"Psychological fiction." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Ballad of Lee Cotton" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The ballad of Lee Cotton"@en . "The ballad of Lee Cotton" . "Psychological fiction"@en . . "Psychological fiction" . "A brilliantly original, funny and profoundly thought-provoking novel about what it means to be human. It challeges us to dare to change by looking beyond the only thing that holds us back - the imaginary wreckage of the future." . . . "Fiction"@en . "Fiction" . . . . . . . . . . "Lee Cotton was born of interracial parentage and will have a hard time figuring out which world he can live in comfortably-black or white. His travels and adventures lead him all over the world and he gets to see people and events through his diverse personality and experiences."@en . . . . . "Historical fiction" . "Historical fiction"@en . . . "Belletristische Darstellung" . . . "Saint Louis (Mo.)" . . "Mischling." . . "USA." . . "USA" . . . "1961 - 1975" . . "Mischling USA Belletristische Darstellung." . . "Mississippi" . . "Racially mixed people." . . "Racially mixed people Fiction." . .