"kærlighed" . . "bryllup" . . "Love stories." . . "FICTION Romance Contemporary." . . . . "Large type books." . . . . . . . . . . "Erzählende Literatur: Gegenwartsliteratur ab 1945" . . . . . . "Online-Publikation" . . . . . . "Sauve-moi !" . . . . . . "Fiction"@en . "Fiction" . "Gezocht, redder in nood!" . "Hãy cứu em" . . . "Gezocht: redder in nood!" . . . . . . . "Een jonge vrouw, die met tegenzin voor een bruiloft tijdelijk naar Texas terugkeert, ontmoet een stoere ex-marinier die geen emotionele binding wil aangaan." . "Wer zuletzt lacht, küsst am besten Roman" . "Large type books" . . . . . . . "Electronic books" . "Electronic books"@en . . . "Gezocht" . . . . . "She's 33, unmarried, and stuffed into a Bubble Yum pink bridesmaid dress. And the whole town wants to fix her up with anyone with a dental plan ... Who's going to rescue Sadie Hollowell now' Everyone in Lovett, Texas, knows Sadie has always been a \"notional\" kind of gal. She got a notion to leave town ASAP and never visit her daddy (bless his heart) again. Now she's back and got the notion to invite a good-looking, hard-muscled, total stranger to her cousin's wedding. Better a stranger than some of the losers she's dated. Vince Haven got his muscles the hard way'as a Navy SEAL in Afghanistan. He's staying in Lovett to visit his crazy aunt'the proprietor of the local Gas and Go. Before he can get the heck back out of the small town, his aunt makes him an offer he can't refuse. Maybe he'll stick around Lovett for a while. Maybe he'll make a \"go\" of the Gas and Go. Maybe he'll rescue Sadie out of that pink dress!"@en . . "Wer zuletzt lacht, küsst am besten" . "Love stories" . . "Love stories"@en . . . "Sadie Hollowell only invites Navy SEAL Vince Haven, who is in town visiting his crazy aunt, to her cousin's wedding to keep the matchmaking mamas in Lovett, Texas at bay, but then she finds herself falling for him."@en . "Sadie Hollowell only invites Navy SEAL Vince Haven, who is in town visiting his crazy aunt, to her cousin's wedding to keep the matchmaking mamas in Lovett, Texas at bay, but then she finds herself falling for him." . "Rescue me" . . "Rescue me"@en . "Mission Love (Im)possible? Das Letzte, wovon Sadie Hollowell geträumt hat, ist ausgerechnet wieder auf der Ranch ihres Vaters mitten im texanischen Nirgendwo zu landen. Noch dazu, um als Brautjungfer in einem pinken Tüllungetüm an der Hochzeit ihrer Cousine teilzunehmen. Dass der unnahbare, wortkarge und leider unverschämt attraktive Vince spontan als ihr Begleiter einspringt, macht die Sache auch nicht besser. Die Frauen der Stadt liegen ihm zu Füssen, doch das interessiert ihn herzlich wenig. Von der Liebe will Vince schon lange nichts mehr wissen. Bis die chaotische, schöne Sadie sein Leben völlig auf den Kopf stellt ... Seit sie sechzehn Jahre alt ist, erfindet Rachel Gibson mit Begeisterung Geschichten. Mittlerweile hat sie nicht nur die Herzen zahlloser Leserinnen erobert, sie wurde auch mit dem \"Golden Heart Award\" der Romance Writers of America und dem \"National Readers Choice Award\" ausgezeichnet. Rachel Gibson lebt mit ihrem Ehemann, drei Kindern, zwei Katzen und einem Hund in Boise, Idaho." . . . . . . . . . "Rescue Me" . . "Reši me"@sl . . . "She's 33, unmarried, and stuffed into a Bubble Yum pink bridesmaid dress. And the whole town wants to fix her up with anyone with a dental plan . . .Who's going to rescue Sadie Hollowell now?Everyone in Lovett, Texas, knows Sadie has always been a \"notional\" kind of gal. She got a notion to leave town ASAP and never visit her daddy (bless his heart) again. Now she's back and got the notion to invite a good-looking, hard-muscled, total stranger to her cousin's wedding. Better a stranger than some of the losers she's dated.Vince Haven got his muscles the hard wayas a Navy SEAL in Afghanistan. He's staying in Lovett to visit his crazy auntthe proprietor of the local Gas and Go. Before he can get the heck back out of the small town, his aunt makes him an offer he can't refuse. Maybe he'll stick around Lovett for a while. Maybe he'll make a \"go\" of the Gas and Go. Maybe he'll rescue Sadie out of that pink dress!" . "Contemporary" . . "Texas" . . "Texas." .