"Pinnipèdes Identification." . . "Aquatic mammals" . . "Mammals." . . "Mammals" . "Mamífers marins." . . "Expert-center for Taxionomic Identification." . . "Mammalia (Sistematica)" . . "Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement." . . "Animaux marins." . . "Expert-center for Taxonomic Identification (ETI), University of Amsterdam." . . "Billedværk" . . "Mamíferos marinos." . . . . . . . . "This is a worldwide program for the identification of marine mammals and those cetaceans, seals, and sirenians also found in freshwater. The species include a variety of taxa: baleen whales, toothed whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals, sea lions, sirenians, marine otters, and the polar bear. There is an introduction with notes on marine mammal distribution in regard to oceanography and marine mammal identification, a glossary of technical terms, illustrated keys to species, illustrated family keys for skulls, species cards, and a table of species by major marine fishing areas. Every species sheet includes scientific and official FAO names, diagnostic features, notes on similar species, size, distribution, biology, habitat, behavior, exploitation, and IUCN status. Includes audio of vocalizations of some species."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "FAO species identification guide : marine mammals of the world" . . . . . . . "Online resources"@en . . . . . . "FAO species identification guide : marine mammals of the world"@en . . . . "This CD-ROM gives a complete overview of all marine mammals of the wolrd with detailed full color drawings, spectacular underwater photography, and sounds for most species." . . . . . "Marine mammals of the world : FAO species identification guide" . . "Electronic text"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Marine mammals of the world"@en . . . "Marine mammals of the world" . . . "Llibres electrònics" . "Databases" . . . . . . "Marine Mammals of the world" . "Identification guide to marine mammals and to cetaceans, seals, and sirenians found in fresh water."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Based on FAO's Species identification guide, supplemented with updated information and color illustrations; includes sound for most species; an interactive identification key and distribution maps. Text is hyperlinked."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Marine mammals of the world FAO species identification guide" . . . . . . . . "Marine Mammals of the World" . . . . . . . . . "This CD-ROM contains a complete reference work on all sea mammals, illustrated with drawings and underwater photographs. Also included is an interactive identification key, distribution maps and a glossy defining more than 250 scientific terms. The text is hyperlinked. It is based on FAO's Species identification guide and supplemented with updated information and color illustrations as well as sound for most species."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Marine mammals of the world United Nations Environment Programme" . "Guidebooks"@en . . . . "Guidebooks" . . . . . . . . . . "Verden" . . "Sæler" . . "Jefferson, T. A." . . "Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations." . . "mammifère marin [guide]" . . "Mamiferos Chile Identificación." . . "Biologi" . . "Marine Biology." . . "Identifikation" . . "Meeressäugetiere." . . "Pattedyr" . . "Cétacés Identification." . . "Taxonomie (Biologie)" . . "Catalogue" . . "United Nations Environment Programme." . . "United Nations Environment Programme" . "Mammiferi marini." . . "Behaviour" . . "Akvatiske pattedyr" . . "Aquicultura." . . "Biology" . . "Seals" . . "Whales" . . "Oddere" . . "Delfiner" . . "Otters" . . "Illustrations" . . "Dolphines" . . "Jefferson, Thomas A." . . "Mammifères marins." . . "Mammifères marins Identification." . . "Adfærd" . . "CD-ROM." . . "Identification" . . "Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture." . . . . "Katalog" . . "Marine mammals." . . "World" . . "Siréniens Identification." . . "Aquaculture." . . "Hvaler" . .