiction television programs"@en
  • "Televised plays"@en
  • "Internet videos"@en
  • "Electronic videos (www)"@en
  • "History"
  • "History"@en
  • "Educational films"@en

  • "Laurence Olivier's presentation of Henry V"@en
  • "Henry V. --"
  • "Henry V"
  • "Henry V"@en
  • "Henry V [videorecording (DVD)]"
  • "Henry V (1944)"@en
  • "Henry V (1944)"
  • "Henry V (Programma televisivo)"
  • "Henry V [video]"
  • "Henry 5"
  • "Chronicle history of King Henry the Fifth"
  • "Henry V (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica : 1944)"
  • "Henry V (Film : 1989)"
  • "Henry V [videorecording]"
  • "[Henry V]"
  • "Henry V (Television program : 1990)"@en
  • "King Henry V"
  • "The chronicle history of King Henry the Fifth with his battell fought at Agincourt in France"
  • "The Chronicle History of King Henry the fifth with his battle fought at Agincourt in France = Henry V"
  • "Henry V (Film : 1944)"
  • "Henry V (Film cinématographique : 1989)"
  • "Henry V (Motion picture : 1989)"
  • "Henry V (Motion picture : 1989)"@en
  • "The chronicle history of King Henry the Fift with his battell fought at Agincourt in France"@en
  • "Henry V (Film cinématographique : 1944)"
  • "Henry V (Motion picture : 1944)"@en
  • "Henry V (Motion picture : 1944)"