"1914 - 1918" . . "Soldat" . . "World War, 1914-1918." . . "World War, 1914-1918 France Fiction." . . . . "Großbritannien" . . "Grossbritannien" . "Welt Krieg, 1939-1945 Fiktion." . . "France." . . "Weltkrieg (1914-1918)" . . "Wojna światowa (1914-1918) powieści." . . "1900 - 1999" . . "Historical fiction." . . . . "Kuşların şarkısı"@tr . . . . . . . . . "Love stories" . "Love stories"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Set in France before and during World War I, this is the story of a young Englishman who is impelled through a series of extreme experiences, including a traumatic love affair which tears apart the bourgeois French family with whom he live." . . . . "Milostné romány" . "Powieść angielska" . "Powieść angielska"@pl . "Kuşların şarkısı = Birdsong"@en . "Electronic books"@en . . . "Classical fiction" . "Set in France before and during World War I, this is the story of Stephen Wraysford, a young Englishman who is impelled through a series of extreme experiences, including a traumatic love affair which tears apart the bourgeois French family with whom he lives, before he is trapped amid the horrors of the First World War." . . . . . . . . . . "Amiens, północna Francja, rok 1910. Młody Anglik, Stephen Wraysford, przybywa z Londynu do domu francuskiego przemysłowca Reň Azaire'a, by pomóc mu w unowocześnieniu jego fabryki tekstyliów. Od pierwszych chwil młody przybysz ulega urokowi żony gospodarza, Isabelle, która tkwi w nieudanym małżeństwie ze starszym, wybuchowym mężczyzną, opiekując się jego dziećmi z poprzedniego małżeństwa. Pod nieobecność Azaire'a między Stephenem a Isabelle wybucha niemożliwy do utrzymania w sekrecie, żarliwy romans. Gdy sprawa wychodzi na jaw, kochankowie uciekają do Prowansji i decydują się na wspólne życie. Pewnego dnia Isabelle odchodzi bez słowa wyjaśnienia. Flandria, rok 1916. Stephen jest porucznikiem piechoty, walczącym w okopach północnej Francji; w sekrecie pisze pamiętnik, choć jest to wbrew wojskowym przepisom. Wspomnienia o Isabelle - jedynej kobiecie, którą kochał - są ciągle żywe. Stephen otrzymuje od dowódcy rozkaz dołączenia do oddziału \"tunelarzy\", straceńców podkładających ładunki wybuchowe pod pozycjami wroga. Latem ruszają na południe i biorą udział w bitwie nad Somą. Dopiero to potworne doświadczenie uświadamia mu, co naprawdę liczy się w życiu." . . "A tale of love and war. The protagonists are Stephen Wraysford, a British businessman, and Isabelle Azaire, a married Frenchwoman. They meet in 1910, she elopes with him, gives birth to his child, then remorse sends her back to her husband. But World War I will bring them together when he returns to France as an officer in the British army." . "Published to international critical and popular acclaim, this intensely romantic yet stunningly realistic novel spans three generations and the unimaginable gulf between the First World War and the present. As the young Englishman Stephen Wraysford passes through a tempestuous love affair with Isabelle Azaire in France and enters the dark, surreal world beneath the trenches of No Man's Land, Sebastian Faulks creates a world of fiction that is as tragic as A Farewell to Arms and as sensuous as The English Patient. Crafted from the ruins of war and the indestructibility of love, Birdsong is a novel that will be read and marveled at for years to come."@en . "Histoire d'une passion violente, récit déchirant de la Grande Guerre, cette saga du jeune Stephen, devenu capitaine Wraysford, et d'Isabelle, dessinée dans des tons sombres et naturalistes, est empreinte d'une profonde humanité." . . . . . "Fiction"@en . "Fiction" . . . . . "Criticism, interpretation, etc" . . . . "Gesang vom grossen Feuer Roman" . . . . "Canto del cielo" . . "English fiction" . "Birdsong"@tr . "Birdsong" . . "Birdsong"@it . . . . "Amiens, 1910, and the young Englishman, Stephen Wraysford, has been sent by his employer to study the textile trade."@en . . . . . . "Rootless and heartbroken Stephen Wraysford joins the army at the outbreak of World War I. He and his men are given the assignment to tunnel under the German lines and set off bombs. The comaraderie, love, and loyalty of the soldiers contrasts with the horrors of the underground, air, and trench warfare." . "Rootless and heartbroken Stephen Wraysford joins the army at the outbreak of World War I. He and his men are given the assignment to tunnel under the German lines and set off bombs. The comaraderie, love, and loyalty of the soldiers contrasts with the horrors of the underground, air, and trench warfare."@en . . . "Historical fiction"@en . "Historical fiction" . "A young Englishman in France in 1910 becomes so entangled in a clandestine affair that he never returns home. When war breaks out in 1914, he is given command of a group of miners and fights his war on a pitch-dark subterranean battlefield."@en . "Uncorrected proofs (Printing)"@en . . . . "El canto de la alondra" . . . . "While staying as the guest of a factory owner in pre-First World War France, Stephen Wraysford embarks on a passionate affair with Isabelle, the wife of his host. The affair changes them both for ever. A few years later Stephen finds himself back in the same part of France, but this time as a soldier in the Battle of the Somme, the bloodiest encounter in British military history. As his men die around him, Stephen turns to his enduring love for Isabelle for the strength to continue and to save something for future generations. For the first time, this beautiful and terrible story."@en . . . . . . . . . "Anglické romány" . . . . "Men fuglene synger alligevel"@da . . . "Love novels" . "A novel of love and war"@en . "Birdsong a novel of love and war"@en . . . . "Readers who are entranced by sweeping historical sagas will devour Birdsong, Sebastian Faulks' drama set during the first world war. The book's hero, a 20-year-old Englishman named Stephen Wraysford, finds his true love on a trip to Amiens in 1910. Unfortunately, she's already married, the wife of a wealthy textile baron. Wrayford convinces her to leave a life of passionless comfort to be at his side, but things do not turn out according to plan." . "Les chemins de feu" . . . . . . . . . . . "General fiction"@en . . . . "La Canción del cielo" . . . . "Francia, 1910. Ad Amiens il giovane inglese Stephen Wraysford incontra Isabelle, una donna irreprensibile, rassegnata a tollerare un matrimonio infelice. Tra i due scoppia improvvisa una passione divorante, ma la loro storia d'amore non è destinata a durare e presto l'uomo ritorna in Inghilterra. Sette anni dopo Stephen è di nuovo in Francia e affronta gli orrori della Prima guerra mondiale. Durante questo periodo sposa la sorella di Isabelle, Jeanne, e ne adotta la figlia, senza sapere di esserne il padre. Sarà la nipote di Stephen, a Londra, nel 1978, a ripercorrere la storia della sua famiglia attraverso il diario del nonno, in cui troverà la risposta a molte sue domande e la forza per cominciare una nuova vita. [Abstract dell'editore]."@it . . . "War stories"@en . . "War stories" . . . . . . . . . . "A tale of love and war early this century. The protagonists are Stephen Wraysford, a British businessman, and Isabelle Azaire, a married Frenchwoman. They meet in 1910, she elopes with him, gives birth to his child, then remorse sends her back to her husband. But World War I will bring them together when he returns to France as an officer in the British army." . "A tale of love and war early this century. The protagonists are Stephen Wraysford, a British businessman, and Isabelle Azaire, a married Frenchwoman. They meet in 1910, she elopes with him, gives birth to his child, then remorse sends her back to her husband. But World War I will bring them together when he returns to France as an officer in the British army."@en . . . . . . . . "Gesang vom großen Feuer Roman" . "Ptasi śpiew" . "Ptasi śpiew"@pl . . "Il canto del cielo"@it . "Il canto del cielo" . "Gesang vom grossen Feuer : Roman" . . . . "This is the story of Stephen who arrives in Amiens in 1910. His life goes through a series of traumatic experiences, from the clandestine love affair that tears apart the family with whom he lives, to the unprecedented experience of the war itself. Originally published: London: Hutchinson, 1993."@en . . . "Niao ming" . . "Na een verboden liefdesverhouding blijft een jonge Brit in Frankrijk, waar hij tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog in de hel van de loopgraven terechtkomt." . . "Gesang vom grossen feuer" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "War novels" . . . . . "Válečné romány" . "Ptačí zpěv ; [román]" . . "Kuslarin sarkisi" . . . . . . . . . "Roman anglais" . . . "Stephen, a British businessman loves a married Frenchwoman: she gives birth to his child, then remorse sends her back to her husband. However, during World War I, Stephen returns to France as an officer in the British army." . . . "Mustarastas laulaa"@fi . . "鸟鸣" . . . . . "Belletristische Darstellung" . . . "Birdsong" . "Birdsong"@en . . . . "Shirat ha-tsipor" . "La canción del cielo"@es . . . . . . "Het lied van de loopgraven" . "První světová válka, 1914-1918." . . "Guerra Mundial I, (1914-1918) Novela." . . "Man-woman relationships Fiction." . . "Man-woman relationships." . . "Zysk i S-ka Wydawnictwo." . . "Roman anglais." . . "World War, 1914-1918 Fiction." . . "Literary." . . "War stories." . . "Mondadori," . . "Fiction." . . "FICTION." . "FICTION / General" . . "Geschichte 1914-1918" . . "Vintage (Londyn)." . . "Frankreich" . . "Historical." . . "World War (1914-1918)" . . .