"Founding Fathers of the United States Biography." . . "Founding fathers." . . "United States" . . . . "Founding fathers" . "A Southern historian challenges traditional interpretations of the Founding Fathers. \"You think you know about the Founding Fathers, but did you know : The Founders were right-wingers by today's standards --- for gun rights, limited government, and religion in public life ; The Founders waged a War of Independence, not a revolution ; Is America a democracy? The Founders regarded the very idea of democratic government with scorn ; 'A nation of immigrants'? Most of the Founders were third- or fourth- generation Americans, not recent arrivals ; The Founders believed in States' rights, including the right to secede from the Union\"--Cover, p1." . . . "The politically incorrect guide to the Founding Fathers" . "The politically incorrect guide to the Founding Fathers"@en . "Biography" . . . "Biography"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tom Brokaw labeled the World War II generation the Greatest Generation, but he was wrong. That honor belongs to the Founders?the men who pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor for the cause of liberty and independence, and who established the United States. This was a generation without equal, and it deserves to be rescued from the politically correct textbooks, teachers, and professors who want to dismiss the Founders as a cadre of dead, white, sexist, slaveholding males. Now, a clearsighted conservative historian, Dr. Brion McClanahan, does just that. In The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Founding Fathers, he profiles Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Franklin, and other important Founders; traces the key issues of the day and shows how they dealt with them; and in the process details the Founders' deep faith, commitment to the cause of independence, impeccable character, and visionary political ideals. Even better, The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Founding Fathers proves that the Founders had a better understanding of the problems we face today than do our own hopelessly liberal and painfully selfserving members of Congress. McClanahan shows that if you want real and relevant insights into the issues of banking, war powers, executive authority, freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, states' rights, gun control, judicial activism, trade, and taxes, you'd be better served reading the Founders than you would be watching congressional debates on CSPAN or reading the New York Times."@en . "Founding Fathers" . "Electronic books"@en . . . "1775 - 1809" . . "Statesmen United States Biography." . . . . "United States Politics and government 1783-1809." . . "POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Conservatism & Liberalism" . . "United States Politics and government 1775-1783." . .