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An actor of the Art Theatre Company of Hamburg, who subordinates everything to his success, befriends a principal figure in the Nazi power machinery and is drawn into the poisonous circle of evil from which he can no longer escape. The popularity of his character supercedes his own existence until he finds that his best performance is keeping up appearances for his Nazi patrons.

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  • "Mefisto"
  • "Moderne Europese klassieken"
  • "Mephisto"
  • "Trilogía de István Szabó con Klaus Maria Brandauer"
  • "Mephisto <film ; 1981&gt"@it

  • "Au début des années 30, l'acteur Hendrik Hofgen fait partie d'une troupe de théâtre de Hambourg. Par arrivisme, il épouse la fille d'un riche politicien qui lui obtient un engagement au théâtre d'État de Berlin. L'avènement du régime nazi risque de nuire à sa carrière, mais Hofgen attire l'attention d'un ministre influent. Il devient bientôt le comédien favori du Régime, renonçant avec plus ou moins de facilité à ses convictions et à ses relations d'antan."
  • "Il grande attore Hendrik Hoefgen, dopo l'avvento del Reich, decide di restare in patria - lui che era abituato a recitare Brecht - illudendosi di poter usare il nazismo per coronare le proprie ambizioni. Hoefgen, che ama recitare Mefistofele, nella vita ha in sorte la parte di Faust: quanto ad allegorie Szabo non va tanto per il sottile. (Mereghetti)."@it
  • "A drama set in Germany before and during the Nazi period. A young provincial actor makes a bargain with the officials of the Third Reich. He betrays his wife, his mistress, and eventually his art, in exchange for fame. Based on the life of Gustaf Gründgens."
  • "Höfgen è un uomo di sinistra che vorrebbe recitare in un teatro popolare, ma l'avvento del nazismo lo conduce in tutt'altra direzione: il suo carisma e il suo egocentrismo sono vitali per la causa nazista. Höfgen dovrà mettere da parte i suoi ideali per diventare una star."@it
  • "A principios de los años 30, a un actor alemán le trae sin cuidado la situación política, pero cuando el poder nazi crece, ve la oportunidad de actuar y hacer propaganda para el III Reich."@es
  • "As the Nazis take power in pre-WWII Germany, a German actor finds mixed blessings in the unexpected success of his performance in a Faustian play."
  • "Il grande attore Hendrik Hoefgen, dopo l'avvento del Reich, decide di restare in patria - lui che era abituato a recitare Brecht - illudendosi di poter usare il nazismo per coronare le proprie ambizioni. Hoefgen, che ama recitare Mefistofele, nella vita ha in sorte la parte di Faust. (Mereghetti)."
  • "An actor of the Art Theatre Company of Hamburg, who subordinates everything to his success, befriends a principal figure in the Nazi power machinery and is drawn into the poisonous circle of evil from which he can no longer escape. The popularity of his character supercedes his own existence until he finds that his best performance is keeping up appearances for his Nazi patrons."@en
  • "Feature film from Germany / Hungary. Drama. A stage actor in pre-WWII Germany finds success with the emerging Nazis."
  • "Winner of the Best Foreign Film Oscar in 1982, "Mephisto" is a remarkable and chilling portrait of one man's descent into moral corruption. As the Nazis rise to power, German actor Hendrik Hoefgen (Brandauer) faces a stark choice: political compliance or professional outer darkness. So eager is Hoefgen for applause that he opts for the former and becomes a star of the Nazi propaganda machine. But in pre-World War II Germany, there is a terrible price to pay for selling one's soul to the devil."
  • "Ende der zwanziger Jahre gelingt dem Provinzschauspieler Hendrik Höfgendank der Kombination von Talent, Zielstrebigkeit und richtiger Heirat der Aufstieg ins Berliner Staatstheater, wo er mit einer "Faust"-Inszenierung für Furore sorgt. Nach der Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten denkt er nicht daran, seine Frau ins Exil zu begleiten. Er bleibt in Berlin, um seine Karriere voran zu treiben, arrangiert sich mit den Nazis und wird sogar zum Intendanten des Staatstheaters ernannt. Zu spät erkennt er, dass er von den Nazis für ihre Zwecke genutzt wird. (Quelle:"
  • "Der Aufstieg des Theaterschauspielers Hendrik Höfgen vom Provinzmimen zum Intendanten der Berliner Staatsschauspiele während der Nazi-Zeit: ein nach Motiven des Romans von Klaus Mann gestaltetes Psychogramm eines Karrierebesessenen, der seine Überzeugungen dem Erfolg opfert. Höfgens Aufstieg ist zugleich ein Modellfall für einen vielschichtigen filmischen Diskurs über Politik, Macht, Moral, Kunst und Kultur unter den Bedingungen eines totalitären Systems."
  • "As the Nazis rise to power, a German actor decides to become a star, whatever the consequences."
  • "Based on real life events Mephisto follows the story of an ambitious provincial actor through the rise of Nazi Germany."
  • ""Dans l'Allemagne des ann©♭es 1930, Hendrik Hoefgen, acteur ambitieux, ne se soucie que tr©·s peu des probl©·mes politiques de son pays et ne vit que pour sa carri©·re artistique. Lorsque les nazis prennent le pouvoir, il saisit l'opportunit©♭ de jouer des pi©·ces pour la propagande du parti et devient tr©·s rapidement le com©♭dien le plus populaire d'Allemagne. D©♭vor©♭ par sa gloire et par le doute, il doit maintenant survivre dans un monde o©£ la haine et la peur sont devenues les v©♭ritables acteurs d'une sc©·ne o©£ se joue le destin de ce monde. Hendrik devra combattre ses d©♭mons, rong©♭ entre sa passion et son int©♭grit©♭; quitte a payer le prix de son ©Øme... Sources : DVD Clavis Films (Simon Shandor)". --Site wikip©♭dia, consult©♭ le 16 janvier 2015."
  • "Follows the story of an ambitious provincial actor through the rise of Nazi Germany. A German stage actor finds unexpected success and mixed blessings in the popularity of his performance in a Faustian play as the Nazis take power in pre-WWII Germany. As his associates and friends flee or are ground under by the Nazi terror, the popularity of his character supercedes his own existence until he finds that his best performance is keeping up appearances for his Nazi patrons."@en
  • "The story of the actor Hendrick Hofgen, who befriends a powerful Nazi general and gets drawn into the circle of evil, from which he can no longer escape."
  • ""Dans l'Allemagne des années 30, Hendrik Hoefgen, acteur ambitieux, ne se soucie que très peu des problèmes politiques de son pays et ne vit que pour sa carrière artistique. Lorsque les nazis prennent le pouvoir, il saisit l'opportunité de jouer des pièces pour la propagande du parti et devient très rapidement le comédien le plus populaire d'Allemagne. Dévoré par sa gloire et par le doute, il doit maintenant survivre dans un monde où la haine et la peur sont devenues les véritables acteurs d'une scène où se joue le destin de ce monde. Hendrik devra combattre ses démons, rongé entre sa passion et son intégrité, quitte à payer le prix de son âme..."
  • "An actor of the Art Theatre Company of Hamburg, who subordinates everything to his success, befriends a principal figure in the Nazi power machinery and is drawn into a poisonous circle of evil from which he can no longer escape."
  • ""Das faszinierende Potrait eines ebenso genialen wie eitlen Schauspielers, der einen Pakt mit dem Teufel schliesst, um Karriere zu machen."--Container."
  • "A German stage actor finds unexpected success and mixed blessings in the popularity of his performance in a Faustian play as the Nazis take power in pre-WWII Germany. As his associates and friends flee or are ground under by the Nazi terror, the popularity of his character supercedes his own existence until he finds that his best performance is keeping up appearances for his Nazi patrons."
  • "Stage actor Hendrik Höfgen of the Art Theatre Company of Hamburg subordinates everything to his success. He befriends a principal figure in the Nazi power machinery and acts in propaganda plays, becoming Germany's most popular actor. Soon Hendrik is drawn into the poisonous circle of evil from which he can no longer escape."
  • "The story of an actor's egotism, narcissism, and sexual opportunism. All are betrayed for political expediency in Hitler's Third Reich."
  • "The story of a star's egotism, narcissism, and sexual opportunism. All are betrayed for political expediency in Hitler's Third Reich."@en
  • "The story of a star's egotism, narcissism, and sexual opportunism. All are betrayed for political expediency in Hitler's Third Reich."
  • "Story of a stage actor's egotism, narcissism, and sexual opportunism betrayed for politcal expediency in Hitler's Third Reich."
  • "A political thriller about an actor in Nazi Germany ... his morals, his self-deception, and his political seduction."
  • "An actor of the Art Theatre Company of Hamburg, who subordinates everything to his success, befriends a principal figure in the Nazi power machinery and is drawn into the poisonous circle of evil from which he can no longer escape."
  • "La llegada del nacionalsocialismo a Alemania y sus consecuencias, narradas a través de la vida de un actor."@es
  • "SUMMARY: "A German stage actor finds unexpected success and mixed blessings in the popularity of his performance in a Faustian play as the Nazis take power in pre-WWII Germany. As his associates and friends flee or are ground under by the Nazi terror, the popularity of his character supercedes his own existence until he finds that his best performance is keeping up appearances for his Nazi patrons." IMDB"
  • "Drama about an actor in Nazi Germany whose ambition brings about his moral downfall. Originally a left-wing radical, he is seduced into accepting Nazism in exchange for wealth, popularity, and the opportunity to play his greatest role, Mephisto in Goethe's Faust."
  • "The story of an actor living and working in Germany during the Second World War, who betrays all, including himself in the name of political expediency."
  • "Follows the story of an ambitious provincial actor through the rise of Nazi Germany."
  • "Historia acerca de un ambicioso actor de teatro que se dedica a adular a los nazis para lograr el éxito en su profesión, llegando incluso a casarse con la hija de un importante pro-nazi para conseguir su objetivo."
  • ""Hendrik Hofgen is the star of a state-funded theater department who tires of his job. Like his friends, he pays lip service to socialist ideals fashionable for artists of his time-- that is, until the Nazis rise to power. He then sees an opportunity to achieve his objective of fame: he will perform propaganda plays and thereby use the Nazis as a vehicle to spread his name across the country-- only too late does he realize his mistake."--Jeremy Beday."
  • "The story of a vain and ambitious German actor who sells himself to the Nazis for the fame of performing in propaganda plays."
  • "Chilling portrait of one man's descent into moral corruption. As the Nazis rise to power, German actor Hendrik Hoefgen faces a stark choice: political compliance or professional outer darkness. So eager is Hoefgen for applause that he opts for the former and becomes a star of the Nazi propaganda machine. But in pre-World War II Germany, there is a terrible price to pay for selling one's soul to the devil."
  • ""A German stage actor finds unexpected success and mixed blessings in the popularity of his performance in a Faustian play as the Nazis take power in pre-WWII Germany. As his associates and friends flee or are ground under by the Nazi terror, the popularity of his character supercedes his own existence until he finds that his best performance is keeping up appearances for his Nazi patrons."--IMDb website, written by Keith Loh."
  • "The story of a star's egotism, narcissism, and sexual opportunism. All are betrayed for political expediency and Hitler's Third Reich."@en
  • "Dans l'Allemagne des années 30, Hendrik Hoefgen, acteur ambitieux, ne se soucie que très peu des problèmes politiques de son pays et ne vit que pour sa carrière artistique. Lorsque les nazis prennent le pouvoir, il saisit l'opportunité de jouer des pièces pour la propagande du parti et devient très rapidement le comédien le plus populaire d'Allemagne. Dévoré par sa gloire et par le doute, il doit maintenant survivre dans un monde où la haine et la peur sont devenus les véritables acteurs d'une scène où se joue le destin de l'humanité."
  • "A drama set in Germany before and during the Nazi period. A young provincial actor makes a bargain with the officials of the Third Reich. He betrays his wife, his mistress, and eventually his art, in exchange for fame. Eventually the circle of evil around him constricts, and he can no longer escape."
  • "A drama set in Germany before and during the Nazi period. A young provincial actor makes a bargain with the officials of the Third Reich. He betrays his wife, his mistress, and eventually his art, in exchange for fame. Eventually the circle of evil around him constricts, and he can no longer escape."@en
  • "Though Szabo's fable takes place at the beginning of the Nazi era, it may also be considered as an incisive metaporhical commentary on the director's experiences in Stalinist Hungary. The story of Hendrik Hofgen, provincial actor turned cultural beacon by the watchdogs of the Third Reich, is based, in part, on Klaus Mann's 1939 roman a clef about the life of prominent actor Gustav Grundgens and his faustian accomodations to the Nazis. Hofgen is overjoyed when Germany's Prime Minister, enthralled with his performance as Mephistopheles, confers upon him celebrity status and the directorship of the Prussian State Theater. Though troubled by the mysterious deaths of colleagues, the forced exile of his black mistress and the eventual estrangement of his theatrical designer wife, Hendrik craves the honorifics of his position. For the unsuspecting Hofgen, however, the price of fame is peonage to the system's megalomanic and unrelenting spotlight. (Does not circulate)."

  • "Vidéo"
  • "Academy Award films"
  • "Drammatico (Genere)"@it
  • "Drammatico (Genere)"
  • "Speelfilm"
  • "Feature"
  • "Drames (Films)"
  • "Features"
  • "Motion pictures"
  • "Drama"@en
  • "Drama"
  • "Llargmetratges"
  • "Film adaptations"
  • "Film adaptations"@en
  • "Historical films"
  • "Drama cinematográfico"@es
  • "Fiction films"
  • "Foreign language films"
  • "Films de fiction"
  • "Feature films"@en
  • "Feature films"
  • "Longs m©♭trages"
  • "Hungarian films"
  • "fiction dramatique (fiction)"
  • "German language materials"
  • "History"
  • "History"@en
  • "fiction"
  • "Drame psychologique"
  • "Fiction"
  • "Fiction"@en
  • "Foreign films"

  • "Mephisto nach Motiven des Romans von Klaus Mann"
  • "Mephisto (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica)"
  • "Mephisto"@es
  • "Mephisto"@it
  • "Mephisto"@en
  • "Mephisto"
  • "Mephisto (Motion picture : 1981)"
  • "Mephisto (Motion picture)"