"Thor (Norse deity) Fiction." . . "fantasy" . . "Fantasy" . . . "Gu shi." . . "故事" . "Reise." . . "JUVENILE FICTION / Fantasy & Magic." . . "Loki (Norse deity) Fiction." . . "Giants." . . "Polish language materials." . . "Mythologie." . . "Mythology, Norse." . . "Ying guo er tong wen xue." . . "英國兒童文學" . "Mythology, Norse Juvenile fiction." . . "nordisk mytologi" . . "Heroes Juvenile fiction." . . "Giants Juvenile fiction." . . "Heroes." . . "Thor (Norse deity) Juvenile fiction." . . "children's folk tales." . . "Fairy Tales & Folklore / Single Title" . . "Odin (Norse deity) Juvenile fiction." . . "Science Fiction, Fantasy, Magic" . . "Loki (Norse deity) Juvenile fiction." . . "Children's stories." . . "Dieux nordiques Ouvrages pour la jeunesse." . . "Animaux Ouvrages pour la jeunesse." . . "Wikinger." . . . . . . . . "Fantasy fiction" . "Fantasy fiction"@en . . . . . . . . "Children's stories"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Juvenile works"@en . "Juvenile works" . . . "Young adult fiction" . "Odd i Lodowaci Olbrzymi"@pl . . . "In this inventive, short, yet perfectly formed novel inspired by traditional Norse mythology, Neil Gaiman takes readers on a wild and magical trip to the land of giants and gods and back. In a village in ancient Norway lives a boy named Odd, and he's had some very bad luck: His father perished in a Viking expedition; a tree fell on and shattered his leg; the endless freezing winter is making villagers dangerously grumpy. Out in the forest Odd encounters a bear, a fox, and an eagle'three creatures with a strange story to tell. Now Odd is forced on a stranger journey than he had imagined'a journey to save Asgard, city of the gods, from the Frost Giants who have invaded it. It's going to take a very special kind of twelve-year-old boy to outwit the Frost Giants, restore peace to the city of gods, and end the long winter. Someone cheerful and infuriating and clever . . . Someone just like Odd ."@en . . . . "Odd and the Frost Giants" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Kampf gegen Götter: Ein kleiner Wikingerjunge namens Odd wohnt mit seiner Mutter in einer kleinen Hütte. Odd ist so ein fröhlicher Junge, dass er nicht einmal weint, als sein Vater bei einem Überfall stirbt. Beim Versuch, mit der alten Axt seines Vaters Bäume zu fällen, verletzt Odd sich so schwer, dass er nicht mehr richtig laufen kann. Während eines harten Winters zieht er sich in eine Hütte zurück, um Ruhe vor den Dorfbewohnern zu haben. Dort trifft er drei Tiere, die sprechen können. Später findet er heraus, dass der Bär, der Fuchs und der Adler Götter sind. Odd lässt sich von Thor, Odin und Loki erklären, wieso sie in Tierkörpern stecken. Odd lacht und sagt, dass er ihnen helfen will, die Götterstadt Asgard von den Eisriesen zurück zu erobern und ihre normalen Körper wieder zu finden. Die drei Götter nehmen Odd mit auf eine spannende Reise. Kann dieser kleine Wikingerjunge gegen Eisriesen, die schon Götter besiegt haben, antreten? Das Buch ist spannend, vor allem, wenn man sich für Götter interessiert. Es wird auch Kindern gefallen, die nicht so viel lesen, da die Geschichte ziemlich kurz ist. Ab 10 Jahren, *****, Kaan Pesen, Schüler OS Kaltbrunnen." . . "Odd and the Frost Giants"@en . . . . "Electronic books"@en . "Electronic books" . "Odd and the frost giants"@en . "Odd e il gigante di ghiaccio"@it . "Odd e il gigante di ghiaccio" . "Odd and the frost giants" . "An unlucky twelve-year-old Norwegian boy named Odd leads the Norse gods Loki, Thor, and Odin in an attempt to outwit evil Frost Giants who have taken over Asgard." . "An unlucky twelve-year-old Norwegian boy named Odd leads the Norse gods Loki, Thor, and Odin in an attempt to outwit evil Frost Giants who have taken over Asgard."@en . . . . "Odd et les géants de glace" . . "Der lächelnde Odd und die Reise nach Asgard ungekürzte Lesung" . . . "Odd's luck has been bad so far. He lost his father on a Viking expedition, his foot was crushed beneath a tree, and the winter seems to be going on for ever. But when Odd flees to the woods and releases a trapped bear, his luck begins to change. The eagle, bear and fox he encounters reveal they're actually Norse gods, trapped in animal form by the evil frost giants who have conquered Asgard, the city of the gods...Can a twelve-year-old boy reclaim Thor's hammer, outwit the frost giants and release the gods? With Neil Gaiman's wit and style, this story transcends the everyday and becomes a humorous, rich and layered tale of a life lived courageously. -- from http://www.bookdepository.com (Sep. 6, 2011)."@en . . . . "Odd i Lodowi Olbrzymi" . "Odd i Lodowi Olbrzymi"@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Wei xiao nan hai he bing shuang ju ren" . . . . . "Young adult works" . . . "These two follow the adventures of the intrepid young Viking Odd. As a brave and solitary 12-year-old, in the first tale, he endeavours to free three Norse Gods trapped in the bodies of an eagle, a bear and a fox; then, in the second, a few years older, taller and stronger he sets off on a testing and epic journey to the Holy City of Jerusalem." . . "微笑男孩和冰霜巨人" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Der lächelnde Odd und die Reise nach Asgard" . . . "Powieść dziecięca angielska"@pl . . . . "Fiction" . "Fiction"@en . "Neil Gaiman takes listeners on a wild and magical trip to the land of giants and gods and back. In a village in ancient Norway lives a boy named Odd, and he's had some very bad luck: His father perished in a Viking expedition; a tree fell on and shattered his leg; the endless freezing winter is making villagers dangerously grumpy. Out in the forest Odd encounters a bear, a fox, and an eagle?three creatures with a strange story to tell. Now Odd is forced on a journey to save Asgard, city of the gods, from the Frost Giants who have invaded it. It's going to take a very special kind of twelve-year-old boy to outwit the Frost Giants, restore peace to the city of gods, and end the long winter. Someone cheerful and infuriating and clever. ... Someone just like Odd. . . .Reading level: Ages 9-12."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Kinderbücher bis 11 Jahre" . . . "˜Derœ lächelnde Odd und die Reise nach Asgard" . "Odd and the Frost Giants"@pl . . "Odd and the frost giants"@it . "Odin (Norse deity) Fiction." . . "Brett Helquist" . . "Mondadori," . .