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Epaminondas and His Auntie

Epaminondas follows his mother's instructions, but not in the way she expects.

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  • "Epaminondas follows his mother's instructions, but not in the way she expects."@en
  • "The story of little Epaminondas who, no matter how he tried, always did everything wrong."
  • "The story of little Epaminondas who, no matter how he tried, always did everything wrong."@en
  • "Minority."@en

  • "Fiction"
  • "Fiction"@en
  • "Humorous stories"@en
  • "Juvenile works"
  • "Juvenile works"@en
  • "Classic fiction (Children's)"@en

  • "Epaminondas and His Auntie"@en
  • "Epaminondas, le petit nègre : d'après Miss Sara Cone Bryant. Images de Simone Ohl"
  • "Epaminondas le petit négre"
  • "Epaminondas le petit nègre"
  • "Epaminondas, and his auntie"@en
  • "Epaminondas and his Auntie ... Illustrated by Inez Hogan"
  • "Epaminondas and his Auntie ... Illustrated by Inez Hogan"@en
  • "Epaminondas and his auntie"
  • "Epaminondas and his auntie"@en
  • "Epaminondas, le petit nègre / d'après Miss Sara Cone Bryant ; images de Simone Ohl"
  • "Epaminondas"
  • "De geschiedenis van Epaminondas"