. . . "On the decomposition in least squares : with examples of its application in satellite geodesy" . "On the decomposition in least squares : with examples of its application in satellite geodesy"@en . . . "On the decomposition in least squares : (with examples of its application in satellite geodesy)" . . . . "On the decomposition in least squares (with examples of its application in satellite geodesy)" . . . . . . "On the decomposition in least squares <with examples of its application in satellite geodesy>" . . . . . . . . "Geodezja satelitarna." . . "Ausgleichung <Geodäsie>" . . "Methode der kleinsten Quadrate" . . "Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften <München> Deutsche Geodätische Kommission" . . . . "Satellitengeodäsie" . . "Metoda najmniejszych kwadratów." . .