. . . . . . . . . "The study was requested by HQ HSC for the purpose of developing a standard CPCMT Performance Evaluation Tool for use by Army child protection teams. A staff group of subject-matter experts employed the Delphi Technique (two iterations), and a panel comprising representation from all CONUS CPCMTs served as respondents. The resulting performance evaluation tool is a three-part, 26-item form which is recommended for use by CPCMTs and for inclusion in future revisions of regulations and directives. (Author)."@en . . . . "Child Protection and Case Management Team Performance Evaluation Tool (CPCMT P.E.T.)"@en . . "Teams(Personnel)" . . "Protection." . . "Army personnel." . . . . "Children." . . "Sociology and Law." . . "Case studies." . . "Management." . . "ACADEMY OF HEALTH SCIENCES (ARMY) FORT SAM HOUSTON TX HEALTH CARE STUDIES DIV." . . "Standards." . .