"Sodi." . . . . . "Sodium : its manufacture properties and uses" . "Sodium: its manufacture, properties and uses ... With a chapter on the physical and thermodynamic properties of sodium by George Wm. Thomson and Edward Garelis"@en . . . . . . . . "SODIUM : its manufacture, properties and uses : with a chapter on the physical and thermodynamic properties of sodium by G.W. Thomson and E. Garelis" . . . . "Natrij, ego proizvodstvo, svojstva i primenenie" . . . . "Sodium: its manufacture, properties, and uses" . "Sodium: its manufacture, properties, and uses"@en . . . . "Sodium: its manufacture, properties, and uses. With a chapter on the physical and thermodynamic properties of sodium"@en . . "Sodium : its manufacture, properties and uses" . "Sodium : its manufacture, properties and uses"@en . . . . . "Sodium; its manufacture, properties and uses" . . "Sodium its manufacture, properties and uses" . "Sodium, its manufacture, properties and uses : with a chapter on the physical and thermodynamic properties of sodium" . . . . . . . . . . . "Natrium." . . "Sodio Metalurgia." . . . . "Sodium." . . "Sodium Composés." . .