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Fahrenheit 911

Through actual footage, interviews, and declassified documents, Michael Moore illustrates the connections President Bush has to the royal house of Saud of Saudia Arabia and the bin Laden's, how the president got elected in fraudulent circumstances and then proceeded to blunder through his duties while ignoring warnings of the looming betrayal by his foreign partners. When the treachery hits with the 9/11 attacks, Moore explains how Bush failed to take immediate action to defend the nation.

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  • "Michael Moore's view on what happened to the United States after September 11, and how the Bush Administration allegedly used the tragic event to push forward its agenda for wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. One of the catchlines used for the film is "The temperature where freedom burns""
  • "Kritische beschouwingen over onder andere de Amerikaanse politiek onder het presidentschap van George W. Bush en de vermeende banden tussen de families van George W. Bush en Osama Bin Laden."
  • "En aquesta ocasió, Michael Moore afronta a una qüestió que afecta als centres de poder dels Estats Units. Farenheit 9/11 pren com a punt de partida la controvertida elecció de George W. Bush l'any 2000 per seguir el seu ascens de mediocre petrolier texà a president dels EUA i descriure les obscures relacions de negocis entre el seu pare u la família Osama Bin Laden, posant de manifest que el poder i la riquesa de l'enemic número u dels estadunidencs han augmentat gràcies a aquest vincle. També s'indaga sobre el que va passar als Estats Units després de l'11 de setembre de 2001 i com l'Administració de Bush va usar el tràgic atac a les Torres Bessones pel seu propi benefici polític. Farenheit 9/11, després de més d'un any d'una curosa investigació, ha estat tot un desafiament per Michael Moore, decidit a descobrir tota la veritat."
  • "Through actual footage, interviews, and declassified documents, Michael Moore illustrates the connections President Bush has to the royal house of Saud of Saudia Arabia and the bin Laden's, how the president got elected in fraudulent circumstances and then proceeded to blunder through his duties while ignoring warnings of the looming betrayal by his foreign partners. When the treachery hits with the 9/11 attacks, Moore explains how Bush failed to take immediate action to defend the nation."@en
  • "Through actual footage, interviews, and declassified documents, Michael Moore illustrates the connections President Bush has to the royal house of Saud of Saudi Arabia and the bin Laden's, how the president got elected on fraudulent circumstances and then proceeded to blunder through his duties while ignoring warnings of the looming betrayal by his foreign partners. When the treachery hits with the 9/11 attacks, Moore explains how Bush failed to take immediate action to defend the nation."
  • "Through actual footage, interviews, and declassified documents, Michael Moore illustrates the connections President Bush has to the royal house of Saud of Saudi Arabia and the bin Laden's, how the president got elected on fraudulent circumstances and then proceeded to blunder through his duties while ignoring warnings of the looming betrayal by his foreign partners. When the treachery hits with the 9/11 attacks, Moore explains how Bush failed to take immediate action to defend the nation."@en
  • "Moore uses his deft humour and persistent style to launch an unflinching inquiry into the Bush government's foreign policy. The 2nd disc gives insight to the making of the film."
  • "Investigación mordaz de las acciones ocurridas durante el mandato de Bush inmediatamente después de los trágicos eventos de septiembre 11. Moore reflexiona con respecto a la presidencia de George W. Bush y a dónde nos ha llevado ésta. Analiza cómo y por qué Bush y su gabinete evitaron darle seguimiento al vínculo que Arabia Saudita tenía con los eventos de septiembre 11, a pesar de que 15 de los 19 secuestradores eran sauditas y dinero saudí había financiado a la organización Al Qaeda. Fahrenheit 9/11 nos muestra una nación que vive bajo un constante miedo por las alertas del FBI y bajo el engaño por aceptar una ley, la USA Patriot Act, que infringe los derechos civiles básicos. Es bajo esta atmósfera de confusión, sospecha y ansiedad que el gobierno de Bush se involucra de manera precipitada hacia la guerra en Irak y Fahrenheit 9/11 nos lleva a las entrañas de esta querra para contar historias que no hemos escuchado, ilustrando con ello el horrible costo humano para los soldados estadounidenses y sus familias."
  • "Through actual footage, interviews, and classified documents, Michael Moore illustrates the connections President Bush has to the royal house of Saud of Saudi Arabia and the bin Laden's, how the president got elected on fraudulent circumstances and then preceeded to blunder through his duties while ignoring warnings of the looming betrayal by his foreign partners."@en
  • "Le cinéaste fait le relevé des décisions politiques et militaires qui ont suivi les attentats du 11 septembre 2001. Il porte une attention particulière aux victimes de la guerre contre l'Iraq, évaluée comme la conséquence d'une grossière supercherie."
  • "An unflinching inquiry into the Bush government's foreign policy."@en
  • "Michael Moore's view on what happened to the United States after September 11; and how the Bush Administration allegedly used the tragic event to push forward its agenda for unjust wars in Afghanistan and Iraq."@en
  • "Through actual footage, interviews, and declassified documents, Michael Moore illustrates the connections President Bush has to the royal house of Saud of Saudi Arabia and the bin Ladens, how the president got elected on fraudulent circumstances and then proceeded to blunder through his duties while ignoring warnings of the looming betrayal by his foreign partners. Moore describes how Bush failed to take immediate action to defend the nation after the 9/11 attacks."@en
  • "Attempts to trace why the U.S. has become a target for hatred and terrorism, and depicts alleged dealings between two generations of the Bush and bin Laden clans that led to George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden becoming mortal enemies."@en
  • "A critical look at the presidency of George W. Bush, the 'War on Terror', and its coverage in the news media"@en
  • "La caméra de Michael Moore filme avec scepticisme le Président George W. Bush et ses propres conseillers. Prenant pour point de départ l'élection controversée de 2000, le réalisateur retrace l'improbable ascension d'un médiocre pétrolier texan devenu maître du monde libre. Puis il ouvre la boîte de Pandore du Président et révèle les liens personnels et financiers qui unissent la famille Bush à celle de Ben Laden. Michael Moore y dénonce également les méfaits du Patriot Act et les souffrances provoquées par la guerre en Irak."
  • ""Una de las películas más controvertidas y subversivas del año, es una investigación mordaz del realizador ganador del premio de la Academia Michael Moore de las acciones ocurridas durante el mandato de Bush inmediatamente después de los trágicos eventos de septiembre 11. Con el humor que lo caracteriza y ese tenaz compromiso por revelar los hechos, Moore reflexiona con respecto a la presidencia de George W. Bush y a dónde nos ha llevado ésta. Analiza cómo y por qué, Bush y su gabinete evitaron darle seguimiento al vínculo que Arabia Saudita tenía con los eventos de septiembre 11, a pesar de que 15 de los 19 secuestradores eran sauditas y dinero saudí había financiado a la organización Al Qaeda. Fahrenheit 9/11 nos muestra a una nación que vive bajo un constante miedo por las alertas del FBI y bajo el engaño por no aceptar una ley, la USA Patriot Act, que infringe los derechos civiles básicos. Es bajo esta atmósfera de confusión, sospecha y ansiedad que el Gobierno de Bush se involucra de manera precipitada hacia la guerra en Irak y Fahrenheit 9/11 nos lleva a las entrañas de esa guerra para contar historias que no hemos escuchado, ilustrando con ello el horrible costo humano para los soldados estadounidenses y sus familias".--Envase."@en
  • "Michael Moore indaga cómo la administración de Bush utilizó el trágico ataque a las Torres Gemelas para su propio beneficio político"
  • "Through actual news footage, interviews, and declassified documents, Michael Moore illustrates: the connections President George W. Bush has to the royal house of Saud of Saudi Arabia and the bin Ladens; how the president was elected due to possibly fraudulent circumstances; and the early days of the Bush administration prior to September 11, 2001. It follows a trail of possible warning signs that were ignored by his government and those in charge of national security prior to the 9/11 attacks. It looks at the immediate response from George W. Bush to the attacks, and after, including: issues of national security versus personal freedom; homeland security; the war on terror; government intelligence services; the United States Armed Forces recruiting strategies; and Sadam Hussein and the war in Iraq."@en
  • "Michael Moore turns a critical eye on President George W. Bush and his administration, focusing on their response to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S. and looking at political events before and after the attack."@en
  • "Using actual footage and declassified documents, Michael Moore examines the Bush administration's financial ties to the bin Laden family, Saudi Arabia, and our involvement in Iraq, both before and after the attacks on the World Trade Center."
  • "Il documentario cerca di spiegare perché gli Stati Uniti sono finiti nel mirino del terrorismo. Mette in luce lo storico legame tra la famiglia di George W. Bush e Osama Bin Laden e come il presidente Usa avrebbe strumentalizzato la tragedia dell'11 settembre, a livello internazionale, per i propri interessi."@it
  • ""FAHRENHEIT 9/11 toma como punto de partida la controvertida elección de George W. Bush en el año 2000 para seguir su ascenso a presidente de Estados Unidos y describir las oscuras relaciones de negocios entre su padre y la familia de Osama Bin Laden, poniendo de relieve que el poder y la riqueza del enemigo número uno de los estadounidenses han aumentado gracias a este vínculo. También se indaga sobre lo sucedido en Estados Unidos después del 11 de septiembre de 2001 y cómo la Administración de Bush utilizó el trágico ataque a las Torres Gemelas para su propio beneficio político.""
  • "Through actual footage, interviews, and declassified documents, Michael Moore illustrates the connections President Bush has to the royal house of Saud of Saudia Arabia and the bin Laden's, how the president got elected on fraudulent circumstances and then proceeded to blunder through his duties while ignoring warnings of the looming betrayal by his foreign partners. When the treachery hits with the 9/11 attacks, Moore explains how Bush failed to take immediate action to defend the nation."@en
  • "Through actual footage, interviews, and declassified documents, Michael Moore illustrates the connections President Bush has to the royal house of Saud of Saudia Arabia and the bin Laden's, how the president got elected on fraudulent circumstances and then proceeded to blunder through his duties while ignoring warnings of the looming betrayal by his foreign partners. When the treachery hits with the 9/11 attacks, Moore explains how Bush failed to take immediate action to defend the nation."
  • "Er beginnt mit der Schilderung von Bushs umstrittenem Wahlsieg im November 2000 und beschäftigt sich dann eingehend mit den engen geschäftlichen und privaten Beziehungen, die Familie Bush mit dem saudischen Königshaus und vor allem mit den Bin Ladens unterhält. Schonungslos zeigt er die Reaktion des Präsidenten auf die Nachricht von den Anschlägen auf die Twin Towers am 11. September 2001. Auf den Terrorakt folgt eine Berichtserstattung in den Medien, die eine ständige Panik vor neuen Anschlägen unter den US-Bürgern schüren soll. Der "USA Patriot Act" wird beschlossen, aber viele Abgeordnete haben die Verordnung gar nicht gelesen, bevor sie im Kongress dafür stimmten. Also fährt Michael Moore im Eiswagen durch Washington D.C. und liest laut daraus vor. Ziehen die USA tatsächlich wegen der angeblichen Massenvernichtungswaffen in den Krieg gegen den Irak oder stecken nicht vielmehr wirtschaftliche Interessen dahinter? Und wieso gibt es von 535 Kongressabgeordneten nur einen, dessen Sohn im Irak-Krieg kämpfte?"
  • "Through actual footage, interviews, and declassified documents, Michael Moore illustrates the connections President Bush has to the royal house of Saud of Saudi Arabia and the bin Ladens, how the president got elected on fraudulent circumstances and then proceeded to blunder through his duties while ignoring warnings of the looming betrayal by his foreign partners. Moore details how Bush failed to take immediate action to defend the nation after the 9/11 attacks."@en
  • "Oscar-Preisträger Michael Moores langerwarteter, mit der "Goldenen Palme 2004" von Cannes preisgekrönter, neuester Dokumentarfilm wartet mit einer Vielzahl brisanter Themen auf: Die geschäftlichen und privaten Beziehungen zwischen den Familien Bush und Bin Laden sowie dem saudischen Königshaus, die Auswirkungen der rigorosen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen nach den Anschlägen vom 11. September auf die Bürgerrechte, die Rekrutierungskommandos der Army in den ärmsten Gegenden der USA, die Kriegsgewinnler in der Wirtschaft sowie die Opfer des Irakkriegs auf beiden Seiten, nämlich Soldaten, Zivilisten und deren Familien und viele weitere Punkte."
  • "De son accession au pouvoir à l'occupation militaire del'Irak, le gouvernement de George W. Bush semble avoir souvent manqué de transparence. Partant de la conduite étrange du président américain lors des attentats du 11 septembre 2001 (alors que, mis au courant des attaques,il s'entêta à poursuivre une séance de lecture devant une classe d'école primaire), le documentariste Michael Moore entreprend d'exposer les aspects les plus controversés de l'administration Bush, notamment ses liens privilégiés avec les puissances pétrolières arabes (dont la famille Ben Laden), son mépris des droits constitutionnels (par l'adoption du "Patriot Act ") et les enjeux discutables de la guerre en Irak qui a coûté la vie à plusieurs soldats américains et à des milliers de civils."
  • "Fahrenheit : la palme et le brûlot : diverses personnalités (dont Christine Ockrent, José Bové, Jack Lang, Jean-Christophe Victor, William Karel, Youssef Chahine) ainsi que des politologues, des éditeurs, expriment leurs sentiments et leur analyse sur le film et le personnage de Michael Moore."
  • "Michael Moore indaga cómo la administración de Bush utilizó el trágico ataque a las Torres Gemelas para su propio beneficio político."
  • "Through actual footage, interviews, and declassified documents, Michael Moore illustrates the connections President Bush has to the Royal House of Saud of Saudia Arabia and the bin Laden's, how the president got elected on fraudulent circumstances and then proceeded to blunder through his duties while ignoring warnings of the looming betrayal by his foreign partners. When the treachery hits with the 9/11 attacks, Moore explains how Bush failed to take immediate action to defend the nation and instead rushed headlong into the war on Iraq."
  • "Dans ce film, Michael Moore porte un regard sévère sur le rôle de l'argent et du pétrole à la veille des événements tragiques du 11 septembre 2001. Michael Moore rassemble des documents fascinants et troublants, des entrevues accablantes, en dosant le tout de son humour particulier et satirique."
  • "Michael Moore's view on what happened to the United States on and after September 11, and how the Bush Administration used the tragic event to push forward its agenda for unjust war with Iraq. Includes footage of: Michael Moore, Khalil Bin Laden, Jenna Bush, Neil Cavuto, John Conyers, Byron Dorgan, Al Gore, Thomas Hamill, Abdul Henderson, Lila Lipscomb, Jim McDermott, Rep. Patsy Mink, Helen Thomas, Craig Unger, Ben Affleck, John Ashcroft, James Baker III, James Bath, Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz, Jon Bon Jovi, Tom Brokaw, Barbara Bush, George Bush, George W. Bush, Jeb Bush, Laura Bush, Tucker Carlson, Dick Cheney, Bill Clinton, Katie Couric, Peter Damon, Tom Daschle, Robert De Niro, John T. Doolittle, John Edwards, Tipper Gore, Katherine Harris, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Colin Powell, Dan Rather, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Tim Russert, Britney Spears, John Tanner, Maxine Waters, Paul Wolfowitz, Stevie Wonder."@en
  • "Bissig wie immer, enthüllt Oscar-Gewinner Michael Moore in Fahrenheit 9/11 die Politik der Bush-Regierung. Nach dem Welterfolg Bowling for Columbine nutzt Moore seinen zündenden Witz und seinen legendäre Eigensinn für seine Nachforschungen über die Widersprüche im Verhalten der US-Regierung nach dem 11. September 2001. Er deckt die persönlichen Verbindungen der Familie Bush mit dem Saudischen Königshaus und der Familie Bin Laden auf. Oder er zeigt wie die Regierung eine geschürte Terrorangst als systematisches, innenpolitisches Mittel einsetzt. Moores Recherchen, selten gezeigte Bilder und Expertenmeinungen werfen Licht hinter Washingtons politische Kulissen seit den Präsidentschaftswahlen im Jahr 2000. (Quelle: Umschlag)."
  • "Through actual footage, interviews, and declassified documents, Michael Moore illustrates the connections President Bush has to the royal house of Saud of Saudia Arabia and the bin Laden family, how the president got elected on fraudulent circumstances and then proceeded to blunder through his duties while ignoring warnings of the looming betrayal by his foreign partners. When the treachery hits with the 9/11 attacks, Moore explains how Bush failed to take immediate action to defend the nation."@en
  • "SUMMARY: "Michael Moore's view on what happened to the United States after September 11; and how the Bush Administration allegedly used the tragic event to push forward its agenda for unjust wars in Afghanistan and Iraq." IMDB"
  • "Through actual footage, interviews, and declassified documents, Michael Moore illustrates the connections President Bush has to the royal house of Saud of Saudia Arabia and the bin Ladens, how the president got elected on fraudulent circumstances and then proceeded to blunder through his duties while ignoring warnings of the looming betrayal by his foreign partners. When the treachery hits with the 9/11 attacks, Moore explains how Bush failed to take immediate action to defend the nation."@en
  • ""Fahrenheit 9/11, una de las películas más controvertidas y subversivas del año, es una investigación mordaz del realizador ganador del Premio de la Academia Michale Moore de las acciones ocurridas durante el mandato de Bush inmediatamente después de los trágicos eventos de septiembre 11. Con el humor que lo caracteriza y ese tenaz compromiso por revelar los hechos, Moore reflexiona con respecto a la presidencia de George W. BUsh y a dónde nos ha llevado ésta. Analiza cómo y por qué, Bush y su gabinete evitaron darle seguimiento al vínculo que Arabia Saudita tenia con los eventos de septiembre 11, a pesar de que 15 de los 19 secuestradores eran sauditas y dinero saudí habia financiado a la organización Al Qaeda. Farenheit 9/11 nos muestra a una nación que vive bajo un constante miedo por las alertas del FBI y bajo el engaño por aceptar una ley, la USA Patriot Act, que infringe los derechos civiles básicos. Es bajo esta atmósfera de confusión, sospecha y ansiedad que el gobierno de Bush se involucra de manera precipitada hacia la guerra en Irak y Fahrenheit 9/11 nos lleva a las entrañas de esa guerra para contar historias que no hemos escuchado, ilustrando con ello el horrible costo humano para los soldados estadounidenses y sus familias"--Envase."
  • "Through actual footage, interviews, and declassified documents, Michael Moore examines the connections President Bush has to the royal house of Saud of Saudia Arabia and the bin Laden's, how the president got elected in fraudulent circumstances, his less than adequate response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks and his rush to war on Iraq."
  • "Through actual footage, interviews and declassified documents, Michael Moore illustrates the connections President Bush has to the royal house of Saud of Saudia Arabia and the bin Ladens, how the president got elected on fraudulent circumstances and then proceeded to blunder through his duties while ignoring warnings of the looming betrayal by his foreign partners. When the treachery hits with the 9/11 attacks, Moore explains how Bush failed to take immediate action to defend the nation."
  • "Michael Moore examines the Bush administration's financial ties to Saudi Arabia and the Bin Laden family. Using actual footage and declassified documents, he takes a look into political events before and after the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001."@en
  • "Michael Moore illustrates the connections President Bush has to the royal house of Saud of Saudia Arabia and the bin Laden's, how Bush got elected on fraudulent circumstances and ignored warnings of the looming betrayal by his foreign partners. After the 9/11 attacks, Bush failed to take immediate action to defend the nation."
  • "Yaptığı her filmiyle adından sıkça söz ettiren Michael Moore, bu sefer de kamerasını 11 Eylül'e çeviriyor. Film, ABD Başkanı George W. Bush'un ve yakın çevresinin, saldırıları bahane ederek uzun zamandır kuluçkada olan planlarını dünyaya empoze etme fırsatı bulduğu savının etrafında dolaşıyor. Her zamanki gibi cesur tavrı ve sözünü sakınmayan üslubuyla dikkatleri üzerine çeken Moore, tıpkı silah tüccarları ve petrol şirketleriyle olduğu gibi, Bush ile aralarında Usame Bin Ladin'in ailesinin de olduğu bir çok Suudi ailesi arasındaki ilişkiyi irdeliyor."@tr
  • "Der amerikanische Autor und Filmemacher Michael Moore zieht im Wahljahr 2004 eine vernichtende Bilanz der bisherigen Präsidentschaft George W. Bushs. Mit den satirischen Mitteln des Polit-Kabaretts zeichnet er das Bild eines überforderten Politikers, der sich sein Amt erschlichen und das Land aus eigensüchtigen Motiven in den Irak-Krieg gestürzt hat. Collage, die mit einem wilden Stakkato aus Information und Sarkasmus ihren Thesen unterhaltsam pointiert, im zweiten Teil des Films aber die Polemik zugunsten erschütternder Beobachtungen unter den Opfern des Krieges einschränkt. Der Film verfolgt das Ziel, die Wiederwahl des amtierenden US-Präsidenten zu verhindern, verdichtet sich auf Dauer jedoch zur insistierenden Studie über gesellschaftliche Widersprüche und Ungerechtigkeiten. (Lexikon des internationalen Films)."

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  • "Fahrenheit 9-11"