"Hartley, Beth (Fictitious character) Fiction." . . "Milwaukee (Wis.)" . . . . "Meet Beth Hartley, a 42-year-old attorney who has quit her hated law firm job, taken Janice, her secretary with her, and started her own business. But one morning Janice finds her younger brother, Dave, dead in his apartment. The police think Dave committed suicide, but Janice doesn't believe it for a minute. Through a combination of sheer brilliance, raw guts, superior perception, and outstanding ingenuity, Beth proves Dave couldn't have killed himself. But if Dave didn't kill himself, who did? As Beth finishes her last minute Christmas shopping, she belatedly realizes that, in more ways than one, Milwaukee winters can indeed be murder."@en . . . . . "Milwaukee winters can be murder"@en . "Mystery fiction"@en . . . . . "Fiction"@en . . .