"Family Fiction." . . "Large type books." . . . "2005 winner of Miles Franklin Literary Award."@en . . . . "Electronic books"@en . . "In late 1992, 8 year-old William looked out from the back verandah of his home and saw the mushroom cloud of a nuclear explosion. There was no sound, but William was aware of the smell of burning .... Later, his father dead by fire and his mother plagued by demons of her own, William is cast upon the charity of his embittered uncle." . . . "Didactic fiction" . "Didactic fiction"@en . "White Earth"@en . . . "Families fiction" . "A haunting, powerful novel about the power of the land and the passions of people trying to make it their own."@en . . "When young William's ineffectual father is killed, he is cast upon the charity of an unknown great-uncle, John McIvor. Soon he is thrust into his uncle's plan to regain the family estate, and his mother's manipulative plot for him to become McIvor's heir. Neither notice William is ill--and his condition is becoming worse."@en . "When young William's ineffectual father is killed, he is cast upon the charity of an unknown great-uncle, John McIvor. Soon he is thrust into his uncle's plan to regain the family estate, and his mother's manipulative plot for him to become McIvor's heir. Neither notice William is ill--and his condition is becoming worse." . "In late 1992, 8-year-old William looked out from the back verandah of his home and saw the mushroom cloud of a nuclear explosion. There was no sound, but William was aware of the smell of burning ... Later, his father dead by fire and his mother plagued by demons of her own, William is cast upon the charity of his embittered uncle."@en . . . . . . . . "Fiction" . "Fiction"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Terres noires, terres blanches : roman" . "\"One spring day in late 1992, when William was halfway between his eighth birthday and his ninth, he looked out from the back verandah of his home and saw, huge in the sky, the mushroom cloud of a nuclear explosion. He stared at it, wondering. The thunderhead was dirty black, streaked with billows of grey. It rolled and boiled as it climbed into the clear blue day, casting a vast shadow upon the hills beyond ...\" His father dead by fire and his mother plagued by demons of her own, William is cast upon the charity of his unknown uncle - an embittered old man encamped in the ruins of a once great station homestead, Kuran House. It's a baffling and sinister new world for the boy, a place of decay and secret histories. His uncle is obsessed by a long life of decline, his mother is desperate for a security she has never known, and all their hopes seem to rest upon William's young shoulders. But as the past and present of Kuran Station unravel and merge together, the price of that inheritance may prove to be the downfall of them all."@en . . . . "In late 1992, 8-year-old William looked out from the back verandah of his home and saw the mushroom cloud of a nuclear explosion. There was no sound, but William was aware of the smell of burning .... Later, with his father dead by fire and his mother plagued by demons of her own, William is cast upon the charity of his embittered uncle. Set in a fictional part of the Darling Downs in Queensland."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Terres noires, terres blanches : Roman" . "Roman australien" . . . "Après la mort de son père, le jeune Will et sa mère sont recueillis par John McIvor, un vieil oncle obsédé par la transmission de son domaine menacé par les démarches juridiques de réappropriation des Aborigènes. Will, à la santé fragile, va découvrir un monde bourré de secrets familiaux, politiques et humains. Miles Franklin Prize 2005." . . . . . "Bait" . "Large type books"@en . . . "The white earth" . "The white earth"@en . "In late 1992, 8-year-old William looked out from the back verandah of his home and saw the mushroom cloud of a nuclear explosion. There was no sound, but William was aware of the smell of burning.... Later, his father dead by fire and his mother plagued by demons of her own, William is cast upon the charity of his embittered uncle." . . . . "After his father's accidental death, William goes to live on the Australian estate of his great-uncle John McIvor, who tries to enlist William in his obsession of preventing his land from being repossessed by the Aboriginal natives." . "After his father's accidental death, William goes to live on the Australian estate of his great-uncle John McIvor, who tries to enlist William in his obsession of preventing his land from being repossessed by the Aboriginal natives."@en . . . . . "Australian fiction"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Domestic fiction" . "Domestic fiction"@en . . . "Drama" . . "The White Earth" . "Psychological fiction" . "Psychological fiction"@en . . . "Rural families." . . . . "Queensland" . . "Queensland." . "Fatherless families." . . "Australia" . . "Cholesteatoma Patients." . . "Family problems Fiction." . . "Roman." . . "2000 - 2099" . . "Inheritance and succession Fiction." . . "Englisch." . . "Inheritance and succession." . .