"Animation socio-culturelle France 1970- cas, étude de." . . . . "français (langue) langue étrangère - apprentissage (psychologie) portugais (langue)" . . . . . "Segredo" . . "Le secret = O @segredo : animation interculturelle en milieu scolaire" . . . . . "Le secret = O segredo : animation interculturelle en milieu scolaire : [conte populaire portugais]" . "Le secret = o segredo : animation interculturelle en milieu scolaire" . . . "The Secret: Intercultural Activity in the School Setting. This book documents a project undertaken by a group of French schools with large immigrant populations in the early 1980s. The project was to produce and film a dramatic rendition of a popular Portuguese tale, The Secret, to be performed by the storyteller Victor Esteves and musician Francisco Fanhais, and to use it as an educational tool. The first part of the book provides background information on the play and Portuguese art. It includes the script, in French and Portuguese, followed by a photographic presentation of the story and a description of traditional Portuguese crafts and artisans. The second part documents the pedagogical applications of the performance, particularly its use in stimulating creative activity. It consists almost entirely of works created by middle school students in response to the production (visual art, dramatic pieces, etc.). Reflections on the project's impact at different schools make up the third part. Key terms. Places: France -- Forms: education -- Forms: arts." . . . . . . . "Éducation interculturelle France." . . "conte portugais." . .