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End this depression now!

Krugman pursues the questions of how bad the "Great Recession" really is, how we got stuck in what can now be called a depression and, above all, how we can free ourselves.

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  • "End this depression now!"@pl
  • "End this depression now"
  • "Ustavimo to krizo takoj"@sl

  • "Hauptbeschreibung Deutschland hat die Krise nicht verstanden, sagt Nobelpreisträger Paul Krugman. Sein neues Buch ist eine leidenschaftliche Anklage gegen die europäische und insbesondere die deutsche Sparpolitik. Er erklärt, dass Staaten, die reich sind an Ressourcen, Talent und Wissen - den wesentlichen Zutaten für Wohlstand und einen anständigen allgemeinen Lebensstandard -, in der jetzigen Lage nur durch Investitionen, also weitere Schulden auf Zukunftskurs steuern können. Eine schnelle und deutliche Erholung ist in greifbarer Nähe - einzig es fehlt die politische Weichenstellung. Krugmans W."
  • "HauptbeschreibungDeutschland hat die Krise nicht verstanden, sagt Nobelpreisträger Paul Krugman. Sein neues Buch ist eine leidenschaftliche Anklage gegen die europäische und insbesondere die deutsche Sparpolitik. Er erklärt, dass Staaten, die reich sind an Ressourcen, Talent und Wissen - den wesentlichen Zutaten für Wohlstand und einen anständigen allgemeinen Lebensstandard -, in der jetzigen Lage nur durch Investitionen, also weitere Schulden auf Zukunftskurs steuern können. Eine schnelle und deutliche Erholung ist in greifbarer Nähe - einzig es fehlt die politische Weichenstellung. Krugmans W."
  • "The Great Recession is more than four years old - and counting. Yet, as Paul Krugman points out in this powerful volley, "Nations rich in resources, talent, and knowledge - all the ingredients for prosperity and a decent standard of living for all - remain in a state of intense pain." With characteristic lucidity and insight, Krugman pursues the questions of how bad the situation really is, how we got stuck in what can now be called a depression and above all, how we free ourselves. He has a powerful message for anyone who has suffered over these past four years - a quick, strong recovery is just one step away, if our leaders can find the "intellectual clarity and political will" to end this depression now."
  • "The Great Recession that began in 2007 is now more than 4 years old, and counting. Some 24 million Americans are unemployed of underemployed, and at recent rates of job creation we won't be back to normal levels of production until late this decade. Here the author pursues the questions of how bad the "Great Recession" really is, how we got stuck in what can now be called a depression and, above all, how we can free ourselves. He explains the financial crisis that triggered the greatest downturn since the Great Depression and outlines the efforts that have been made thus far. He answers such questions as: How concerned should we be about inflation?, or about the deficit? ; or about the deregulation of financial institutions? As the author points out in this powerful volley, "Nations rich in resources, talent, and knowledge, all the ingredients for prosperity and a decent standard of living for all, remain in a state of intense pain." He has a powerful message for anyone who has suffered over these past four years: a quick, strong recovery is just one step away, if our leaders can find the "intellectual clarity and political will" to end this depression now. The way forward is clear. Our priority must be to get ourselves back on the path to growth; every day that we lag behind normal production levels only adds to the astronomical economic loss. What is needed for for a rapid powerful recovery is a burst of government spending to jump-start the economy."
  • "La 4e de couverture indique : "C'est un cri lancé à ceux qui nous gouvernent. "Sortez-nous de cette crise !" tonne Paul Krugman, l'éditorialiste du New York Times et Prix Nobel d'économie 2008. "Et sortez-nous en maintenant !" tant il est clair, selon lui, que les gouvernements occidentaux n'apportent toujours pas les réponses efficaces à la dépression historique qui s'est déclenchée à l'automne 2008. "L'orgueil et les préjugés rendent les dirigeants incapables de voir ce qui devrait pourtant être simple", à savoir qu'il faut abandonner la politique d'austérité, "dépenser maintenant et payer plus tard", taxer les hauts revenus, soutenir les populations endettées. En un mot, renouer avec une stratégie keynésienne qui suppose davantage d'inflation. Dans son style accessible, non dénué d'humour, Paul Krugman signe ici un essai important - d'abord parce qu'il retrace toute l'histoire de la crise, expliquant la montée de la dérégulation financière, la façon dont les élites politiques et les économistes néo-classiques se sont épaulés pour juguler toute approche hétérodoxe de l'économie ; ensuite parce qu'il formule, tant à destination des Etats-Unis que de l'Europe, des propositions concrètes pour sortir du marasme économique et social. Lutter contre la trappe à liquidité, éviter le credit crunch, ne pas oublier qu'une politique de sortir de crise doit plus viser à baisser la valeur de la dette qu'à la rembourser... Une analyse pragmatique et résolument engagée. ""
  • "La Grande Recessione è iniziata nel 2008 negli Stati Uniti. Ha immediatamente contagiato l'economia mondiale e continua ad aggravarsi. Tra fatalismo e paura, aspettiamo l'evolvere degli eventi - verso il peggio, ci assicurano gli esperti. Ma come siamo finiti in questo vicolo cieco? E perché, chiede Krugman, "i cittadini dei paesi più avanzati del mondo, paesi ricchi di risorse, talenti e competenze - gli ingredienti che assicurano prosperità e un tenore di vita dignitoso per tutti - stanno ancora soffrendo"? Con l'abituale lucidità e forza polemica, il Premio Nobel per l'Economia individua le origini della crisi finanziaria, economica e politica che stiamo attraversando. E spiega quale strada dobbiamo intraprendere per superare le attuali difficoltà. "Fuori da questa crisi, adesso!" si rivolge prima di tutto a chi sta soffrendo di più: a chi ha perso il lavoro e a chi non lo trova, soprattutto i giovani che rischiano di pagare più di tutti, oggi e nel futuro. Per Krugman, la soluzione per uscire dalla Grande Recessione esiste ed è a portata di mano: ma è necessario che i nostri leader politici trovino la lucidità intellettuale e la determinazione necessarie."
  • "Krugman pursues the questions of how bad the "Great Recession" really is, how we got stuck in what can now be called a depression and, above all, how we can free ourselves."
  • "Krugman pursues the questions of how bad the "Great Recession" really is, how we got stuck in what can now be called a depression and, above all, how we can free ourselves."@en

  • "Electronic books"
  • "Electronic books"@en
  • "Studies"
  • "Studie"
  • "History"
  • "History"@en

  • "지금 당장 이 불황 을 끝내라! : 폴 크루구먼, 침체 의 끝 을 말 하다 = End this depression now!"
  • "Xian zai zhong jie xiao tiao"
  • "End this depression now!"
  • "End this depression now!"@en
  • "Sortez-nous de cette crise maintenant !"
  • "End this depression now !"
  • "Vergesst die Krise! warum wir jetzt Geld ausgeben müssen"
  • "¡Acabad ya con esta crisis!"@es
  • "¡Acabad ya con esta crisis!"
  • "Fuori da questa crisi, adesso !"@it
  • "Skoncovat s krizí"
  • "¡Acabad con esta crisis!"@es
  • "Sortez-nous de cette crise-- maintenant!"
  • "Sortez-nous de cette crise... maintenant !"
  • "Vergesst die Krise! Warum wir jetzt Geld ausgeben müssen"
  • "End this deression now!"
  • "¡Detengamos esta crisis ya!"
  • "¡Detengamos esta crisis ya!"@es
  • "Fuori da questa crisi, adesso!"
  • "Fuori da questa crisi, adesso!"@it
  • "Vergesst die Krise! : warum wir jetzt Geld ausgeben müssen!"
  • "现在终结萧条"
  • "Zakończcie ten kryzys!"@pl
  • "Telos stēn yphesē tōra"
  • "Chigŭm tangjang i purhwang ŭl kkŭnnaera! : P'ol K'ŭrugumŏn, ch'imch'e ŭi kkŭt ŭl mal hada = End this depression now!"
  • "Ustavimo to krizo takoj!"@sl