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The Theory of Social and Economic Organization. Translated by A. M. Henderson and Talcott Parsons. Edited with an introduction by Talcott Parsons

"The most extensive general exposition of Max Weber's sociological theory and its applications to the broad empirical problems of historical structure and change"--Cover.

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  • "Theory of social and economic organization"@en
  • "Max Weber"

  • ""The most extensive general exposition of Max Weber's sociological theory and its applications to the broad empirical problems of historical structure and change"--Cover."@en
  • ""A translation of part I of Max Weber's Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft.""@en

  • "Electronic books"@en

  • "The Theory of Social and Economic Organization. Translated by A. M. Henderson and Talcott Parsons. Edited with an introduction by Talcott Parsons"@en
  • "The theory of social and economic organization / (New York): The Free Press of Glencoe"
  • "The Theory of Social and Economic Organization"
  • "The theory of social and economic organisation"
  • "The Theory of Social and Economic Organization. Translated by A.M. Henderson and Talcott Parsons. Edited with an introduction by Talcott Parsons"@en
  • "The theory of social and economic organisation"@en
  • "Max Weber, the theory of social and economic organization"@en
  • "The theory of social and economic organization : with an introduction by Talcot Parsons"
  • "The Theory of social and economic organization"
  • "The theory of social and economic organization : introd. by talcott parsons. Transl. by A. M. Henderson"
  • "Theory Of Social And Economic Organization"
  • "The theory of social and economic organization. Being part I of Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft"@en
  • "The Theory of Social and Economic Organization. Translated by A.M. Henderson and Talcott Parsons"@en
  • "The theory of social and economic organization translated by A.M.Henderson and talcott parsons. Ed.with an introd. by talcott parsons"
  • "The theory of social and economic organization"
  • "The theory of social and economic organization"@en
  • "The theory of social and economic organization being Part I of Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft"@en
  • "The theory of social and economic organization. Translated by A.M. Henderson and Talcott Parsons. Edited with an introd. by Talcott Parsons"@en
  • "The theory of social and economic organization : transl. by A. M. Henderson and Talcott Parsons"
  • "The theory of social and economic organization : translated by A.M.Henderson and talcott parsons. Ed.with an introd. by talcott parsons"
  • "Max Weber : the theory of social and economic organization"@en
  • "Max Weber : the theory of social and economic organization"