"Tasmania" . . "Pacific Ocean" . . . . "Oceania" . . . . . . . . . . . . "Map of the Pacific Ocean, being the first English map of the Pacific Ocean, loosely based on Jansson's 1650 map of the Pacific but much updated with additional coverage of the Gulf Coast and the southeastern coast of the United States. California is depicted as an island off the coast of Nova Granada and Nova Hispania but the Americas are heavily annotated with placenames, particularly the west coast of both continents. The map features details based on discoveries such as States Land [i.e. New Zealand] discovered by Abel Tasman in 1642 with 9 placenames; in the northwest appears Iapan [i.e. Japan], the land of Eso [possibly Sakhalin] and Companies Land, and the Isles of Ladrones [i.e. northern Mariana Islands]. The map features the discovery of significant numbers of Pacific islands including those discovered by the Spanish explorer Hernand Galego in 1576 and Magellan in 1519 as well as those discovered by Jacob Le Maire and Willem Schouten in 1615-16. The map also features a limited part of Nova Guinea [i.e. New Guinea and Carpentaria conjoined] with 13 placenames as well as the southern coastline of Anthony Van Dieman's Land [i.e. Tasmania] with 8 place names."@en . "A chart of the South Sea"@en . . "Early works"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Maps"@en . . . "Pacific Coast (America)" . .