"Družina Medosebni odnosi V leposlovju." . . "Betrayal Fiction." . . . . . . . . . . . "One Last Dance"@en . . "Erzählende Literatur: Gegenwartsliteratur ab 1945" . . . "De laatste dans" . . . . . "One last dance" . . "One last dance"@en . . "Ein letzter Tanz Roman" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Historical ficton" . . . . "Ein letzter Tanz : Roman" . . . . . . "Ein letzter Tanz : roman" . "German language" . . . . "For fans of Downton Abbey and My Last Duhess...Devlin Reddaway vows to restore his dilapidated ancestral home, Rosindell, to its former glory for the woman he loves. But Camilla Langdon rejects Devlin and, distraught, he turns to Camilla's sister, Esme, for comfort. Years pass, the Second World War is fought and hearts are broken but each summer Devlin and Esme continue to hold a dance at Rosindell. Elegantly-dressed men and women spill out on to the lawns and music wafts through the warm summer air, but nothing can protect them from the wounds from the past that refuse to heal..."@en . "˜Einœ letzter Tanz Roman" . . . . . "World languages." . . "Families Fiction." . . "Forgiveness Fiction." . . "Love stories." . . "Piper-Verlag" . .