"Adnexitis." . . "Contraceptive devices, Female." . . "Intrauterine Devices adverse effects congresses." . . "Intrauterine Devices standards congresses." . . "Organisation mondiale de la santé. Scientific Group. Meeting" . . "World Health Organization" . . "WHO Scientific Group on Mechanism of Action, Safety, and Efficacy of Intrauterine Devices." . . "Intrauterine contraceptives." . . . . "Intrauterine Devices." . . "Intrauterine devices." . "Mechanism of action, safety and efficacy of intrauterine devices : report of a WHO Scientific Group" . . . "Mechanism of action safety and efficacy of intrauterine devices report of a WHO Scientific Group"@en . . . "Mechanism of action, safety and efficacy of intrauterine devices : report of a WHO scientific group" . . "Mechanism of action safety and efficacy of intrauterine devices : report of a WHO Scientific Group"@en . "The mechanism of action, safety, and efficacy of IUDs were reviewed by a WHO Scientific Group in 1986. The Scientific Group concluded that the IUD should continue to be supported, in both developed and developing countries, as a safe, reliable method of fertility regulation. The newer copper-releasing devices are comparable to oral contraceptives in terms of safety and efficacy. When compared to women who use other reversible methods of contraception, IUD users have the lowest mortality resulting from deaths directly attributable to those methods or to the consequences of unwanted pregnancy. In the past decade, research has concentrated on the development of new devices that have both higher continuation rates and lower rates of expulsion and removal for bleeding abnormalities. An important recent concern has been the possible increased risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and subsequent tubal infertility associated with IUD use. However, it now appears that methodological problems have caused the IUD-associated risk of PID to be overestimated. The increased risk with IUDs seems to be limited to the 1st 4 months of use. No increased risk of tubal infertility has been found among IUD users in stable, monogamous sexual relationships. The use of a copper IUD after the 1st pregnancy is not associated with secondary infertility due to tubal disease. Finally, the newer copper IUDs have low rates of ectopic pregnancy."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .