"Ingénierie Orientation professionnelle États-Unis." . . . . "Ingénieurs États-Unis." . . . . . . . . . "Demand for engineers and technicians--1966"@en . . . . . . . . . . "A questionnaire survey to assess the nature and level of current and future employment of technicians brought responses from 490 organizations employing such personnel. The recent demand for both graduate engineers and engineering technicians has been growing, and the trend will probably continue. The rapid growth and upgrading of technical programs in junior colleges and technical institutes are contributing to both the demand for and the supply of technicians. The shortage of graduate engineers will probably result in more effective utilization of the available personnel and increased employment of technicians to perform the more repetitive technical operations. In a 1-year period, the number of technicians per 100 engineers and scientists increased from 38 to 42. this document is available for $4.00 from engineering manpower commission of engineers joint council, 345 E. 47th st., New york, N.Y. 10017. (hh)."@en . .