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A tragic accident in Morocco sets off a chain of events that will link four groups of culturally-diverse people who will discover a shared destiny. Stars Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett.

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  • "Babel"
  • "Babel <film ; 2006&gt"@it

  • ""En plein désert marocain, un coup de feu retentit. Il va déclencher une série d'événements qui impliqueront un couple de touristes américains au bord du naufrage, deux jeunes Marocains auteurs d'un crime accidentel, une nourrice qui voyage illégalement avec deux enfants américains, et une adolescente japonaise dont le père est recherché par la police à Tokyo..." (Jacquette)."
  • "A tragic accident in Morocco sets off a chain of events that will link four groups of culturally-diverse people who will discover a shared destiny. Stars Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett."@en
  • "En plein désert marocain, un coup de feu retentit. Il va déclencher une série d'évènements qui impliqueront un couple de touristes américains au bord du naufrage, deux jeunes Marocains auteurs d'un crime accidentel, une nourrice qui voyage illégalement avec deux enfants américains, et une adolescente japonaise dont le père est recherché par la police à Tokyo ..."
  • "Dans le sable du désert du Maroc, des coups de feu sont tirés. Ils vont déclencher une série d'événements qui vont lier un couple de touristes américains, deux garçons marocains impliqués dans un crime accidentel, une nourrice qui tente d'entrer illégalement aux États-Unis avec deux jeuenes enfants américains, ainsi qu'une rebelle japonaise dont le père est recherché par la police à Tokyo."
  • "A tragic accident in Morocco sets off a chain of events which will link four groups of people who, divided by distance and cultural differences, will discover a shared destiny."@en
  • "A tragic accident in Morocco sets off a chain of events which will link four groups of people who, divided by distance and cultural differences, will discover a shared destiny."
  • "Un tragico incidente coinvolge una coppia di americani in Marocco provocando una catena di eventi che travolgono quattro famiglie in altrettante nazioni del mondo, legati dalle circostanze, ma divisi dai continenti, dalla cultura e dalle lingue. Un'adolescente giapponese sordomuta e suo padre, una tata messicana perduta con i due bambini della coppia ferita e la famiglia berbera dei due ragazzini armati. Le loro vite, i loro destini dipenderanno da un gesto del passato: il dono di un fucile. Perché ogni azione produce un effetto, anche a distanza. (Mymovies)."
  • "Un tragico incidente coinvolge una coppia di americani in Marocco provocando una catena di eventi che travolgono quattro famiglie in altrettante nazioni del mondo, legati dalle circostanze, ma divisi dai continenti, dalla cultura e dalle lingue. Un'adolescente giapponese sordomuta e suo padre, una tata messicana perduta con i due bambini della coppia ferita e la famiglia berbera dei due ragazzini armati. Le loro vite, i loro destini dipenderanno da un gesto del passato: il dono di un fucile. Perché ogni azione produce un effetto, anche a distanza. (Mymovies)."@it
  • "The lives of six families are intertwined when a vacation to Morocco for a wealthy couple sparks a chain reaction involving more than just the two of them."
  • "Film ambientato in Messico, Marocco, Giappone e Usa, quattro paesi in cui i protagonisti sono o si sentono stranieri. Un colpo di fucile sparato per caso da due ragazzini marocchini colpisce un'americana in vacanza con il marito. I figli della coppia tenuti a bada da una domestica messicana si perdono nel deserto. Un'inquieta adolescente giapponese sordomuta alla ricerca dell'amore in una Tokio alienante e caotica si scopre figlia del mercante d'armi da cui proviene il fucile che ha ferito la turista americana. Sono tutti collegati tra di loro da coincidenze ineluttabili. In un mondo sempre più piccolo, ma con distanze incolmabili tra le persone."@it
  • "Alejandro Gonzalez I arritu won the prize for Best Director at the 2006 Cannes Film Festival for this powerful multi-narrative drama set in Morocco, Mexico and Tokyo. A young American couple, Richard (Brad Pitt) and Susan (Cate Blanchett), go to Morocco on holiday to restore their fragile relationship following the death of one of their children. However, they are catapulted into disaster when a rogue gunshot fired by a Moroccan farmer's young son brings Susan to the brink of death. Meanwhile, the couple's other two children have been left at home in San Diego in the care of their housekeeper Amelia (Adriana Barraza), who cannot find anyone to mind the children while she attends her son's wedding across the border in Tijuana, Mexico. She decides to take them with her, a decision that nearly costs all three their lives. In the third storyline, set in Tokyo, a teenage deaf-mute rebel, Chieko (Rinko Kikuchi), is reeling after the apparent suicide of her mother. Her attention-seeking beh."
  • "A wealthy American is touring Morocco with his wife. The two become the focus of an international incident also involving a poor Moroccan farmer who is struggling to keep his two young sons in line and his family together. A San Diego nanny, with her employers absent, makes the disastrous decision to take her charges with her to a wedding in Mexico. a deaf-mute Japanese teen tries to deal with a relationship with her father and the world in general that has been upended by the death of her mother. It's about a gun. It's about communication or the lack of it. Raises issues like terrorism and immigration and is as basic as husbands talking to their wives and parents understanding their children."@en
  • "In the remote sands of the Moroccan desert, an American couple are plunged into a frantic struggle for survival, as their stories become intertwined with two Moroccan boys involved in an accidental crime, a nanny illegally crossing into Mexico with two American children, and a Japanese teen rebel whose father is being hunted by the Tokyo police. The failure to communicate is a major theme throughout the movie, hence the religious allusion in the title."@en
  • "Ein Schuss in der Wüste von Marokko ist das auslösende Moment einer ganzen Kette von Ereignissen, die vier Schicksale von unterschiedlichen Menschen auf drei Kontinenten miteinander verbindet: Da ist ein amerikanischer Tourist, der in Marokko um das Leben seiner schwer verletzten Frau kämpft. Ein mexikanisches Kindermädchen, das verzweifelt versucht, die Grenze mit ihren beiden amerikanischen Schützlingen zu überqueren. Ein taubstummer japanischer Teenager, der gegen den eigenen Vater und dessen mysteriöse Vergangenheit rebelliert. Und zwei kleine Jungs auf der Flucht vor der eigenen Verantwortung. Geschichten und Schicksale, die nur scheinbar keine Verbindung haben."
  • "La historia comienza cuando, armados con un Winchester, dos jóvenes marroquíes salen en busca del rebaño de cabras de la familia. En medio del silencio del desierto, deciden probar el rifle... pero el alcance de la bala es mucho mayor de lo que esperaban. En un instante, las vidas de cuatro grupos de extraños en tres continentes colisiona."
  • "La historia comienza cuando, armados con un Winchester, dos jóvenes marroquíes salen en busca del rebaño de cabras de la familia. En medio del silencio del desierto, deciden probar el rifle... pero el alcance de la bala es mucho mayor de lo que esperaban. En un instante, las vidas de cuatro grupos de extraños en tres continentes colisiona."@es
  • "Feature film from the USA. Drama. Four stories from around the world are connected by the presence of a gun."
  • "A wealthy American couple touring Morocco become the focus of an international incident involving a poor Moroccan farmer. A San Diego nanny makes a disastrous decision to take her charges with her to a wedding in Mexico while her employers are absent. A deaf-mute Japanese teen tries to deal with a relationship with her father and the world in general that has been upended by the death of her mother."@en
  • "A wealthy American couple touring Morocco become the focus of an international incident involving a poor Moroccan farmer. A San Diego nanny makes a disastrous decision to take her charges with her to a wedding in Mexico while her employers are absent. A deaf-mute Japanese teen tries to deal with a relationship with her father and the world in general that has been upended by the death of her mother."
  • "A wealthy American is touring Morocco with his wife. The two become the focus of an international incident also involving a poor Moroccan farmer who is struggling to keep his two young sons in line and his family together. A San Diego nanny, with her employers absent, makes the disastrous decision to take her charges with her to a wedding in Mexico. A deaf-mute Japanese teen tries to deal with a relationship with her father and the world in general that has been upended by the death of her mother."@en
  • "A wealthy American is touring Morocco with his wife. The two become the focus of an international incident involving a poor Moroccan farmer who is struggling to keep his two young sons in line and his family together. A San Diego nanny, with her employers absent, makes the disastrous decision to take her charges with her to a wedding in Mexico. A deaf-mute Japanese teen tries to deal with a relationship with her father and the world in general that has been upended by the death of her mother. It's about a gun. It's about communication - or the lack of it - both intercultural and intracultural. Raises issues like terrorism and immigration, and is as basic as husbands talking to their wives and parents understanding their children."@en
  • ""En las lejanas arenas del desierto de Marruecos suena un disparo que desencadena una serie de acontecimientos fortuitos que servirá para conectar a una pareja estadounidense en su desesperada lucha por sobrevivir, con los dos chicos marroquíes responsables involuntarios del accidente, una niñera que cruza la frontera de México ilegalmente con dos niños estadounidenses y una adolescente japonesa sorda y rebelde sobre cuyo padre pesa una orden de busca y captura. A pesar de las enormes distancias y de las culturas tan antagónicas que los separan, estos cuatro grupos de personas comparten un destino de aislamiento y dolor. Sólo bastarán unos pocos días para que se encuentren totalmente perdidos, perdidos en el desierto, perdidos para el mundo, perdidos para sí mismos, mientras avanzan hacia el borde del abismo de la confusión y el miedo, al tiempo que se hunden en las profundidades de las relaciones y del amor."--La web site."
  • "Drame. Au Maroc, deux enfants bergers s'exercent au tir avec le fusil que leur père leur a confié pour abattre des chacals, tandis qu'un couple d'Américains au bord de la rupture traverse le pays en autocar afin d'oublier la mort récente de leur nourrisson. À San Diego, la gouvernante mexicaine des deux autres enfants du couple est contrainte, faute de remplaçante, d'emmener ses protégés au Mexique, où elle doit impérativement assister au mariage de son fils. À Tokyo, une adolescente sourde-muette dont la mère s'est suicidée récemment tente de perdre sa virginité avec un policier enquêtant sur la provenance d'une arme à feu qui, au Maroc, a servi à blesser accidentellement une touriste américaine, causant toute une commotion dans la communauté internationale."
  • "Un trágico accidente en Marruecos es el catalizador para una serie de eventos que unirá a cuatro grupos de personas que, divididos por las diferencias culturales y las grandes distancias, descubrirán un destino compartido que los conecta."@en
  • "A wealthy American is touring Morocco with his wife. The two become the focus of an international incident also involving a poor Moroccan farmer who is struggling to keep his two young sons in line and his family together. A San Diego nanny, with her employers absent, makes the disastrous decision to take her charges with her to a wedding in Mexico. A deaf-mute Japanese teen tries to deal with a relationship with her father and the world in general that has been upended by the death of her mother. It's about a gun. It's about communication - or the lack of it - both intercultural and intracultural. Raises issues like terrorism and immigration, and is as basic as husbands talking to their wives and parents understanding their children."
  • "A wealthy American is touring Morocco with his wife. The two become the focus of an international incident also involving a poor Moroccan farmer who is struggling to keep his two young sons in line and his family together. A San Diego nanny, with her employers absent, makes the disastrous decision to take her charges with her to a wedding in Mexico. A deaf-mute Japanese teen tries to deal with a relationship with her father and the world in general that has been upended by the death of her mother. It's about a gun. It's about communication - or the lack of it - both intercultural and intracultural. Raises issues like terrorism and immigration, and is as basic as husbands talking to their wives and parents understanding their children."@en
  • ""En plein désert marocain, un coup de feu retentit. Il va déclencher toute une série d'événements qui impliqueront un couple de touristes américains au bord du naufrage, deux jeunes Marocains auteurs d'un crime accidentel, une nourrice qui voyage illégalement avec deux enfants américains, et une adolescente japonaise rebelle dont le père est recherché par la police à Tokyo. Séparés par leurs cultures et leurs modes de vie, chacun de ces quatre groupes de personnes va cependant connaître une même destinée d'isolement et de douleur..."
  • "Several interwoven storylines unfold across four countries as difficulties in communication and understanding complicate life in the shrinking global village. A Moroccan shepherd, a pair of American tourists, a deaf Japanese teenager, and a Mexican nanny and her two young American charges are among the characters whose lives connect in unexpected ways."@en
  • "A drama about American tourists caught up in an accidental shooting in Morocco."@en
  • "Un trágico accidente en Marruecos desencadena una serie de acontecimientos que unirán a cuatro grupos de personas que, separadas por diferencias culturales y grandes distancias, descubrirán que comparten un destino que definitivamente las conecta"
  • ""Un trágico accidente en Marruecos es el catalizador para una serie de eventos que unirá a cuatro grupos de personas que, divididos por las diferencias culturales y las grandes distancias, descubrirán un destino compartido que los conecta"--Envase."
  • "En la película, un incidente trágico en el que se ve involucrada una pareja estadounidense en Marruecos desencadena una serie de acontecimientos que afectan a cuatro familias en diferentes países. Unidos por las circunstancias, separados por continentes, cultura e idioma, cada personaje descubre que la familia es lo único que ofrece consuelo."
  • "La historia comienza cuando, armados con un Winchester, dos jóvenes marroquíes salen en busca del rebaño de cabras de la familia. En medio del silencio del desierto, deciden probar el rifle... pero el alcance de la bala es mucho mayor de lo que esperaban. En un instante, las vidas de cuatro grupos de extraños en tres continentes colisiona"@es
  • "En plein désert marocain, un coup de feu retentit. Il va déclencher toute une série d'événements qui impliqueront un couple de touristes américains au bord du naufrage, deux jeunes Marocains auteurs d'un crime accidentel, une nourrice qui voyage illégalement avec deux enfants américains, et une adolescente japonaise rebelle dont le père est recherché par la police à Tokyo. Séparés par leurs cultures et leurs modes de vie, chacun de ces quatre groupes de personnes va cependant connaître une même destinée d'isolement et de douleur..."
  • "A wealthy American is touring Morocco with his wife when the two become the focus of an international incident also involving a poor Moroccan farmer who is struggling to keep his two young sons in line and his family together. A San Diego nanny, with her employers absent, makes the disastrous decision to take her charges with her to a wedding in Mexico. A deaf-mute Japanese teen tries to deal with a relationship with her father and the world in general that has been upended by the death of her mother. From issues like terrorism and immigration to husbands talking to their wives and parents understanding their children, Babel interweaves these three stories to examine communication - or the lack of it - within and between cultures."
  • "Pain is universal ... but so is hope. From acclaimed Director Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu comes the third film in his trilogy, Babel, a critically celebrated and emontionally gripping film about the barriers that separate humankind. A tragic accident in Morocco sets off a chain of events that will link four groups of people who, divided by cultural differences and vast distances, will discover a shared destiny that ultimately connects them."@en
  • ""Un trágico accidente en Marruecos es el catalizador para una serie de eventos que unirá a cuatro grupos de personas que, divididos por las diferencias culturales y las grandes distancias, descubrirán un destino compartido que los conecta."--Envase."

  • "Feature films"@en
  • "Feature films"
  • "Films dramatiques"
  • "Drama"@en
  • "Drama"
  • "Drama"@es
  • "Speelfilm"
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  • "DVDs"
  • "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"@en
  • "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"
  • "Films for the hearing impaired"
  • "Films for the hearing impaired"@en
  • "Thrillers (Motion pictures)"@en
  • "Thrillers (Motion pictures)"
  • "Suspense films"@en
  • "Drammatico (Genere)"
  • "Drammatico (Genere)"@it
  • "Videodiscos DVD"@es
  • "Dokumenty audiowizualne"
  • "Adventure films"@en
  • "Action and adventure films"@en
  • "Action and adventure films"
  • "French films"@en
  • "Film fabularny"
  • "Comédie dramatique"
  • "Dramat filmowy"
  • "Mexican films"@en
  • "Films d'aventures"
  • "Thriller"@en
  • "DVD-Film"
  • "Adventure"@en
  • "Fiction films"
  • "Fiction films"@en
  • "Suspense"@es
  • "Drama cinematográfico"
  • "Drama cinematográfico"@es
  • "Llargmetratges"
  • "DVD-Video discs"
  • "Features"@en
  • "fiction dramatique (fiction)"
  • "Film amerykaÅ„ski"

  • "Babel"@it
  • "Babel"@en
  • "Babel"@es
  • "Babel"
  • "babel"
  • "Babel (DVD)"
  • "BABEL"
  • "Babel - Blu-ray Disc"
  • "Babel (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica)"
  • "Babel (film)"
  • "Babel [DVD]"
  • "Babel (Motion picture : 2006)"@en
  • "Babel (Motion picture : 2006)"