"Murder." . . "Suicide victims Fiction." . . "Police Italy Rome Fiction." . . "korruption" . . "Murder Investigation Italy Rome Fiction." . . "Police Procedural." . . "Cold cases (Criminal investigation)" . . "Suspense." . . "krimi" . . "politiromaner" . . "Serial murders." . . . . . . . "Tu es le mal : roman" . . . "A relentless killer scars Rome for two decades, leaving its unique signature on its victims and pursuers. On 11 July 1982, Elisa Sordi was beautiful. Commissario Michele Balistreri was fearless. Italy was victorious. A killer was waiting. On 9 July 2006, with Sordi's case twenty four years cold, and Balistreri haunted by guilt and regret, Italian victory returned. And so did Sordi's killer. But this time Michele Balistreri would be ready. This time he would fear no evil." . . . . . "Electronic books"@en . . . "Du bist das Böse : Thriller" . "Tu eres el mal" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Krimis, Thriller, Spionage" . . . . . . . "Online-Publikation" . . . . "On 11 July 1982, Elisa Sordi was beautiful. Commissario Michele Balistreri was fearless. Italy was victorious. A killer was waiting. On 9 July 2006, with Sordi's case 24 years cold, and Balistreri haunted by guilt and regret, Italian victory returned. And so did Sordi's killer. But this time Michele Balistreri would be ready. This time he would fear no evil." . . . . . . "Fiction"@en . "Fiction" . . "Suspense fiction"@en . "Suspense fiction" . . . . . . . . "Tú eres el mal"@es . "Tú eres el mal" . . . . . . . . "Erzählende Literatur" . . . "Detective and mystery stories"@en . "Du er det onde"@da . "Detective and mystery stories" . . . . . . . . "Du bist das Böse Thriller" . "Mystery fiction" . . "Deliverance of evil"@en . "Mystery fiction"@en . . . . . "Crime"@en . . "A relentless killer scars Rome for two decades, leaving its unique signature on its victims and pursuers. On 11 July 1982, Elisa Sordi was beautiful. Commissario Michele Balistreri was fearless. Italy was victorious. A killer was waiting. On 9 July 2006, with Sordi's case twenty-four years cold, and Balistreri haunted by guilt and regret, Italian victory returned. And so did Sordi's killer. But this time Michele Balistreri would be ready. This time he would fear no evil." . . . . "Tu sei il male"@it . "Tu sei il male" . . . . . . . . "Der Auftakt einer international gefeierten Thriller-Trilogie! Während ganz Rom 1982 das WM-Endspiel Italien gegen Deutschland verfolgt, wird eine junge Angestellte des Vatikan ermordet. Der draufgängerische Commissario Balistreri nimmt den Fall auf die leichte Schulter. Ein Mörder wird nie gefunden. Über zwanzig Jahre später gibt es erschreckend aktuelle Gründe, um den Fall wieder aufzunehmen. Doch dem Opfer nach so langer Zeit Gerechtigkeit widerfahren zu lassen, kostet Balistreri einen weit höheren Preis als angenommen ? Ein grandios konstruierter, beunruhigender Thriller mit einem Ermittler, der erfrischend anders ist: zynisch, respektlos und absolut unbestechlich im Kampf gegen das Böse." . "Jij bent het kwaad" . . . . . . . "Winner of the Scerbanenco Prize for the best Italian crime thriller, The Deliverance of Evil is a masterful psychological thriller about an edgy policeman's personal evolution'or devolution'as seen through the lens of a devilish case that consumed him early in his career and continues to haunt him twenty-four years later. With excitement over Berlusconi rise to power and Italy in a state of gleeful and frenzied anticipation over the national soccer team's improbable run to the 1982 World Cup, Italians are filled with hopeful feelings. The night before the big match, Elisa Sordi'an attractive eighteen year-old employed by the Vatican'vanishes. The case falls to a young, hedonistic post-Fascist officer named Michele Balistreri. Headstrong and ambivalent about spending his life as a policeman, Balistreri is annoyed to be interrupted during the festivities and takes the case lightly. But when Elisa's tortured corpse surfaces in the Tiber, Balistreri doubts he will ever be able to forgive himself for his inattention. After the man he arrested for the murder is exonerated, and tantalizing links to the Vatican and top right-wing politicians ignored, the case is never solved. Despondent, Michele spirals into drinking and depression. Twenty-four years later Italy is victorious once again in the World Cup, but the nation has changed. The balloon of optimism from the Eighties has deflated, and the now-gloomy nation suffers under the arrogant and corrupt Berlusconi government. A weak economy and chaotic immigration policies that have inflamed racist sentiments provide a stark contrast to the last time Italy tasted sweet soccer victory. Disturbingly, more lax divorce laws have spawned a trend of \"revenge\" violence against women who try to assert their independence. Suddenly Sordi's mother apparently commits suicide, and then a slew of female corpses begin to turn up all with a letter of the alphabet carved into their bodies. The apparent hate behind the murders causes Balistreri to realize that the case that has haunted for twenty-four years may be heating up again, and with a newfound sense of purpose he charges into his work: the opportunity to redeem the darkest part of his past. The murders continue, and what initially seemed to be the work of a lone psychopath reveals itself to be part of something much bigger and more dangerous. Finally Balistreri realizes that the letters marking each victim are spelling out a chilling message ... addressed directly to him. From the Hardcover edition."@en . . . . . "Translations" . "Translations"@en . "The deliverance of evil" . "The deliverance of evil"@en . "Haunted by an unsolved twenty-four-year-old murder case from early in his career, brash Commissario Michele Balistreri is overcome with remorse and renewed determination when the victim's mother commits suicide."@en . "Italian fiction Translations into English." . . "Police Fiction." . . "Italy" . . "Italy." . . . "Serial murders Italy Rome Fiction." . . "Murderers." . . "illegale indvandrere" . . "Italian fiction." . . "Detective and mystery stories." . . "Murder Investigation." . . "skyld" . . "World languages." . . "Mondadori," . . "FICTION / Mystery & Detective / General" . . "Murderers Italy Fiction." . . "Murderers Italy Rome Fiction." . . "Rom" . . "Serial murders Fiction." . . "Suspense fiction." . . "Italien" . . "Murder Italy Rome Fiction." . . "FICTION Mystery & Detective Police Procedural." . . "Police." . . "Cold cases (Criminal investigation) Fiction." . . "Murder Italy Fiction." . . "Suicide victims." . . "Jacob Giese" . . "Rome (Italy)" . . "N.S. Thompson" . .