"Naturwissenschaften." . . "Naukowcy kształcenie." . . "Pädagogik." . . "Sciences Étude et enseignement (Secondaire)" . . "Science Education." . . "Didactiek van de wetenschappen." . . "Sciences Étude et enseignement Recherche Congrès." . . "Professeurs de sciences." . . "pædagogisk forskning" . . "Sciences humaines." . . "EDUCATION Teaching Methods & Materials Science & Technology." . . "fag i læseplan" . . "Professeurs de sciences Congrès Formation." . . "Sciences Étude et enseignement Congrès." . . "Ciência (estudo e ensino)" . . "In August 2005, over 500 international researchers from the field of science education met at the 5th European Science Education Research Association conference in Barcelona, Spain. Two of the main topics at this conference were: the decrease in the number of students interested in school science and concern about the worldwide outcomes of studies on students??? scientific literacy. At the conference, over 400 papers were presented, covering a wide range of topics relevant to science education research, such as evidence-based practice, teachers??? professional development, the role of ICT and."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Contributions from science education research" . "Contributions from science education research"@en . . "Kongress" . . . . . . . . . "Electronic books"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Contributions from Science Education Research" . "Conference papers and proceedings" . "Conference papers and proceedings"@en . . . . . . . . . "European Science Education Research Association. International Conference (Barcelona, Spain)." . . "Teacher Education." . . "konference" . . "Science Congresses Study and teaching (Secondary)" . . . . "Education." . . "SpringerLink (Service en ligne)" . . "Electronic books." . . "Sciences Étude et enseignement (Secondaire) Congrès." . . "Teachers Training of." . . "Science." . . "Erziehung." . . "Learning & Instruction" . . "Learning & Instruction." . "Sciences sociales." . . "Science Study and teaching." . . "European science education research association. International conference (05 : 2005 : Barcelone, Espagne)" . . . "Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht." . . "naturvidenskaber" . . "Nauka studia i nauczanie." . . "Science teachers Congresses Training of." . . "Sciences Congrès Étude et enseignement (Secondaire)" . . "European Science Education Research Association. (5 : 2005 : Barcelona)" . . . "Professeurs de sciences Formation Congrès." . . "European Science Education Research Association. International Conference" . . "Höheres Bildungswesen." . . "Pedagogía." . .