"Américaines d'origine latino-américaine Santé mentale." . . . . "Hispanic American women Mental health." . . "Microtraining and Multicultural Development (Firme)" . . "Counseling transculturel." . . . . . . . . . . "Multicultural counseling two sessions"@en . "Multicultural counseling two sessions" . . . . "Educational films" . . . . . "Dr. Kevin Nadal, John Jay College of Criminal JusticeThis two part series presents a real-life example of how a counselor can utilize multiculturally competent techniques in working with clients with specific disorders. The client is a Latina woman who has a history of mood disorders and substance abuse problems. Dr. Nadal is able to explore the cultural elements that impact the clients' problems, while utilizing traditional methods like strength-based counseling, cognitive reframing, and here-and-now processing. The first session is an in-take and assessment. The client leaves the session with an action plan. The second session explores the clients' action plan, what has worked and what needs to be improved."@en . "Educational"@en . . "Multicultural counseling" . . . . . . . . . "\"This two part series presents a real-life example of how a counselor can utilize multiculturally competent techniques in working with clients with specific disorders. The client is a Latina woman who has a history of mood disorders and substance abuse problems. Dr. Nadal is able to explore the cultural elements that impact the clients' problems, while utilizing traditional methods like strength-based counseling, cognitive reframing, and here-and-now processing. The first session is an in-take and assessment with the client leaving the session with an action plan. The second session explores the clients' action plan, what has worked and what needs to be improved.\"--Container." . . . . "Microtraining Associates." . . "Cross-cultural counseling." . .