"Börsenkurs" . . "Japón" . . "Indice de precios Japón." . . "Geldpolitik" . . "Japan" . . "Preisniveaustabilität" . . "Bubbles" . . "Makroökonomischer Einfluss" . . "Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies (Japan)" . . . . "Finanzsektor" . . "Macroeconomía Japón." . . "Portfolio-Management" . . "Estabilidad económica Japón." . . "Asset price bubble in Japan in the 1980s lessons for financial and macroeconomic stability"@en . "Asset price bubble in Japan in the 1980s lessons for financial and macroeconomic stability" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Asset price bubble in Japan in the 1980s : lessons for financial and macroeconomic stability" . . . . "Asset price bubble in Japan in the 1980s : lessons for financial and macroeconomic stability"@en . . .