"Embalsamament Egipte." . . "Egipte." . . "Cultura y civilización Egipto Edad Antigua." . . "Ritus i cerimònies fúnebres." . . "Embalsamaments." . . "Mummies." . . "Mòmies." . . . . . . . . . "EGYPTIAN MUMMIES" . . . . . . "Explores the reasons why ancient Egyptians mummified their dead; provides information about how mummies were made; and discusses the items and rituals that accompanied the dead to their tombs." . . "Egyptian mummies" . "Egyptian mummies"@en . . "An account of how mummies were made, the religious beliefs which lay behind this practice, and the importance of the elaborate tombs." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Egyptian Mummies" . . . . . "Mumie." . . "Mumier." . . "Egipat" . . "Momies Égypte." . . "Ritus i cerimònies fúnebres Egipte." . . "Ægypten." . . "British Museum." . . "Ägypten (Altertum)" . . "London" . . "Mòmies Egipte." . . "Momias Egipto." . .