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Fight club [video]

A confused young man tired of his life finds a new one in a new club where you beat each other to a plup as therapy.

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  • "Club de la pelea"
  • "Klub golih pesti"

  • "An insomniac and a soap salesman start up a popular underground club involving fist fights."
  • "A ticking-time-bomb insomniac and a slippery soap salesman channel primal male aggression into a shocking new form of therapy."
  • "A ticking-time-bomb insomniac and a slippery soap salesman channel primal male aggresion into a shocking new form of therapy. Their concept catches on, with underground "fight clubs" forming in every town -- until a sensuous woman comes between the two men and ignites an out-of-control spiral toward oblivion."
  • "A confused young man tired of his life finds a new one in a new club where you beat each other to a plup as therapy."
  • "A confused young man tired of his life finds a new one in a new club where you beat each other to a plup as therapy."@en
  • "Based on the book of the same name by Chuck Palahniuk."
  • "Norton stars as Jack, a chronic insomniac desperate to escape his excruciatingly boring life. That's when he meets Tyler Durden (Pitt), a charismatic soap saleman with a twisted philosophy. Tyler believes self-improvement is for the weak - it's self-destruction that really makes life worth living. Before long they are beating each other to a pulp in a bar parking lot. To introduce others to the simple joys of physical violence, Jack and Tyler form a secret Fight Club that becomes wildly successful. But there's a shocking surprise waiting for Jack that will change everything."@en
  • "Norton stars as Jack, a chronic insomniac desperate to escape his excruciatingly boring life. That's when he meets Tyler Durden (Pitt), a charismatic soap saleman with a twisted philosophy. Tyler believes self-improvement is for the weak - it's self-destruction that really makes life worth living. Before long they are beating each other to a pulp in a bar parking lot. To introduce others to the simple joys of physical violence, Jack and Tyler form a secret Fight Club that becomes wildly successful. But there's a shocking surprise waiting for Jack that will change everything."
  • "Un yuppie insomniaque et déboussolé fonde avec un individu énigmatique un club secret de combats à mains nues."
  • "A ticking-time-bomb insomniac and a slippery soap salesman channel primal male aggression into a shocking form of therapy. Their concept catches on, with underground "fight clubs" forming in every town-until a sensuous and mysterious woman comes between the two men."
  • "A ticking time bomb insomniac and a slippery soap salesman channel primary male aggression into a shocking new therapy."
  • "Een verzekeringsinspecteur probeert wanhopig uit zijn supersaaie bestaan te ontsnappen en begint samen met een vriend met groot succes een geheime vechtclub, waar het vechten een bevrijdend effect heeft op de deelnemende mannen."
  • "SUMMARY: "Based on the debut novel by recent University of Oregon graduate Chuck Palanhiuk about a confused young man in the not too distant future. With no family or close friends, he frequents cancer and disease support groups as a way to bond with others, pretending to be terminally ill or feigning various other infirmities to fit in. Sick of his dead end, white bread, white collar corporate career and disgusted with the empty consumer culture that his generation has been doomed to inherit, he and a very devious friend named Tyler Durden create a new club where young men come to relieve their frustrations by beating each other to a pulp. The popularity of this club grows exponentially, and eventually some very profound rules are created to govern it. Because one of those rules is no more than 50 people to a fight club, soon new fight clubs are popping up everywhere and spread across the nation. Tyler Durden, the fight club's founder, quickly becomes a cult hero of epic proportions, a new messiah for a dead generation. While all this is happening, the nameless, narrating main character manages to get involved in a love triangle with Tyler and a girl named Marla who seems to have an endless supply of ex-boyfriends just as screwed up as he is." IMDB"
  • "Jack ne souhaite qu'une chose : s'évader de son quotidien monotone. Très vite, il rencontre Tyler Durden, un vendeur de savon charismatique à la philosophie tordue et anarchiste. Ensemble, ils décident de crées un club de combat clandestin dont les règles s'établissent partout dans le monde. Règle n 1 : ne pas parler du Fight Club. Règle du n 2 : ne pas parler du Fight Club."
  • "A lonely, isolated thirty-something insomniac young professional seeks an escape from his mundane existence with the help of a devious soap salesman. They find release from their reality prison through underground fight clubs, where men can be what the world now denies them. Their boxing matches and harmless pranks soon lead to an out-of-control spiral towards oblivion."@en
  • "When a ticking time-bomb insomniac and a soap salesman channel their aggression into therapeutic "fight clubs", an accentric woman gets in the way and ignites an out-of-control spiral toward oblivion."@en
  • "When a ticking time-bomb insomniac and a soap salesman channel their aggression into therapeutic "fight clubs", an accentric woman gets in the way and ignites an out-of-control spiral toward oblivion."
  • "A young man becomes drawn into the seedy world of underground bare fist fights when he meets a hyperactive man; but the stranger is not all he seems to be and soon starts taking over the life of the young man and his girlfriend... (1999)."
  • "Jack, a chronic insomniac is desperate to escape his excruciatingly boring life. That's when he meets Tyler Durden, a charismatic soap salesman with a twisted philosophy. Tyler believes self-improvement is for the weak - it's self-destruction that really makes life worth living. Before long, Jack and Tyler are beating each other to a pulp in a bar parking lot, a cathartic slug fest that delivers the ultimate high. To introduce other men to the simple joys of physical violence, Jack and Tyler form a secret Fight Club that becomes wildly successful."
  • "When a ticking-time bomb insomniac and a soap salesman channel their aggression into therapeutic "fight clubs", an eccentric woman gets in the way and ignites an out-of-control spiral toward oblivion."@en
  • "A ticking-time-bomb insomniac and a soap salesman channel their primal male aggression into a shocking new form of therapy. Their concept catches on, with underground "fight clubs" forming in every town, until a sensuous eccentric gets in the way and ignites an out-of-control spiral toward oblivion."@en
  • ""Brad Pitt (Seven, Meet Joe Black) y Edward Norton (Historia americana X, La raíz del miedo) traen a la pantalla avasalladoras actuaciones en esta original historia de humor negro de Davis Fincher, el director de Seven. Norton interpreta a Jack, un insomne crónico desesperado por escapar de su insoportablemente aburrida vida. Es entonces cuando conoce a Tyler Durden (Pitt), un carismático vendedor de jabones con una filosofía de vida retorcida. Tyler cree que la autoestima es sólo para los débiles y que en realidad la autodestrucción es lo que hace que la vida valga la pena. Inesperadamente Jack y Tyler están dándose unas palizas hasta romperse los dientes en un estacionamiento, un catártico festín de golpes que les lleva a un estado psicológico de máximos extremos. Para inducir a otros hombres a probar las delicias de la simple violencia física, Jack y Tyler forman un club de la pelea secreto que adquiere un exito sin precedentes. Pero hay una impactante sorpresa para Jack que lo cambiara todo.. "--Envase."
  • "Tormentato dall'insonnia, angosciato succubo dell'ideologia dell'individualismo competitivo, desideroso di appartenenza, un giovane americano in carriera frequenta gruppi di terapia nel vano tentativo di condividere il dolore altrui. Crede di trovare la soluzione dei suoi problemi quando si imbatte nel suo "doppio", il coetaneo Tyler, che gli fa conoscere i Fight Clubs, luoghi clandestini dove ci si massacra a pugni nudi: un mezzo per abbattere il sistema, usandone l'ideologia e portandola alle sue estreme conseguenze in negativo. (Morandini)."@it
  • "Tormentato dall'insonnia, angosciato succubo dell'ideologia dell'individualismo competitivo, desideroso di appartenenza, un giovane americano in carriera frequenta gruppi di terapia nel vano tentativo di condividere il dolore altrui. Crede di trovare la soluzione dei suoi problemi quando si imbatte nel suo "doppio", il coetaneo Tyler, che gli fa conoscere i Fight Clubs, luoghi clandestini dove ci si massacra a pugni nudi: un mezzo per abbattere il sistema, usandone l'ideologia e portandola alle sue estreme conseguenze in negativo. (Morandini)."
  • "A confused young man tired of his life finds a new one in a new club where members beat each other to a pulp as therapy."@en
  • "Adapted from Chuck Palahniuk's novel, David Fincher's controversial drama explores themes of masculinity and violence in contemporary society. Edward Norton stars as Jack, a bored insomniac, determined to inject some excitement into his life. He meets Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt), a charismatic soap salesman who believes that the only way to escape the banality of modern existence is through violence. To these ends, Jack and Tyler set up 'Fight Clubs', where men can engage in brutal bare-knuckle fights. However, friction develops bet."@en
  • "When a ticking-time-bomb insomniac and a soap salesman channel their aggresion into therapeutic "fight clubs", an eccentric woman gets in the way and ignites an out-of-control spiral toward oblivion."
  • "When a ticking-time-bomb insomniac and a soap salesman channel their aggresion into therapeutic "fight clubs", an eccentric woman gets in the way and ignites an out-of-control spiral toward oblivion."@en
  • "Un joven sin ilusiones lucha contra su insomnio, consecuencia quizás de su hastío por su gris y rutinaria vida. En un viaje en avión conoce a Tyler Durden, un carismático vendedor de jabón que sostiene una filosofía muy particular: el perfeccionismo es cosa de gentes débiles; en cambio, la autodestrucción es lo único que hace que realmente la vida merezca la pena. Ambos deciden entonces formar un club secreto de lucha donde descargar sus frustaciones y su ira tendrá un éxito arrollador."
  • "Un insomniaque au bord de la dépression (Norton) et un mystérieux vendeur de savonnettes (Pitt) réussissent à canaliser l'agressivité masculine primale en un nouveau type de thérapie violente. Leur concept fait fureur et des "clubs de bagarre" clandestins se mettent à pousser comme des champignons dans chaque patelin. Mais une jeune femme sensuelle et excentrique (Bonham Carter) s'immisce entre eux et les entraîne dans une chute inéluctable."
  • "Insomniaque et déboussolé, un yuppie à l'emploi d'un fabricant d'autos fait la connaissance d'un individu énigmatique appelé Tyler Durden. Lorsque son appartement explose mystérieusement, l'homme désemparé fait appel à Tyler, qui l'accueille dans la maison abandonnée où il habite. Ensemble, ils en viennent à fonder un club secret où les hommes se cognent dessus de toutes leurs forces pour extirper leurs émotions. Mais bientôt, le charismatique Tyler se sert des membres du club pour perpétrer des attentats contre les grosses sociétés."
  • "Ce film raconte l'histoire d'un homme qui fonde des clubs de lutte dans lesquels des hommes, pour la plupart de collets blancs, se battent jusqu' à ce que l'un d'eux tombe. L'un des jeune, découvre le plan diabolique du fondateur du club. Ce dernier desire L'anarchie totale."
  • "Brad Pitt und Edward Norton in einem knallharten Society-Thriller am Puls des 21. Jahrhunderts: Ein frustrierter Bürolist lernt den Seifenfabrikanten Tyler Durden kennen und gründet mit ihm einen Kämpferzirkel, in dem Männer ihre angestauten Aggressionen ablassen können. Doch dann gehen die Jungs einen Schritt zu weit."
  • "Tired of his life as a cog in a corporate and consumer society, an insomniac businessman sets up secret clubs where men indulge in bare-knuckle fighting and anarchist activities."
  • "Tired of his life as a cog in a corporate and consumer society, an insomniac businessman sets up secret clubs where men indulge in bare-knuckle fighting and anarchist activities."@en
  • "Jack, a chronic insomniac is desperate to escape his excruciatingly boring life. That's when he meets Tyler Durden, a charismatic soap salesman with a with a twisted philosophy. Tyler believes self-improvement is for the weak - it's self-destruction that really makes life worth living. Before long, Jack and Tyler are beating each other to a pulp in a bar parking lot, a cathartic slug fest that delivers the ultimate high. To introduce other men to the simple joys of physical violence, Jack and Tyler form a secret Fight Club that becomes wildly successful."@en
  • "Jack, a chronic insomniac is desperate to escape his excruciatingly boring life. That's when he meets Tyler Durden, a charismatic soap salesman with a with a twisted philosophy. Tyler believes self-improvement is for the weak - it's self-destruction that really makes life worth living. Before long, Jack and Tyler are beating each other to a pulp in a bar parking lot, a cathartic slug fest that delivers the ultimate high. To introduce other men to the simple joys of physical violence, Jack and Tyler form a secret Fight Club that becomes wildly successful."
  • "Picchiarsi per stare meglio: questo l'assunto del film. Dopo il successo, in parte inaspettato, di Seven, Fincher ripercorre e perfeziona la violenza. Pitt è semplicemente il diavolo: forte, astuto, bello e violento. Norton ne rimane sedotto. Nota di costume sulla pratica di scaricamento delle tensioni con scarico di pugni. Machismo imperante. Suggestioni da palestra di pugilato. (Mymovies)."
  • ""Jack ne souhaite qu'une chose : s'évader de son quotidien monotone. Très vite, il rencontre Tyler Durden, un vendeur de savon charismatique à la philosophie tordue et anarchiste. Ensemble, ils décident de créer un club de combat clandestin dont les règles s'établissent partout dans le monde. Règle n° 1 : ne pas parler du Fight Club. Règle n° 2 : ne pas parler du Fight Club..."
  • "Ed Norton is a chronic insomniac desperate to escape his excruciatingly boring life. That's when he meets Tyler Durden, a charismatic soap salesman with a twisted philosophy. Tyler believes self-improvement is for the weak - it's self-destruction that really makes life worth living. Before long Jack and Tyler are beating each other to a pulp in a bar parking lot, a cathartic slugfest that delivers joys of physical violence, Jack and Tyler form a secret Fight Club that becomes wildly successful. But there's a shocking surprise waiting for Jack that will change everything."
  • "When a ticking-time-bomb insomniac and a soap salesman channel their aggression into therapeutic "fight clubs", an eccentric woman gets in the way and ignites an out-of-control spiral toward oblivion."
  • "When a ticking-time-bomb insomniac and a soap salesman channel their aggression into therapeutic "fight clubs", an eccentric woman gets in the way and ignites an out-of-control spiral toward oblivion."@en
  • ""Jack ne souhaite qu'une chose : s'évader de son quotidien monotone. Très vite, il rencontre Tyler Durden, un vendeur de savon charismatique à la philosophie tordue et anarchiste. Ensemble, ils décident de créer un club de combat clandestin dont les règles s'établissent partout dans le monde. Règle n° 1 : ne pas parler du Fight Club. Règle n° 2 : ne pas parler du Fight Club."
  • "Un yuppie désabusé prône le retour au tribal : message messianique, couplet anticonsumériste, éloge fumeux de la virilité, une esthétique de clip au service d'une idéologie douteuse..."
  • "Feature film from the USA. Action. Screen adaptation of the novel by Chuck Palahniuk. An insomniac and a soap salesman start up a popular underground club involving fist fights."
  • "A ticking-time-bomb insomniac and a slippery soap saleman channel primal male aggression into a shocking new form of therapy. Their concept catches on, with underground "fight clubs" forming in every town, until a sensuous eccentric (Bonham Carter) gets in the way and ignites an out-of-control spiral toward oblivion."
  • "Jack, un inspecteur d'assurances souffrant d'insomnies chroniques - essaie désespérément d'échapper à une existence insipide et monotone. Il rencontre par hasard Tyler Durden, un charismatique vendeur de savonnettes qui prône une curieuse philosophie de vie. Tyler prétend que la recherche du confort est le propre des faibles et que seule l'autodestruction donne un sens à la vie. Cette rencontre marquera la création par Jack et Tyler d'une nouvelle forme de divertissement : les "Fight Clubs" où des jeunes gens libèrent la bête qui les habite lors de combats à mains nues extrêmement violents. L'effet libératoire sur les participants entraîne la naissance d'une sorte de fraternité qui prend rapidement une tournure très dangereuse ... (Jaquette)."
  • "Un uomo di trent'anni da tempo è insofferente sul lavoro e la notte non riesce più a dormire. In cerca di qualche luogo dove scaricare la propria ansia, l'uomo si mette a frequentare quei corsi dove gruppi di malati gravi di vario tipi si riuniscono e confessano agli altri le rispettive situazioni. Mentre si lascia andare alla commozione e al pianto di fronte a quello che vede, l'uomo fa la conoscenza prima di Marla Singer poi di Tyler Durden. Lei è una ragazza a sua volta alla deriva, incapace di scelte o decisioni; lui è un tipo deciso e vigoroso con un'idea precisa in testa. Tyler fa saltare per aria l'appartamento dell'uomo e i due vanno a vivere insieme in una casa fatiscente. L'uomo continua ad andare al lavoro, ma ben presto deve rinunciare. Deciso a coinvolgerlo nel suo progetto, Tyler lo fa entrare in un 'fight club', uno stanzone sotterraneo dove alcuni si riuniscono per picchiarsi e in questo modo sentirsi di nuovo vivi. Incapace di sganciarsi, l'uomo partecipa a questo gioco al massacro, che ha un ulteriore sviluppo: per Tyler infatti il passo successivo è quello di far cadere i palazzi, centri vitali dell'economia mondiale. Ad un certo punto l'uomo pensa di potersi opporre a questo disegno. Sembra riuscirci, quando con l'aiuto di Marla si oppone a Tyler. Fuori la città esplode."@it
  • "Follows a chronic insomniac and a soap salesman whose therapeutic fight club and anti-consumerist perspectives begin to spiral out of control."@en
  • "A man sets up a fight club in which young men are paired off in bloody, no-holds-barred bouts until one drops."@en
  • "Two young men start a secret no-holds-barred fight club for young urban professionals."
  • "Een verveelde verzekeringsinspecteur probeert wanhopig uit zijn supersaaie bestaan te ontsnappen en begint samen met een vriend met groot succes een geheime vechtclub, waar het vechten een bevrijdend effect heeft op de deelnemende mannen."
  • "A ticking-time-bomb insomniac and a slippery soap salesman channel primal male aggression into a shocking new form of therapy. Their concept catches on, with underground "fight clubs" forming in every town, until an eccentric woman gets in the way and ignites an out-of-control spiral toward oblivion."@en
  • "A ticking-time-bomb insomniac and a slippery soap salesman channel primal male aggression into a shocking new form of therapy. Their concept catches on, with underground "fight clubs" forming in every town, until an eccentric woman gets in the way and ignites an out-of-control spiral toward oblivion."

  • "Features"
  • "Blu-ray"@en
  • "Dark comedy films"
  • "Science fiction films"
  • "Drama"
  • "Drama"@en
  • "Film adaptations"
  • "Film adaptations"@en
  • "Fiction"@en
  • "Fiction"
  • "fiction dramatique (fiction)"
  • "Apocalyptic fantasies"
  • "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"@en
  • "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"
  • "Drame psychologique"
  • "Video recordings"@en
  • "Feature films"@en
  • "Feature films"
  • "Films à suspense"
  • "Suspense films"@en
  • "Films for the hearing impaired"@en
  • "Fiction films"@en
  • "Fiction films"
  • "Drammatico (Genere)"@it
  • "Drammatico (Genere)"
  • "Videodiscs"
  • "Film noir"
  • "Videodiscs (Bluray)"@en
  • "Videorecording"@en
  • "Comédie dramatique"
  • "Fiction dramatique (fiction)"
  • "Sports films"@en
  • "Sports films"
  • "Films dramatiques"
  • "Documentaire de tournage (Descripteur de forme)"
  • "Thrillers (Motion pictures)"
  • "Thrillers (Motion pictures)"@en
  • "Fiction policière (fiction)"
  • "Vidéo"
  • "Thriller"
  • "Thriller"@en
  • "DVD-Video discs"@en
  • "Action and adventure films"@en
  • "Action and adventure films"
  • "Film"

  • "Fight club [video]"@en
  • "Fight club (Motion picture)"@en
  • "Fight club (Motion picture)"
  • "FIGHT CLUB (DVD)"@en
  • "Fight club [Klub golih pesti]"
  • "Fight club (film)"
  • "The Fight Club"
  • "fight club"
  • "Fight club"@it
  • "Fight club"
  • "Fight club"@en
  • "Fight Club"@it
  • "Fight Club"
  • "Fight club (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica)"