"Scorpio East Entertainment Pte Ltd." . . "Summer Qing" . . "Jeff Daniels" . . "Assassins." . . . . . . "Feature : Sci-Fi" . "In the year 2074, the mob sends problem people back in time, where a hired gun awaits to eliminate them. Joe is one such hired gun, good at what he does. But problems arise when the mob tries to 'close the loop,' and Joe comes face-to-face with his future self during a hit. When Joe's future self escapes after he hesitates to finish the assignment, Joe must chase himself down and finish the job."@en . "In the year 2074, the mob sends problem people back in time, where a hired gun awaits to eliminate them. Joe is one such hired gun, good at what he does. But problems arise when the mob tries to 'close the loop,' and Joe comes face-to-face with his future self during a hit. When Joe's future self escapes after he hesitates to finish the assignment, Joe must chase himself down and finish the job." . . "In the year 2074, the mob sends problem people back in time to 2034, where a hired gun waits to eliminate them. Joe is one such hired gun, good at what he does. But problems arise when the mob tries to 'close the loop,' and Joe comes face-to-face with his future self during a hit. When Joe's future self escapes after he hesitates to finish the assignment, Joe must chase himself down and finish the job." . "In the year 2074, the mob sends problem people back in time to 2034, where a hired gun waits to eliminate them. Joe is one such hired gun, good at what he does. But problems arise when the mob tries to 'close the loop,' and Joe comes face-to-face with his future self during a hit. When Joe's future self escapes after he hesitates to finish the assignment, Joe must chase himself down and finish the job."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "In the year 2074, the mob sends problem people back in time, where a hired gun awaits to eliminate them. Joe is one such hired gun, good at what he does. But problems arise when the mob tries to 'close the loop, ' and Joe comes face-to-face with his future self during a hit. When Joe's future self escapes after he hesitates to finish the assignment, Joe must chase himself down and finish the job." . "Films de science-fiction" . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Fantascientifico (Genere)" . "Sci-fi action film starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis and Emily Blunt. In the year 2042, time travel exists but is available only on the black market. When the mob wants to kill someone, they send the target 30 years into the past, where they have employed a contract killer to eliminate them. Joe (Gordon-Levitt) works as one of these mob hitmen, killing people whom the mob has sent back in time from the year 2072. But when he recognises one of the targets (Willis) as his own future self, Joe must figure out how to redire." . . . . . . . . . . "Action and adventure films" . "Action and adventure films"@en . . . "fiction de science fiction (fiction)" . . . . "Looper: les tueurs du temps" . "En 2072 los asesinatos están terminantemente prohibidos y los objetivos son enviados a través de una máquina del tiempo al pasado, al año 2042, donde existe una red de sicarios, conocidos como Loopers, que se encargan de acabar con ellos y deshacerse rápidamente de los cuerpos. Uno de los mejores Loopers es Joe para quien esta profesión sólo supone un trabajo muy bien pagado. Hasta que recibe un nuevo objetivo desde el futuro: él mismo"@es . . . . . . "Science fiction films" . "Science fiction films"@en . . . . . . . . . "\"In 2074, when the mob wants to get rid of someone, the target is sent 30 years into the past, where a hired gun awaits. Someone like Joe, who one day learns the mob wants to 'close the loop' by transporting back Joe's future self\"--from www.imdb.com." . . . . . "Drama" . "Drama"@en . . . . "Feature films" . "Feature films"@en . . "Cine de ciencia ficción"@es . . . . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired" . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"@en . . . . . . . . . "Thrillers (Motion pictures)" . "Video recordings for people with visual disabilities" . "Video recordings for people with visual disabilities"@en . . . . . . . "Fiction"@en . "Fiction" . . . . . . . "\"Dans un futur proche, la Mafia a mis au point un système infaillible pour faire disparaître tous les témoins gênants. Elle expédie ses victimes dans le passé, à notre époque, où des tueurs d'un genre nouveau (les 'Loopers') les éliminent. Un jour, l'un d'entre eux, Joe, découvre que la victime qu'il doit exécuter n'est autre que... lui-même, avec 30 ans de plus. La machine si bien huilée va dérailler...\" [Source : jaquette]." . . "Kansas 2044. Il viaggio nel tempo non è ancora stato inventato ma trent'anni più avanti è divenuto una realtà di cui però è vietato l'utilizzo. Ovviamente il crimine non si occupa dei divieti e ne fa un uso molto specifico. Un'organizzazione guidata da un capo spietato 'trasferisce' le proprie vittime trent'anni indietro dove un killer (detto 'looper' traducibile in 'uomo che si occupa del cerchio') lo attende per eliminarlo e farne sparire il cadavere. Joe è un looper che risparmia ciò che guadagna in questo mestiere per alimentare il sogno di potersi trasferire in Francia. Ma dal futuro è iniziata una nuova campagna: tutti i looper ancora presenti sul territorio nel 2074 vanno spediti trent'anni indietro perché vengano uccisi. Un giorno Joe si vede arrivare davanti ... se stesso con trent'anni in più. (Mymovies)." . . "Cine de aventuras y acción"@es . . . . "Films for the hearing impaired" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\"In the futuristic action thriller Looper, time travel will be invented - but it will be illegal and only available on the black market. When the mob wants to get rid of someone, they will send their target 30 years into the past, where a \"looper\" - a hired gun, like Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) - is waiting to mop up. Joe is getting rich and life is good... until the day the mob decides to \"close the loop,\" sending back Joe's future self (Bruce Willis) for assassination. The film is written and directed by Rian Johnson and also stars Emily Blunt, Paul Dano and Jeff Daniels\"--Container." . . . . . "\"Im Jahr 2044 soll ein Auftragskiller, ein \"Looper\", sein eigenes zukünftiges Ich eliminieren, das mittels Zeitreise in seine Gegenwart geschickt wird. Ein Moment des Zögerns erlaubt dem alten Alter Ego die Flucht. Nun muss sein jüngeres Selbst entscheiden, ob es ihm helfen will, einen Gangsterboss der Zukunft, der jetzt noch ein Kind ist, zu töten, oder ob es seinen ursprünglichen Selbstmord-Auftrag durchführen soll. Atmosphärisch dichter Science-Fiction-Film, der das Zeitreise-Motiv und das Szenario einer nicht allzu fernen Zukunft für eine spannende Spekulation darüber nutzt, welcher Wert dem menschlichen Leben zugestanden wird.\" [film-dienst.de]." . . . . "Man nennt sie Loopers. Sie sind gut bezahlte Auftragskiller einer verbrecherischen Organisation in der Zukunft, in der Zeitreisen zwar möglich, aber illegal sind. Das Syndikat nutzt die Technologie und beseitigt seine Opfer, in dem es sie dreissig Jahre zurück in die Vergangenheit schickt: Dort wartet ein Looper, der die Zielperson hinrichtet. Die Morde sind ebenso kaltblütig wie perfekt. Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) ist solch ein Looper; er ist einer der Besten. Für ihn gibt es keine Regeln, ausser einer: Er darf nicht versagen. Joe erledigt seine Jobs zuverlässig, bis er eines Tages einem neuen Opfer gegenübersteht: seinem dreissig Jahre älteren Ich (Bruce Willis). Joe zögert einen kurzen Augenblick. Zu lang! Es beginnt eine Jagd auf Leben und Tod. - Covertext." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Looper"@en . "Looper" . "Looper"@es . . "French language materials" . . . "Fiction films"@en . "Fiction films" . . . . . . . . . . . "Looper (Motion picture)" . . . "Time travel." . . "Alliance Films." . . "Emily Blunt" . . "Endgame Entertainment (Firm)" . . "Películas cinematográficas \"Looper\" DVD." . . "Feature films." . . "Time travel Fiction." . . "Viaje a través del tiempo Teatro." . . "Films for the hearing impaired." . . "Blu-rays." . . "Joseph Gordon-Levitt" . . "Bruce Willis" . . "USA." . . "Assassins Drama." . . "Piper Perabo" . . "Science-Fiction-Film." . . "Video recordings for people with visual disabilities." . . "Science fiction films." . . "Blu-ray." . . "Actionfilm." . . "Assassins Fiction." . . "Cine Estados Unidos DVD." . . "DMG Entertainment (Firm)" . . "Films pour handicap?s auditifs." . . "Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (Firm)" . . "Action and adventure films." . . "Auftragsmord." . . "DVD vid?o." . . . . "Zeitreise." . . "DVD-Video discs." . . "Películas de acción DVD." . . "Asesinos Teatro." . . "Time travel Drama." . . "Películas de ciencia ficción DVD." . . "Motion picture film \"Looper\" DVDs." . . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired." . . "Noah Segan" . . "Paul Dano" . .