"Australian Federation of Islamic Councils" . . . . . . . "Portraits" . . . . . "Mayor John Colvin welcomes the Muslim party for refreshments and formalities at the Muswellbrook Civic Centre, prior to the Salatul Istisqa, the Islamic rain prayer, 19 January 2003" . . . . "Aerial photographs" . . . . "\"Pictured in the foreground are the Mayor, John Colvin (l), Dr Ameer Ali, President AFIC (centre) and Amjad Ali Mehboob, CEO AFIC (r). During the civic welcome, there was some initial awkwardness between some participants, due to the limited English of some of the party, though the welcome was extremely warm from the outset. Dr Ali and the Revd Palmer, in particular, struck an immediate and obvious rapport. By the end of the civic welcome, all participants were happily requesting group photographs together.\"--File NLA/16245." . . . . . . . .