"Novela fantástica." . . "Witches and warlocks Fiction." . . "Pratchett, Terry." . . "Wizards Fiction." . . "Discworld (Imaginary place) Drama." . . "Humorous stories." . . "Humorous stories" . "Discworld (Lugar imaginario) Novela." . . "Imaginary wars and battles Fiction." . . "Fiction." . . . . . "Dabei ist er zweifellos der Autor mit dem skurrilsten ehemaligen Beruf: Er war jahrelang Pressesprecher für fünf Atomkraftwerke beim Central Electricity Generating Board. Nach eigener Auskunft hat er nur deshalb noch kein Buch darüber geschrieben, weil es ihm ja doch keiner glauben würde. Seinen Sinn für Realsatire hat der schrille Job jedenfalls geschärft. Von seinen Scheibenwelt-Romanen wurden weltweit rund 65 Millionen Exemplare verkauft, seine Werke sind in 37 Sprachen übersetzt. Für seine Verdienste um die englische Literatur wurde ihm sogar die Ritterwürde verliehen. Umgeben von den modernsten Computern (und so durch ein Stück Schnur mit dem Rest der Welt verbunden) lebt Terry Pratchett mit seiner Frau Lyn in der englischen Grafschaft Wiltshire." . . . "Fantasy romány" . . "Fiction"@en . "Fiction" . "Erzählende Literatur: Gegenwartsliteratur ab 1945" . . . . . "Echt zauberhaft ein Roman von der bizarren Scheibenwelt" . . "Interesting times : a novel of discworld"@en . . "Les tribulations d'un mage en aurient" . . . "Electronic books" . "Electronic books"@en . . . "Fantasy fiction"@en . "Fantasy fiction" . "De onhandige tovenaar Rinzewind wordt op verzoek naar een relatief onbekend stuk van de Schijfwereld gestuurd. Daar speelt hij een doorslaggevende rol bij de opvolging van de oude keizer. Vanaf ca. 15 jaar." . . . . . . . "Fantasy" . . "Zeměplocha" . . . . . . . "Een onhandige tovenaar wordt op verzoek naar een relatief onbekend stuk van de Schijfwereld gestuurd, waar hij een doorslaggevende rol bij de opvolging van de oude keizer speelt." . "Le plus ancien, le plus imperméable empire du Disque-monde s'enfonce dans la tourmente par l'effet d'un petit livre révolutionnaire : Ce que j'ai fait pendant mes vacances. Les travailleurs s'unissent, ils n'ont rien à perdre que leurs buffles d'eau. Les seigneurs de la guerre s'affrontent pour le pouvoir. La guerre s'étend sur l'empire d'Aurient." . . . . . "Интересные времена" . . . . . . "Drama"@en . . "Romány" . . "Ciekawe czasy" . . "Ciekawe czasy"@pl . "\"May you live in interesting times\" is the worst thing one can wish on a citien of Discworld-- especially on the distinctly unmagical sorcerer Rincewind, who has had far too much perilous excitement in his life. But when a request for a \"Great Wizzard\" arrives in Ankh-Morpork via carrier albatross from the faraway Counterweight Continent, it's he who's sent as emissary. Chaos threatens to follow the impending demise of teh Agatean Empire's current ruler. And, for some incomprehensible reason, someone believes Rincewind will have a mythic role in the war and wolesale bloodletting that will surely ensue. (Carnage is pretty much a given, since Cohen the Barbarian and his extremely elderly Silver Horde are busily formulating their own plan for looting, pillagining, and er, looking wistfully at girls.) However, Rincewind firmly believes there are too many heroes already in the world, yet only one Rincewind. And he owes it to the world to keep that one alive for as long as possible. -- Back cover."@en . "\"May you live in interesting times\" is the worst thing one can wish on a citien of Discworld-- especially on the distinctly unmagical sorcerer Rincewind, who has had far too much perilous excitement in his life. But when a request for a \"Great Wizzard\" arrives in Ankh-Morpork via carrier albatross from the faraway Counterweight Continent, it's he who's sent as emissary. Chaos threatens to follow the impending demise of teh Agatean Empire's current ruler. And, for some incomprehensible reason, someone believes Rincewind will have a mythic role in the war and wolesale bloodletting that will surely ensue. (Carnage is pretty much a given, since Cohen the Barbarian and his extremely elderly Silver Horde are busily formulating their own plan for looting, pillagining, and er, looking wistfully at girls.) However, Rincewind firmly believes there are too many heroes already in the world, yet only one Rincewind. And he owes it to the world to keep that one alive for as long as possible. -- Back cover." . "Sie stossen bei ihren Aktionen bald auf die unglaublichste Verbrechertruppe der Welt: den steinalten Cohen mit seiner Grauen Horde, von der wohl keiner jünger als siebzig ist. Und ein bisschen wird Rincewind seinem Ruf als Grosser Zaubberer dann doch gerecht, als er auf der Flucht vor irgend etwas auf eine unterirdische Höhle mit Hunderten von tönernen Kriegern stösst, die legendäre Rote Armee. Durch Zufall lernt er, diese Tonfiguren zu steuern, und so steht der Revolution eigentlich nichts mehr im Wege. Terry Pratchett, geboren 1948, fand im zarten Alter von 13 Jahren den ersten Käufer für eine seiner Geschichten. Heute zählt der kleine Mann mit dem grossen schwarzen Schlapphut zu den erfolgreichsten Autoren Grossbritanniens und ist einer der populärsten Fantasy-Autoren der Welt. Seit 1983 schreibt er Scheibenwelt-Romane. Inzwischen widmet er sich ganz seiner Schöpfung, und seine Gemeinde wird täglich grösser.-" . . . "Zajímavé časy" . "Anglické romány" . "Interesting Times A Discworld Novel"@en . . . "Úžasná Zeměplocha" . . . . . "\"May you live in interesting times\" is the worst thing one can wish on a citizen of Discworld -- especially on the distinctly unmagical sorcerer Rincewind, who has had far too much perilous excitement in his life. But when a request for a \"Great Wizzard\" arrives in Ankh-Morpork via carrier albatross from the faraway Counterweight Continent, it's he who's sent as emissary. Chaos threatens to follow the impending demise of the Agatean Empire's current ruler. And, for some incomprehensible reason, someone believes Rincewind will have a mythic role in the war and wholesale bloodletting that will surely ensue. (Carnage is pretty much a given, since Cohen the Barbarian and his extremely elderly Silver Horde are busily formulating their own plan for looting, pillaging, and, er, looking wistfully at girls.) However, Rincewind firmly believes there are too many heroes already in the world, yet only one Rincewind. And he owes it to the world to keep that one alive for as long as possible.</"@en . "The oldest and most inscrutable empire on the Discworld is in turmoil, brought on by the revolutionary treatise \"What I Did on My Holidays.\" Workers are uniting, and war is spreading through the ancient cities. And all that stands in the way of terrible doom is . . . Rincewind the Wizard, who can't even spell the word 'wizard'."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\"When a carrier albatross arrives from the Counterweight Continent with an Urgent Request for a 'Great Wizard, ' Rincewind is called upon to 'volunteer.'\"--Jacket."@en . . . . . . "Zajímavé časy ; Maškaráda" . "Transported against his will to the Counterweight Continent, where a new emperor is about to be chosen, Rincewind the Wizard is reunited with old friends in his mission to destroy the Forbidden City of Hunghung." . "Transported against his will to the Counterweight Continent, where a new emperor is about to be chosen, Rincewind the Wizard is reunited with old friends in his mission to destroy the Forbidden City of Hunghung."@en . . "English fiction" . . "Fantastic fiction"@en . "Fantastic fiction" . . "'A foot on the neck is nine points of the law' There are many who say that the art of diplomacy is an intricate and complex dance between two informed partners, determined by an elaborate set of elegant and unwritten rules. There are others who maintain that it's merely a matter of who carries the biggest stick. Like when a large, heavily fortified and armoured empire makes a faintly menacing request of a much smaller, infinitely more cowardly neighbour. It would be churlish, if not extremely dangerous, not to comply - particularly if all they want is a wizard, and they don't specify whether competence is an issue ..." . . "Interesting times"@en . "Interesting times" . "Interesting times : a discworld novel" . . . . "Adventure fiction" . . . "Kiintoisia aikoja"@fi . . . "Tiempos interesantes" . "Tiempos interesantes"@es . . "Echt zauberhaft : ein Roman von der bizarren Scheibenwelt" . . . . . . . . "Les tribulations d'un mage en Aurient" . . . "Spännande tider : en roman om Skivvärlden"@sv . "Spännande tider : en roman om Skivvärlden" . . "Interesting Times: (Discworld Novel 17)" . . . . . "Humorous stories"@en . . . "Fantasy novels" . . . "A fantasy featuring the wizard Rincewind on a mission to an empire undergoing a cultural revolution reminiscent of the one in China. The novel's title is a play on the Chinese curse, \"May you live in interesting times.\" By the author of Men at Arms."@en . "A fantasy featuring the wizard Rincewind on a mission to an empire undergoing a cultural revolution reminiscent of the one in China. The novel's title is a play on the Chinese curse, \"May you live in interesting times.\" By the author of Men at Arms." . . . . . . . . "Aus dem achatenen Reich (unserem China nicht ganz unähnlich) erreicht die Zauberer der Unsichtbaren Universität ein Hilferuf. Das Land steht kurz vor dem Zusammenbruch, nur der Grosse Zaubberer könne noch helfen. Man ist ratlos. Wer ist der Grosse Zaubberer? Da keiner der ehrenwerten Universitätszauberer bereit ist, das Risiko einer so gefahrvollen Reise auf sich zu nehmen, einigt man sich auf den armen Rincewind, da er der einzige ist, der sich mangels Anwesenheit nicht wehren kann. Mit einem magischen 'Beamstrahl' befördert man ihn in das achatene Reich, wo er herumirrt und dann recht schnell im Gefängnis landet. Dort trifft er auf die Untergrundkämpfer, die den Hilferuf nach Ankh-Morpork geschickt hatten. Allerdings hat er mit Revolutionen nicht allzu viel am Hut, und so kostet es viel Überzeugungskraft, bis Rincewind mehr oder weniger bereit ist, ihnen zu helfen.-" . "Interessante tijden" . . . "The oldest, most inscrutable empire on the Discworld is in turmoil, brought about by the revolutionary treatise 'What I did on my holidays'. Workers are uniting, with nothing to lose but their water buffaloes. Warlords are struggling for power. War is spreading throughout the ancient cities. And all that stands in the way of terrible doom for everyone is Rincewind the Wizard, who can't even spell the 'wizard', Cohen the Barbarian hero, five foot tall in his surgical sandals and a very special butterfly." . "Humorous fiction" . "Humorous fiction"@en . . "Tiempos interesantes : una novela del Mundodisco" . . . . . . . . "Interesting times"@pl . "Echt zauberhaft Ein Scheibenwelt-Roman" . "Interesnye vremena" . "Powieść angielska"@pl . "\"May you live in interesting times\" is the worst thing one can wish on a citizen of Discworld -- especially on the distinctly unmagical sorcerer Rincewind, who has had far too much perilous excitement in his life. But when a request for a \"Great Wizzard\" arrives in Ankh-Morpork via carrier albatross from the faraway Counterweight Continent, it's he who's sent as emissary. Chaos threatens to follow the impending demise of the Agatean Empire's current ruler. And, for some incomprehensible reason, someone believes Rincewind will have a mythic role in the war and wholesale bloodletting that will surely ensue. (Carnage is pretty much a given, since Cohen the Barbarian and his extremely elderly Silver Horde are busily formulating their own plan for looting, pillaging, and, er, looking wistfully at girls.) However, Rincewind firmly believes there are too many heroes already in the world, yet only one Rincewind. And he owes it to the world to keep that one alive for as long as possible."@en . "Online-Publikation" . "Interesting times a novel of Discworld"@en . . . "Echt zauberhaft : Ein Roman von der bizarren Scheibenwelt" . . . . . . . . . . "Interesting times : a novel of Discworld" . "Interesting times : a novel of Discworld"@en . "Interesting times ; a Discworld novel" . "The oldest empire on the Discworld is in turmoil, brought about by the revolutionary treatise \"What I Did on my Holidays\". Warlords are struggling for power, and all that stands in the way of doom for everyone is Rincewind the Wizard and Cohen the barbarian." . . . . . . . "Powieść fantastyczna angielska"@pl . . . . . "Příběhy ze Zeměplochy" . . . "Wizards" . . "Comic fantasy." . . "Discworld (Imaginary place)" . . "Powieść fantastyczna angielska 1970- tłumaczenia polskie." . . "Spanish language materials." . . "FICTION / Fantasy / General." . . "Fantasy fiction." . . "Fantasy fiction" . "Fantastic fiction." . . "discworld (fictitious place)" . . "Discworld (Imaginary place) Fiction." . .