"Blizzards." . . "Mann." . . "Film 101." . . "Sturme uber dem Montblanc" . . "Stürme über dem Montblanc" . . . "Videocassette" . . . . . "Stürme über dem Mont Blanc" . "Wetterwart des Montblanc" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Avalanche" . . . "Über den Wolken" . . . . . . . "Storm Over Mont Blanc" . . . . . . "STÜRME ÜBER DEM MONTBLANC (Über den Wolken/Der Wetterwart des Montblanc) ; Regie: Arnold Fanck. Mit Leni Riefenstahl, Sepp Rist, Ernst Udet, Mathias Wieman, Friedrich Kayßler, Alfred Beierle, Beni Führer, u. a. Musik: Paul Dessau, Otto Firl, Edmund Meisel" . . . . . . "DVD-Video" . . "In a mountain outpost a scientist lives with little contact to the outside world. In the middle of a fierce snowstorm, he loses his gloves and his station is battered by the elements. Suffering from frostbite, he sends a desperate S.O.S. hoping that he can be rescued." . . . . . . . "Drama" . . . . . . "Feature films" . . "Storm over Mont Blanc" . . . . . . . "Scientists." . . "Sankt Moritz." . . "Montblanc." . . "Liebe." . . "Scientists Blanc, Mont (France and Italy) Drama." . . "Berninapass." . . "Arosa." . . . . "Europe" . . "Frau." . . "Blizzards Blanc, Mont (France and Italy) Drama." . . "Melodrama <Film>" . .