"Restraint of trade." . . "Competition, Unfair." . . "Preisabsprache." . . "Preisabsprache" . "Conférences maritimes." . . "Dret comunitari." . . . "Llibres electrònics" . . . . "Liner Shipping and CU competition Law"@en . . "Liner Shipping and EU Competition Law"@en . . . . . . . "Liner shipping and European Union competition law"@en . "Liner shipping and European Union competition law" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "As of October 2008, liner shipping companies lose their privileged status under EU competition law due to withdrawal of the liner conference block exemption, which generously authorized horizontal price-fixing and similar agreements between liner shipping companies. Where the liner consortia block exemption does not apply, all cooperative activity should be carefully and individually assessed under the competition provisions of the EC Treaty. Alla Pozdnakova has taken this opportunity to research and write an in-depth study of competition law problems in the liner shipping context. Her analysis is not only the first to examine the new European regime, and thus the most up-to-date study of the subject; it is in fact the first major independent study of how Articles 81 and 82 EC are construed and applied to the market conduct of liner shipping companies."@en . . . "Electronic books"@en . "Liner shipping and EU competition law" . "Liner shipping and EU competition law"@en . . . . . . . . "Unternehmenskooperation." . . "Unternehmenskooperation" . "Scheepvaartrecht." . . . . "Transport marítim" . . "Concurrence Restrictions Pays de l'Union européenne." . . "EU-Staaten." . . "EU-Staaten" . "Economisch recht." . . "Antitrust law European Union countries." . . "Europese Unie." . . "Antitrust law." . . "Linienschifffahrt / Unternehmenskooperation / Marktmacht / Preisabsprache / Wettbewerbsrecht / EU-Recht / EU-Staaten." . . "Droit maritime Pays de l'Union européenne." . . "Droit de la concurrence." . . "Concurrence Droit Pays de l'Union européenne." . . "Marktmacht." . . "Marktmacht" . "UE/CE Droit." . . "Maritime law European Union countries." . . "Shipping." . . "Restraint of trade European Union countries." . . "Linienschifffahrt." . . "Linienschifffahrt" . "Europe" . . "Països de la Unió Europea." . . "Ocean liners." . . "EU-Recht." . . "EU-Recht" . "Concurrence déloyale Pays de l'Union européenne." . . "Dret de la competència." . . "Transport maritime." . . "Wettbewerbsrecht." . . "Wettbewerbsrecht" . "Maritime law." . . "Competition, Unfair European Union countries." . .