"Personnel Participation à la gestion." . . "Personnel - Participation à la gestion." . "Organización." . . "Effizienz." . . "Organisationsteori." . . "Changement organisationnel." . . "Organizzazione." . . "Partizipation." . . "Organizzazione Teorie." . . "Rationalisme" . . "Rationalisme." . "Sweden." . . "Gestion d'entreprise." . . "gestion d'entreprise." . "Gestion." . . "Soziologie." . . "Aziende - Gestione - Partecipazione dei lavoratori." . . "MANAGEMENT." . . "Management." . "Szervezéselmélet közigazgatás." . . "Sverige" . . "Bürokratie." . . "Management Employee participation Sweden." . . "BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Negotiating" . . "Organization." . . "Management Employee participation." . . "gestion d'entreprise gestion du personnel." . . "Führung." . . "BUREAUCRACY." . . "Organisation : Effizienz." . . "Organisationssociologi." . . "Organisationssociologi" . "Organizational behavior." . . "Demokratisierung." . . "Administración de empresas." . . "Organisationssoziologie." . . "Treballadors Participació en l'administració d'empreses." . . "WORKERS' PARTICIPATION." . . . . . . "This exploration of organizational theory focuses on the genesis of organizations and the conditions for their continued existence. Drawing upon the classic theories of Marx, Weber and Michels as well as more contemporary developments in organizational theory, Abrahamsson presents his unique theory - that organizations are deliberately designed social structures which have been established by a certain person, group or class in order to implement certain goals. The Logic of Organizations focuses on three critical problem areas of organizations: how to make organizations more efficient."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Logic of organizations" . "The Logic of organizations"@en . . . . "Bureaucracy or participation : the logic of organization" . "Bureaucracy or participation" . . . . . "Organisationsteori"@sv . "Organisationsteori" . "Organisationsteori"@da . . "Electronic books"@en . "Electronic books" . "Bureaucracy or participation : the logic of organization. Introd. by morris janowitz" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Organisationsteori : moderna och klassiska perspektiv" . "Organisationsteori : moderna och klassiska perspektiv"@sv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Bureaucracy or Participation" . "The Logic of Organizations"@en . . . . . . . . "The logic of organizations" . "The logic of organizations"@en . . "Organisationsteori moderna och klassiska perspektiv"@sv . . . . . . . "Bureaucracy or participation the logic of organization"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Participación en la administración de empresas." . . "bureaukrati." . . "Bureaukrati" . "Bureaukrati." . "Organització." . . "Medezeggenschap." . . "Közigazgatás szervezése." . . "entreprise gestion du personnel participation des travailleurs." . . "Organisationstheorie." . . "Organisationsteori og sociologi." . . "Organisatietheorie." . . "Bureaucratie." . . "Gestion d'entreprise Participation des travailleurs." . . "gestion d'entreprise participation des travailleurs." . "Organització Eficàcia." . . "offentlighed." . . "Organization and administration." . . "organisation (organisme) - théorie." . . "Organisation." . . "Burocracia" . . "Sociologie des organisations." . .